“Pain in PD” webinar, Tues, Jan 10th, 10am CA time

This Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (pdf.org) webinar on Tuesday January 10th may be of interest to those in Brain Support Network who are coping with pain.  The slides for the webinar are already posted to the PDF website.  If you are interested in the webinar but cannot attend live, I encourage you to sign up.  Within a few days of the webinar, you will receive an email giving you a link to the recording.

Details are below.


Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) Webinar

Pain in PD
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Start time:  10am California time
Duration:  One hour

Do you experience pain as part of your Parkinson’s disease (PD)? Are you looking for ways to better manage it? Learn more by joining a one-hour online seminar led by PDF and Jori E. Fleisher, M.D., M.S.C.E., Assistant Professor of Neurology and Population Health, The Marlene and Paolo Fresco Institute for Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders at NYU Langone.

Learning Objectives:
* Understand how common pain is in Parkinson’s disease
* Be able to identify and describe the different types of pain commonly experienced in Parkinson’s
* Learn about current treatments for pain in PD, including both pharmacological and non-pharmacological options

Sign Up Now:

Preview Seminar Slides (may take several minutes):