“The Differential Diagnosis of Dementia With Lewy Bodies” (article for neurologists)

Neurology Advisor is a publication for neurologists and other healthcare professionals in the field of neurology. This is an article from July 2016 on the differential diagnosis of Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), described as the “most misdiagnosed form of dementia.”

Given Brain Support Network’s involvement with brain donation, I would say that DLB is also the most over-diagnosed form of dementia. We don’t often see DLB confirmed upon brain donation. (Part of the confusion is that DLB frequently co-occurs with Alzheimer’s Disease. Plus, Alzheimer’s Disease can have parkinsonism and hallucinations as late-stage symptoms.)

This short overview of DLB in Neurology Advisor addresses symptoms, pathology, appropriate treatment, advances in diagnosis, and working with what’s available.  See:


When It’s Not Alzheimer’s: The Differential Diagnosis of Dementia With Lewy Bodies
Tori Rodriguez, MA, LPC
Neurology Advisor
July 27, 2016
