NJ MSA Conference on Sat March 19 – Streamed Live Online

Saw this note posted to the ShyDrager Yahoo!Group by Pam Bower about an MSA conference this Saturday in NJ from 10am to 4:30pm NJ time.  No need to sign up in advance.  The conference will be streamed live online at msanj.org.  And apparently the “unedited recording” will remain available on their website thereafter.

Here’s the post:  “Don’t miss this SPECIAL MSA Support Conference event live streamed on the internet on Saturday March 19th beginning at 10 a.m. Eastern time. Featuring presentations by knowledgeable physicians, scientists, other health professionals, hospice, former caregivers, advocates and board members of host organization MSA New Jersey along with The MSA Coalition. ”

View the full conference agenda here:

Thanks to Cynthia Roemer and the MSA New Jersey organization for hosting this event.

[A recording of the six presentations at the conference is here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLA6kMi603zp1iEqAyTDPvYrm_FYey_yJO&v=RE52kV6LVCQ]
