Pathology Candidates

Thank you for your interest in becoming a pathology provider for Brain Support Network (BSN).

Our first mission is to promote and facilitate brain donation for individuals diagnosed with any neurological disorder. Brain donation provides families with a confirmed diagnosis (from a neuropathology report) and supports research into the causes, treatments and cures for neurodegenerative disorders.

Please read through these requirements to determine if you are in a position to join our nationwide network of pathology providers and help us fulfill our mission. Please consider sharing this information with other pathology professionals who may also be interested in joining our team.



You MUST be able to follow the protocol for removing the brain, cutting the brain, preserving the tissue prior to shipping, and shipping the brain.

Basically, the brain is half fixed, half frozen. The post-mortem interval is 24 hours. Mayo pays for shipping. And you can only ship brain tissue to Mayo early in the week.

Mayo will provide containers (plus dry ice for shipping, if necessary) and pre-paid FedEx shipping labels upon completion of the pathology work. Mayo will NOT provide containers and dry ice in advance of death.

You can ONLY ship brain tissue to Mayo on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, assuming the following day is not a holiday.



Pathology providers must have access to:

  • A bone saw
  • Formalin and container to immerse left hemi-brain completely
  • A freezer (preferably at -70C) -OR- dry ice sufficient to last up to 5 days (might be longer during winter holidays)
  • Packing materials such as plastic bags, chucks or towels
  • Cell phone that accepts texts
  • Email address



Brain Support Network appreciates good communication, primarily via text and email.

BSN requires all pathology providers to share the following information when a donor passes:

  • Time the pathology work is scheduled to be done
  • Time of brain removal
    • Optional: Time tissue is fixed and frozen
  • Whether containers and dry ice are needed, along with a mailing address
  • Date shipping to Mayo is planned (always a Mon, Tue or Wed)
  • FedEx tracking numbers prior to shipping

Pathology providers must also:

  • Send the family a receipt for payment of pathology services
  • Send Brain Support Network the neuropathology report, when it is received from Mayo



Brain Support Network does not set fees for pathology providers, although we do encourage pathology providers to set the fee for brain removal at or near the national average. Please ensure your fee covers your expenses and makes this work worth your time and energy.

In all cases of brain donation to the Mayo Clinic, families pay the pathology provider’s fee.

Grants are available from two nonprofits to cover the cost of pathology work, but only for some diagnoses or in the case of financial need. The average grant reimbursement is $750 and not all families qualify.

As you know, many funeral homes or cremation organizations charge prep room use fees. These fees are also paid by families.



Pathology providers must be available daily. We never expect work to occur in the middle of the night.

We prefer to work with pathology providers who have a fully qualified back-up person or pathology service. This person or service will only be called upon in the event that you are unavailable when the donor passes.

We use Mayo’s consent for brain procurement.  It provides space to fill in the donor’s full name, DOB, DOD, TOD, with a statement that the donor’s NOK (as signatory) gives permission for brain procurement according to the Mayo protocol. Further spaces are available to fill in the name of the pathology specialist, location of the pathology work, transportation provider and (if applicable) whom to release the body to following the pathology work.  Signature lines are at the bottom for the NOK, their relationship to the donor, date and time, and two witness signatures.  Instructions for use are in the footnote.  The second page spells out Mayo protocol and shipping information.
  • If you have your own consent form please fax (650-233-9278) or email ( it to us.
  • Please indicate if you require that your consent form ONLY be signed upon death.