Webinar on Swallowing and Dental Challenges (in Parkinson’s)

This post is about a webinar on swallowing and dental challenges in Parkinson’s Disease, to be held on Tuesday, January 14th, from 10am to 11am California time.  My guess is that much of what is said will be applicable to those coping with the four atypical parkinsonism disorders in our support group — PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy), LBD (Lewy body dementia), MSA (multiple system atrophy), and CBD (corticobasal degeneration).  If you aren’t able to attend this webinar, the organizer, Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, typically posts a recording of the webinar within one week on its website, pdf.org.

Here are the details of the webinar:

PD ExpertBriefing: Swallowing and Dental Challenges
Organized by:  Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (pdf.org)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 10am – 11am California time   (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET)

Register here:

Michelle R. Ciucci, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, and Jane Busch, D.D.S.

Goals for Participants:
* Understand the potential swallowing difficulties related to Parkinson’s, including the onset, progression, and nature of these issues
* Discuss how common treatments for Parkinson’s (surgical, pharmacological and behavioral) may impact swallowing
* Learn common ways to evaluate and treat dysphagia, a swallowing disorder associated with Parkinson’s
* Understand the dental challenges caused by the oral and facial effects of Parkinson’s disease
* Explore practical ways to manage dental treatment in Parkinson’s and achieve a more effective home oral hygiene regimen

When you are ready to join the webinar on January 14th —

Join online by clicking here (if you have pre-registered):


Call this tollfree number if you want to hear the audio portion over your phone:
Toll-free 1 (888) 272-8710 and enter the passcode 6323567#