“Health Challenges & Recommendations for the Older Adult”

Stanford University (stanford.edu) sponsored a 3-part series on geriatric health in May. The first evening, May 11, 2006, included this lecture:

“Health Challenges & Recommendations for the Older Adult”
Speaker: Peter Pompei, MD, Assoc Prof of Geriatric Medicine, Stanford Univ

Local support group member Karen D. gave me her notes on the lecture. This post attempts to summarize some of the key points in that lecture.


Karen’s Notes from

“Health Challenges & Recommendations for the Older Adult”
Speaker: Peter Pompei, MD, Assoc Prof of Geriatric Medicine, Stanford University
May 11, 2006

Dr. Pompei distributed a document on “Aging parents: Five warning signs of health problems.” You can find a copy of this online at:


The five warning signs are:
* unintended weight loss
* difficulties maintaining their home (so that the home becomes unsafe)
* failure to keep up with daily routines and personal appearance
* poor mood (down or depressed)
* difficulty getting around (which means that they have difficulty caring for themselves)

Dr. Pompei introduced the concept of homeostenosis. When we were young, we could adapt to stressful environments. But when we’re older, we can’t bounce back.

Dr. Pompei also distributed an article in the April 2006 issue of Geriatrics magazine, titled “Health promotion in older adults: Promoting successful aging in primary care settings.” You can find a copy of this online at:


The article states that:

“Although achieving and maintaining health is influenced by many factors,
one of those is within the grasp of almost everyone: Making wise health
choices… (These) choices…can be summarized by an easy to remember
phrase: eat right, eat less, and exercise more.”

(That particular issue of Geriatrics magazine has a number of interesting articles, including one on exercises for the frail and home bound:

Dr. Pompei recommended two websites with health information:

American Geriatrics Association

Merck Foundation

The lead article on the American Geriatrics Association website is how
physical fitness can fight off dementia.

During the Q&A period, someone asked how a patient should be told he/she is losing it. Dr. Pompei’s answer was: be forthright but show that the patient may not understand.