Webinar on Sleep Issues in Parkinson’s, May 18, 9-10am (CA time)

May’s Third Thursday Michael J. Fox Foundation (michaeljfox.org) webinar on sleep issues in Parkinson’s might be of interest to those dealing with Lewy Body Dementia and Multiple System Atrophy as REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a problem in all three disorders.  The webinar (no charge) is on Thursday, May 18, 9-10am California time.  You can register in advance to participate or register afterward in order to view the recording.  Details are below.

“Sleeping Well with Parkinson’s”

Program:  Sleep disturbances are a common non-motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease that may cause difficulty falling or staying asleep. In this webinar, we’ll discuss sleep disorders that can occur in Parkinson’s, how to manage them and current research on sleep and PD.

Presenters to be announced at the time of the program

Hosted by: The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

Register by clicking on the REGISTER NOW button at: