“Losing her mind and watching it go: the slow suffering of Lewy body disease”

This article in The Guardian (US edition) is about Kathleen Anduze, who lives in upstate New York and has a diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies. As the article says, everyone’s course with DLB is individual. So while Kathleen bemoans the loss of her imagination, others with DLB may not detect that loss.

The Brain Support Network group member that forwarded this article on to me was somewhat reluctant to do so. LBD seems to be lots more in the news now because of the statement by Robin Williams’s widow that he committed suicide not due to depression but due to DLB symptoms. But, the group member believes that the latest stories about LBD seem to have a sensationalist quality to them. Judge for yourself….

See: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/nov/17/dementia-lewy-bodies-disease-kathleen-anduze-robin-williams

Losing her mind and watching it go: the slow suffering of Lewy body disease

“It is the second most common form of dementia and yet little is known about the disease that led to the death of Robin Williams. Rose Hackman tells the story of the Anduze family, and how Lewy body disease has forever changed their lives.”

by Rose Hackman
The Guardian
Tuesday 17 November 2015 08.00 EST
