“Why I Lived a Double Life While Dealing With My Chronic Illnesses”

Local Brain Support Network member Candy shared this with me.  It’s about a woman, Stefani, with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and myasthenia gravis.  Stefani feels she was living a double life while dealing with these chronic illnesses.  She says:

“…now I can try to live a more authentic life. I’ve been lying to everyone and to myself for a long time — lying about what I’m really able to do and who I really am now. Maybe living authentically is easier for others with chronic illness, but I thought I was making illness look good. For whom?”

The link to the short article is here:


Why I Lived a Double Life While Dealing With My Chronic Illnesses
Stefani Shea
Aug 18, 2015
