How to have hope? (some ideas from those with PSP)

A few months ago, I helped a local person with PSP participate in the CurePSP monthly webinars for those with PSP. I asked on the call how others with PSP find hope. Here were some of their answers:

* walk on the bright side
* attend a support group meeting (or a CurePSP webinar)
* listen to uplifting music
* engage in something unrelated to the disorder
* read stories of encouragement
* don’t read too much about the details of PSP — the things that MIGHT happen
* exercise
* take a day at a time
* find something to look forward to
* spend time with family
* be with others who are worse off

What answer would you give?

By the way, if you have PSP, CBD, or MSA, or are caring for someone with PSP, CBD, or MSA, see the list of monthly CurePSP webinars here:
