Register Now – LBD, PSP, MSA, CBD Caregiver Symposium – Sat July 12th, Foster City

Register Now for the


Saturday, July 12  –  8am to 4:15pm
Crowne Plaza Foster City

Family Caregiver Registration Website

Early-bird registration ends June 12th.  Space is limited.

Registration is online.  To register by phone, contact me.


Join us Saturday, July 12, 2014 for an all-day LBD, PSP, MSA, CBD, and Parkinson’s Caregiver Symposium, to be held at the Crowne Plaza Foster City.  We are confident the symposium will be both informative and personally enriching.

All three general session speakers — Drs. Kathleen Poston, Rosa Chuang, and Grace Liang — are knowledgeable about LBD, PSP, MSA, and CBD.  Many BSN support group members see these MDs for medical care.  The remarks by these three will not only keep Parkinson’s in mind but will also keep the atypical parkinsonism disorders in mind.

Our 2012 caregiver symposium got great reviews and we aim for even better reviews of our 2014 symposium.  All of the 2014 symposium speakers and nearly all of the topics will be different from 2012.

Check-in and continental breakfast (including fresh fruit) begin at 8am.  This is a good time to visit exhibitor and sponsor tables.  The program begins at 9am.  A delicious lunch will be served at noon.  During the hour-long lunch break, you’ll also have time to visit exhibitor tables.  We will end by 4:15pm.


This symposium is for family or friends who care for someone with Lewy Body Dementia, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Multiple System Atrophy, Corticobasal Degeneration, related diagnoses such as Parkinson’s Plus or atypical parkinsonism, and Parkinson’s Disease.

The word “caregiver” includes those who partner in caring, give hands-on care, manage someone’s care, are concerned about a friend or family member, or provide support to a primary caregiver.  Both current and former caregivers are welcome.

A few spaces have been allotted for healthcare professionals.  We hope to offer CEUs. Please check back about June 13th.

This event is NOT open to anyone WITH one of those diagnoses (LBD, PSP, MSA, CBD, atypical parkinsonism, PD).  The exception is if someone with one of those diagnoses is/was also a caregiver to a person with one of those diagnoses.


Space is limited.  There is no registration at the door.  For family caregivers, the deadlines and fees are:

June 12 – $35 early-bird registration deadline
July 8 – final $50 registration deadline

Family Caregiver Registration Website

Registration is online only.  If you need help registering or don’t have internet access, a BSN staff member is ready to help.  This takes no more than 10 minutes.  Please contact Beth Miller, cell phone 408-355-4497, email [email protected].  She is available to help in the evenings and on weekends too.


General session speakers include three Bay Area movement disorder specialists — Dr. Kathleen Poston and Dr. Rosalind Chuang, from Stanford’s Movement Disorders Center, and Dr. Grace Liang, from The Parkinson’s Institute, Sunnyvale.  All three speakers will give presentations tailored to family caregivers.

Dr. Poston will speak about what caregivers can do to help address cognitive, memory, and mood symptoms of PD and atypical parkinsonism disorders.  Dr. Chuang will speak about what caregivers can do to help address motor and autonomic symptoms of PD and atypical parkinsonism disorders.  And Dr. Liang will speak about advance care planning for PD and atypical parkinsonism families.

Throughout the day, there will be break-out sessions.  Topics include care options, positive family communication, self-care, mindfulness-based care, the many roles caregivers play, unacknowledged grief, coping with dementia, paying for long-term care, and getting your affairs in order.  Participants may select three sessions.  (We suggest you join forces with other attendees to share notes.)  Speakers include two social workers and an RN who facilitate PD caregiver support groups, Family Caregiver Alliance, UCSF, and more.

Our 2012 caregiver symposium got great reviews and we aim for even better reviews of our 2014 symposium.  All of the 2014 symposium speakers and nearly all of the topics will be different from 2012.

Here’s the full agenda:


For caregivers, there will be a small registration fee — $35 for early-bird registrants, and $50 thereafter.  That includes the day’s program, continental breakfast, and a hot lunch. Parking is free.

About Food. The organizers have been to many conferences where speakers talked about the need for good nutrition.  We have found it odd that the food served at these same conferences is mostly sweet danishes for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch.  Rest assured that the food we will serve is nutritious.  Fresh fruit will be included in the continental breakfast.  And there will be a delicious, hot lunch. At our 2012 caregiver symposium, the audience broke out in applause in appreciation for a sponsor paying for a wonderful lunch.  While the speakers are all different for 2012, we plan on the same menu as it was well-received.  No food is served besides the continental breakfast and hot lunch.


You can find all the details on this caregiver symposium online here:

Contact me ([email protected]) if you would like a flyer to spread the word.

Due to privacy concerns, this symposium will not be videotaped.


In volunteering?  We are looking for volunteers who can help out for the ENTIRE DAY.  Volunteers need to report no later than 7:30am (by 7am if you want continental breakfast beforehand) and are free to go at 5pm.  Registration is free for these day-long volunteers.  Those wanting to volunteer should contact Lauren Stroshane, email [email protected], with any questions.  (If you previously responded when we sent out the “Save the Date” message, no need to respond again.)

In staffing the Brain Support Network exhibitor table?  BSN will have an exhibitor table at the event.  This table should be staffed by one or two people who have attended our caregiver-only support group meetings (at Mimi’s Cafe) and is familiar with our brain donation mission.  You don’t need to be knowledgeable about all four atypical parkinsonism disorders in our group, but you at least need to know the names of these disorders.  Materials on our exhibitor table will include a flyer at the caregiver support group and a brochure about brain donation.  The BSN exhibitor table will likely be outside the ballroom.  We could certainly get a chair so that you could sit inside the ballroom for the general session speakers.  Exhibitors need to be at the event from 7:30am to 2:15pm.  Please contact Steven Russell, email [email protected], if you are interested.

In staffing a CurePSP, MSA Coalition, or LBDA exhibitor table?  We intend to approach each of these organizations as to whether they would like to have an exhibitor table at this event, or maybe one of our BSN group members is willing to sponsor an exhibitor table?  The fee for non-profits is $35 (earl-bird) and $50 (general registration).  We can help obtain display materials for this event.  Exhibitors need to be at the event from 7:30am to 2:15pm.  Please contact Robin Riddle, email [email protected], if you are interested.


Registration for Professionals.  Registration will open on or about June 13th for professionals.  We have applied through the Alzheimer’s Association for CEUs.  Stay tuned.

Exhibitor and Sponsor Registration is here:


This event is being organized by Stanford’s PD Caregiver Support Program.  I think most of you know that I work part-time coordinating this program at Stanford.  Given my involvement with Brain Support Network and atypical parkinsonism disorders, the Stanford program includes atypical parkinsonism as part of its support mission.

We look forward to seeing you on July 12th!  It’s going to be a great event!
