Now 2 Autonomic Dysfunction Specialists in Northern CA

Finally, there’s a neurologist who is an autonomic specialist in the Bay Area.  His name is Safwan Jaradeh, MD.  He’s at Stanford.  (Neurology appointment phone is 650-723-6469.  New patient appointment phone is 650-725-5792.  New patients will need a referral from a neurologist.)  He used to be at the Medical College of Wisconsin.  A patient’s family who saw him in WI wrote a very positive review of him on POTSplace (

The only other MD in the Bay Area who sees patients with autonomic dysfunction is a cardiologist named Karen Friday, MD.  She’s at Stanford (Cardiology) and the Palo Alto VA.  A couple of years ago one of our MSA group members was receiving inadequate treatment for OH (orthostatic hypotension) from a movement disorder specialist.  The group member took her husband to see Dr. Friday and was very impressed with the care received.  Also, someone wrote a positive review of her on POTSplace.

Years ago, someone told me:  “Many of the autonomic specialists are cardiologists rather than neurologists, because of the close association between the autonomic system and blood pressure.”

If any of you are dealing with or have dealt with SEVERE symptoms of orthostatic hypotension and you are receiving excellent care for these challenging symptoms from your neurologist, please let me know.  Thus far, I’ve only heard negative stories about neurologists and OH treatment.


PS. There are three directories of autonomic specialists in the US: