Northern / Central California Groups

This is a list of all support groups in Northern/Central California for those dealing with LBD (Lewy body dementia), MSA (multiple system atrophy), PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy), and CBD (corticobasal degeneration), including the Brain Support Network groups. We believe you can never have too much support!

Do you live in other parts of the US? There are support groups in other geographies, online groups, or monthly virtual support groups.

LBD Support Groups

Brain Support Network LBD Caregiver Support Group – Virtual

Who:  Caregivers and family members living in Northern or Central California only
When:  2nd Sunday of odd-numbered months, 5-6:30pm (May is 3rd Sunday)
Note: Includes caregivers for LBD, DLB, and PDD
Contact: Robin Riddle, supportgroup@brainsupportnetwork.org650-814-0848

Brain Support Network LBD Caregiver Support Group – In-Person

Who:  Caregivers and family members living in Northern or Central California only
Location:  San Mateo (restaurant – separate checks)
When:  2nd Sunday of even-numbered months, 5-6:30pm
Note: Includes caregivers for LBD, DLB, and PDD
Contact: Robin Riddle, supportgroup@brainsupportnetwork.org650-814-0848

Gold River LBD Family Caregiver Group – Virtual

Who: Caregivers and family members in surrounding area
When: 2nd Thursday, 10-11:30am
Contact: Denise Davis, Alzheimer’s Association, [email protected], 916-930-9080, ext 1214

North Bay LBD Group – Virtual

Who: Caregivers and family members in surrounding area
When: 2nd Tuesday, 4:30-6pm
Contact: Helen Medsger, [email protected], 707-477-1210

MSA Support Groups

Brain Support Network MSA Caregiver Support Group – Virtual

Who:  Caregivers and family members living in Northern or Central California only
When:  2nd Sunday of odd-numbered months, 5-6:30pm (May is 3rd Sunday)
Contact: Robin Riddle, supportgroup@brainsupportnetwork.org650-814-0848

Brain Support Network MSA Caregiver Support Group – In-Person

Who:  Caregivers and family members living in Northern or Central California only
Location:  San Mateo (restaurant – separate checks)
When:  2nd Sunday of even-numbered months, 5-6:30pm
Contact: Robin Riddle, supportgroup@brainsupportnetwork.org650-814-0848

Brain Support Network MSA (with diagnosis) Support Group – Virtual

Who:  Those with MSA who live in Northern or Central California only
When:  Odd-numbered months – 1st Wednesday, noon-1pm. Even-numbered months, usually the 2nd Sunday, 3-4pm
Contact: Robin Riddle, supportgroup@brainsupportnetwork.org650-814-0848

PSP and CBD Support Groups

Brain Support Network PSP and CBD Caregiver Support Group – Virtual

Who:  Caregivers and family members living in Northern or Central California only
When:  2nd Sunday of odd-numbered months, 5-6:30pm (May is 3rd Sunday)
Contact: Robin Riddle, supportgroup@brainsupportnetwork.org650-814-0848

Brain Support Network PSP and CBD Caregiver Support Group – In-Person

Who:  Caregivers and family members living in Northern or Central California only
Location:  San Mateo (restaurant – separate checks)
When:  2nd Sunday of even-numbered months, 5-6:30pm
Contact: Robin Riddle, supportgroup@brainsupportnetwork.org650-814-0848

Brain Support Network PSP, CBD, and CBS (with diagnosis) Support Group – Virtual

Who:  Those with PSP, CBD, or CBS who live in Northern or Central California only
When:  Usually the 2nd Sunday, 12:30pm-1pm
Contact: Robin Riddle, supportgroup@brainsupportnetwork.org650-814-0848

Sacramento PSP Caregiver Support Group – In-Person

Who:  PSP caregivers in the surrounding area
When:  3rd Thursday, 10am-Noon
Location: Varies
Contact: Terrel Whitfield, [email protected]

Support Groups Focused on Other Disorders

It’s certainly worth trying out a Parkinson’s Disease support group in your area! Check out the Stanford University website for PD support groups in Northern and Central California:

If you are coping with PSP or CBD, consider frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) support groups. Note that these groups are generally focused on the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. There are FTD caregiver-only support groups in San Francisco, Sacramento, and San Luis Obispo. Find details of California groups on The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) website.

Finally, if you are a caregiver, consider attending a dementia caregiver support group (many of which are run by the Alzheimer’s Association such that most attendees are Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers) or a general caregiver support group (many of which are run by local senior centers). Check out this (outdated) link on the Stanford University website: