“Tips for health and sanity that every caregiver needs”

This is a useful blog post on the PBS Newshour website by Leah Eskenazi, MSW, from Family Caregiver Alliance.


Tips for health and sanity that every caregiver needs
by Leah Eskenazi, MSW
PBS Newshour
March 27, 2015

Here are some excerpts:

Researchers continue to study the possible negative effects of caregiving on health and well-being. We know, for example, that spouses who provide care, who are between the ages of 66 and 96, and who are experiencing mental or emotional strain, have a 63 percent higher risk of dying than people the same age who are not caregivers. A combination of emotional loss, prolonged stress and the often-heavy physical demands of caregiving, along with age-related vulnerabilities — physical frailty, sensory impairment, health problems of the caregiver — can increase caregivers’ risk for earlier death.

For adult children, caring for a parent, spouse, partner or other relative while also juggling work, raising children and maintaining a relationship can contribute to an increased risk for depression, impaired immune system and likelihood for developing one or more chronic health conditions, such as hypertension, high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol.

There are some helpful tips in the article for all caregivers.
