“Life Lessons From Dad” (Wall Street Journal)

This article is about a son and his wife caring for the son’s parents in the son’s home.  The parents were in their 80s.  The father had a diagnosis of dementia.  The author says:  “Caring for an ailing parent is a life-changing event. Beyond the sadness and suffering, the experience can teach caregiving children a lot about toughness, perseverance and especially love.”

On the Wall Street Journal website (online.wsj.com), there is a 4-minute video interview of the author.  The video can be watched at no charge, after an advertisement.

Here’s a link to the full article about “life lessons from dad”:  (the full article is viewable only if you make a payment to the WSJ)


Life Lessons From Dad — Caring for an ailing parent is a life-changing event; beyond the sadness and suffering, the experience can teach us a lot about toughness, perseverance and, especially, love
By Dave Shiflett
28 June 2014
The Wall Street Journal
