“Learning to Be Good Enough” as a caregiver (NYT)

I really enjoy “The New Old Age” blog on the New York Times (nytimes.com). Last Thursday’s entry was about the concept of NOT being a perfect caregiver but being a good caregiver. This is one of the best articles on caregiving I’ve ever read.

The blogger says: “There is an old saying about not letting the perfect drive out the good, a notion that I think is essential to providing sensible and loving care to an aging parent and maintaining one’s sanity during the process.”
Here’s a link to the New York Times blog post:

Learning to Be Good Enough
By Jane Gross
January 22, 2009, 12:16 pm
New York Times

The New York Times post refers to a blog titled “A Good Enough Daughter” by Sara Myers. Here’s a link to that post:

“A Good Enough Daughter” blog
by Sara Myers


You can read a slightly different version of this explanation by Sara Myers here:

“I Can’t Make Everything OK”
By Sara Myers


All of these are worth checking out!