“How can I be sure it’s PSP?”

I received this email this evening. Perhaps others can respond.

“I was diagnosed with PSP in 2006. I am 34 years old. How can I be sure it’s PSP? Well I was in denial for the longest time. I have gone to a second and third opinion. … My speech was the first symptom, I had everyone telling me to go to the doctor to get checked out. I brushed it off like I was just over-tired. When I finally went to a specialist, he told me I would be the perfect candidate for this disease called PSP with the exception of my age. He sent me to an eye specialist and he grabbed a drum like contraption with black and white lines. He spun it and said I had PSP. My balance has been an issue, with constant falls. And I cannot drink water like I used to.”

“Medicine for a disease that has no known cure is tough to find. I was on Sinemet for a while I went up to 12 pills daily. I stopped because it wasn’t having any affect on me anymore. I participated in that study with CoQ10, with no significant change or determination. I am currently taking Amantadine, it seems to help at least with the balance thing.”