Palliative care and hospice explained

EmaxHealth ( is a website about fitness and health.  The site recently posted an article by a former support group leader about the difference between palliative care and hospice care.  The group leader noted that no one in the group wanted to talk about hospice.  We have found the same reluctance to consider hospice in the Brain Support Network support group meetings as well.  But every time we recommend hospice to a group member, the group member has always come back later to thank us for the suggestion.  And everyone says “I should have brought in hospice sooner.”

The key is that just because your family member is on hospice doesn’t mean that death will be tomorrow.

I’ve also been recommending palliative care to more group members.  PAMF ( has great palliative care programs in many of its clinics in Northern California.

Though this blog post is written by someone based on her experience with a dementia support group, the information applies to us all.  Here’s a link:

Life After an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis: Palliative Care and Hospice Explained
By Karen Francis
2017-02-15 12:58
