Family conflict is common in caregiving

Thanks to local therapist Nina Poletika, LMFT, for sharing this article with me.

In this 2014 Huffington Post article, Marie Marley, PhD, discusses the kind of family conflict that is common within caregiving families.  Though the article focuses on Alzheimer’s, certainly these conflicts are not limited to those coping with only that disorder.

The most common types of conflict are:

* disagreement among the spouse and the children on what needs to be done.  This is especially the case when the well spouse is the husband/father (male).

* disagreement among the children on what needs to be done.  In blended families, add an additional layer of conflict which is “who should pay for it.”

In the article, Dr. Marley provides advice from the Mayo Clinic about addressing family conflict.  I’ll post separately the Mayo Clinic resources.

Here’s a link to Dr. Marley’s article on family conflict:

The Blog
Alzheimer’s Caregivers: 5 Tips for Dealing With Family Conflict
Huffington Post
by Marie Marley
06/02/2014 05:02 pm ET | Updated Aug 02, 2014

Dr. Marley writes for the Huffington Post and the Alzheimer’s Reading Room.  On her website,, she has a compilation of all her articles.  Many of them contain repeated information.  For example, the 2014 article is largely repeated in a 2016 article.
