Special Report on Caregiving, including article on tech gadgets (AARP Bulletin, Nov 2015)

The AARP Bulletin has a special report on caregiving in its November 2015 issue. November is national family caregivers month.

There’s a good article on tech gadgets, such as fall-prevention lighting and a floor-mat alarm, here: www.aarp.org/home-family/caregiving/info-2015/caregiving-gadgets-technology-caregiver.html

In the print version of the AARP Bulletin, there are short articles on these topics:

  • The Demands and Rewards of Dementia Patients
  • Millions of Millennials Are Giving Back
  • Dealing with Veterans’ Invisible Wounds
  • More Men Fill Traditionally Female Role
  • Squeezed Between Two Generations with Needs
  • When Caregiving is Round the Clock
  • Taking on Complex Medical Tasks

Each article is short. For me, the most interesting were about round-the-clock caregiving and taking on complex medical tasks.

You can find a link to the articles here:  www.aarp.org/home-family/caregiving/info-2015/caregivers-profiles-depression-cancer-arthritis.html  (Online, it appears as one long article rather than several smaller articles.)

And there’s a link to a list of resources and services:  www.aarp.org/home-family/caregiving/info-2015/caregiving-help-resources-caregivers.html
