“Women Share How They Balance Caregiving, Children, and Careers”

This interesting article from the December 2021/January 2022 edition of Brain & Life (brainandlife.org) magazine focuses on how daughter juggle caring for parents when their health starts to fail, while also working full time and raising families.

One of the daughter caregivers the article highlights is Liz O’Donnell.  Liz created the “Working Daughter” blog:

Working Daughter’s Articles about Caregiving

One physician notes the value of support groups:

Connecting with others in online communities or support groups is important for working women, says Neha M. Kramer, MD, who specializes in neurology and palliative care at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. “We learn from others who can provide valuable resources for caregiving.”

Read the full article here.

Women Share How They Balance Caregiving, Children, and Careers
Brain & Life
December 2021/January 2022

Enjoy reading about the juggling that women (and no doubt many men) do!