Remember Me FTD blog post about donating a beloved father’s brain

Friend of Brain Support Network Rachael, who co-founded the “Remember Me” FTD blog and podcast, wrote about her decision to donate her father’s brain and working with Brain Support Network to accomplish that.

She said, “When my Dad was officially diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia, I remember wanting to see the PET/CT scans obtained by his neurologist. … Seeing the disease isn’t going to make it any more real or any less painful, but I remember wanting to stare at it.  That’s when I made the decision to donate my dad’s brain upon his passing. … It was important for me and knowing my dad, he would be honored to contribute to science. (He used to ‘comfort’ me on my way to my childhood checkups by telling me not to fret as it was ‘just science.’) Oh, Dad!”  Read more about Rachael’s interest in brain donation and how Brain Support Network enabled her family to support research into frontotemporal dementia through her father’s brain donation.