Brain Donation – Urgent as a Loss has Occurred

Our deepest condolences on your sad loss.  We are honored to assist you at this stressful time.

Thank you for considering brain donation.  While brains must be recovered within 24 hours of end-of-life to be viable for research, we can often coordinate the process within only a few hours, depending on the time of day and the intended donor’s location.  And, with permission, we are sometimes allowed to proceed with brain donation up to 48 hours after end-of-life.

You are completing the “Urgent” form, indicating that end-of-life has already occurred.  This form gathers the information needed by our brain donation case management team.  Our first steps will be to (a) reach out to the cremation organization or funeral home and (b) learn the availability of a pathology provider in your area.  We’ll get back to you quickly. Please immediately consult our ice protocol webpage.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.  If you have difficulty completing this form, please contact us.  Our staff is available by phone, except overnight.