Role Description: Corporate Treasurer (Unpaid)

Brain Support Network (BSN), a non-profit based in Menlo Park (California), is recruiting a Treasurer. The Treasurer, an unpaid role, is a member of the BSN board of directors. This unpaid board position likely requires 20 hours/month for the first couple of months, and then 10 hours/month thereafter. Most work (including board meetings) can be completed remotely.


The Treasurer sets the standards for financial reporting, oversees the work of our Finance Director, is responsible for the selection of service providers (e.g. tax accountant, auditor, and insurers), and is an active participant in all board decisions. General duties of the Treasurer include:

  1. Provide oversight of the work of the part-time Finance Director including preparation of required state and Federal documents, registration and tax documents.

  2. Be responsible for all funds of the corporation, both receipt and disbursal, in the name of the corporation in such banks as are selected by the Board of Directors.

  3. Keep (or cause to be kept) accounts of the corporation’s business transactions, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, and disbursements.
  4. Deliver to the directors an account of any or all transactions and of the financial condition of the corporation, no less frequently than board meetings.

  5. Perform duties of Treasurer and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or which may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

Required Qualifications

  1. Expertise and at least 10 years professional experience in finance and accounting, both strategic and operational.

  2. Completion of a Bachelor’s degree. (Advanced degrees preferred.)
  3. Professional experience at level of controller (or vice-president/CFO) in accounting/finance preferred.
  4. Experience with non-profit organizations is preferred.

Required Technical Skills and Resources

  1. Expert in using a personal computer.
  2. Fluency with Gmail (for email), Google Drive (file sharing), and Adobe Acrobat (PDF documents).
  3. Fluency with G-Suite (Docs and Sheets) or Microsoft Office (Word and Excel).
  4. Working knowledge of QuickBooks is preferred.

For further information, and to apply for this position, please contact CEO Robin Riddle at [email protected]