Emily talks about her dad with MSA (audio recording, Feb 2013, Raleigh, NC)

Someone named Mark posted this today to the ShyDrager Yahoo!Group:

“As part of MSA Awareness month, I thought members of the group might be interested in listening to a story about MSA from my daughter’s perspective and told to an audience of about 100 people at a local story telling venue, The Monti, in Raleigh.


(After a short introduction, the story begins at the 1:04 mark)”

Within this audio recording, Emily Kotecki talks about her dad for about 10 minutes.  It’s very sweet and worth listening to.
At the top of this webpage. click on the gray horizontal bar at the top that looks like sound markings.

Use your cursor to scroll to 1:04, which is where Emily starts talking about childhood memories of her father.  At 4:27, Emily begins the MSA part of the story with info on symptoms.  At about 6:47, Emily reports that Mark is diagnosed with MSA by Mayo Rochester.  Emily notes that some things are changing (eg, her dad’s symptoms) and some things remain the same (eg, her dad’s humor).  Emily’s story ends about 11:00.  The last three minutes of the audio recording is music.
