FTD Webinar, Wed 3/2, noon CST, registration open

Editor’s note:  See our notes from the webinar here.

Sorry for the short notice on this. I just received an email on this webinar from the AFTD — which now stands for the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (rather than Dementia). The AFTD now has a new web address as well; you can find them online at theaftd.org. (ftd-picks.org re-routes you to theaftd.org.)

You are invited to participate in this webinar:

The Spectrum of Frontotemporal Degeneration
(tomorrow) Wednesday, March 2
noon to 1pm central time
speaker – Dr. Mario Mendez, Director of the FTD and Neurobehavior Clinic at UCLA
register here – http://cme.edocendo.com/

The registration page gives these objectives for the webinar:

“Those attending this presentation will receive information that should allow them to:
– Have a working knowledge of frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) and how to diagnosis these syndromes;
– Comprehend the major clinical syndromes of FTD: bvFTD, PPA, CBS, PSP;
– Learn principles of management of FTD, particularly addressing the unique burden on caregivers and family;
– Know where to find resources and when to refer patients with FTD.”

When you register, you first have to create an account, which requires entering a username and password. Then you fill out a form that asks for your name, last four digits of SSN, your degree, your company, your address, and your phone #. (There is no accuracy-checker.) You are then sent an email which tells you how to join the webinar tomorrow.

This webinar is sponsored by AFTD. Most of the audience will be physicians and other medical professionals. (CME — continuing medical education — credits are available for MDs.)

There’s a short 4-question pre-test on FTD you can take.* Based on that pre-test and other MD-oriented webinars I’ve attended, my guess is that most people here will be able to understand much of what is said.



* The Spectrum of Frontotemporal Degeneration Pre-Test

The following test must be completed prior to participating in “The Spectrum of Frontotemporal Degeneration” CME activity. This test is required for you to receive your CME credit.

1. FTD has its usual onset in the elderly (>65 years of age)?
A. True
B. False

2. FTD is clinically indistinguishable from Alzheimer disease?
A. True
B. False

3. The diagnosis of FTD relies on clinical criteria rather than laboratory tests?
A. True
B. False

4. The most common presentations of FTD are personality changes or language problems?
A. True
B. False