Atypical Parkinsonism – Breakout session notes (3/12/09)

On Thursday 3/12/09 at the Victory Summit (Symposium for People Living with Parkinson’s Disease) in San Jose, there was a one-hour breakout session on “Atypical Parkinson’s Disease.” There were two presenters:
* Grace Liang, MD, Neurologist/Movement Disorder Specialist, The Parkinson’s Institute
* Amy Manning-Bog, PhD, Researchers, The Parkinson’s Institute

In a one-hour period, I thought they gave a great summary of the clinical picture of the four atypical parkinsonism disorders, and of the basic research underway that pertains to these disorders with particular attention to MSA. The Q&A was especially good; there were many in the audience who grasped even the challenging research update. I shared the draft of my notes with Dr. Manning-Bog, and she kindly corrected them and expanded the explanation in a few places. Also, support group member Helen added many points I had missed. Here are our combined notes from the presentations and the Q&A…

Notes from Dr. Liang’s Presentation

In order to know what “atypical PD” is, we must first review what “typical PD” is. Typical PD:
* usually starts on one side
* usually has a resting tremor
* includes Lewy body pathology
* slow progression (several decades)
* responds to medications

Common parkinsonian motor signs include:
* bradykinesia (slowed movements)
* tremor
* rigidity
* balance difficulty/gait instability

Other motor signs of PD include:
* hypophonia
* freezing
* stooped posture
* decreased facial expression

There are many non-motor symptoms of PD:
* constipation
* sleep disorders
* depression

These additional non-motor symptoms are prominent in atypical PD:
* blood pressure fluctuations
* swallowing difficulties
* urinary symptoms
* change in thinking and memory abilities

Parkinsonism can include the following diagnoses:
* Drug-induced Parkinsonism: may be caused by dopamine blocking drugs (examples – Haldol, Reglan, Risperdal, Depakote); reversible to some extent; these medications should be avoided by those with PD or parkinsonism
* Vascular Parkinsonism: caused by loss of blood flow to certain regions of the brain; minimal response to medication

NPH (normal pressure hydrocephalus):
* symptoms include shuffling gait, urinary incontinence, and dementia
* very rare
* not easy to diagnose
* treated with surgery but not that the surgical results are variable

DLB (dementia with Lewy bodies):
* second most common dementia (after AD)
* early notable cognitive changes (can be before or after motor symptoms start; the “time course” determines whether we call this PDD or DLB)
* visual hallucinations are common and are made worse by medication
* fluctuating mental alertness
* delusions

DLB – treatment:
* there is a balance between motor and cognitive symptoms
* dementia drugs can be helpful (examples – Aricept, Exelon, Razadyne, Namenda)
* minimize factors that can increase confusion and hallucinations
* use antipsychotics sparingly for delusions and hallucinations. Note the FDA black-box warning on antipsychotics. The care team must balance the patient’s (and caregiver’s) quality of life with the risks of this type of medication.

MSA (multiple system atrophy):
* often called “Parkinson’s Plus”
* autonomic dysfunction (orthostatic hypotension or low blood pressure upon standing, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction)
* there is also a cerebellar form (where balance is a problem)

MSA – treatment:
* there is not usually a strong or prolonged response to PD medication
* to support blood pressure: increase fluid intake, increase salt intake, wear support stockings
* muscle exercises to improve tone and circulation (this can be something as simple as keeping the feet moving throughout the day)
* balance exercises
* evaluate whether there are sleep problems

PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy):
* named for eye movement problem: it’s hard to look up and down
* early balance problems (falls) and gait freezing
* swallowing difficulties
* speech changes
* impulsive behavior

PSP – treatment:
* PD meds may not improve symptoms (and can make balance worse)
* evaluate for speech and swallowing problems
* physical therapy and fall precautions
* dystonia and contractures might be treatable with botox injections

CBD (corticobasal degeneration):
* rare
* usually starts with loss of function of one limb
* apraxia (examples: forgotten how to put clothes on correctly; forgotten how to brush teeth correctly)
* dystonia (involuntary muscle contractions) may occur
* cognitive changes (decreased ability to interpret visual or sensory signs; language difficulty) (example of a sensory sign: the patient can’t tell if he/she is holding a dime or a nickel)

CBD – treatment:
* variable results
* might try dementia medication (Namenda or AChEIs such as Aricept, Exelon, and Razadyne)
* physical therapy is important
* speech therapy is important

“Helpers” or Important resources:
* grab bars
* walker (actually, people can become *more* mobile by using a walker)
* shower seat
* reacher (pick-up stick)
* special eating utensils with big grips and bendable metal
* gait belt
* thickener (example: ThickIt)

Fall prevention:
* remove throw rugs and clutter on floor
* don’t use a step stool
* put things at eye level rather than reaching up for things
* hold onto hand rails and don’t carry a load of things while using stairs

Key points:
* be observant
* control the environment
* protect your brain — reduce risk factors
* nutrition: consider vitamin B, fish oil, Mediterranean diet, CoQ10?, creatine. (Both CoQ10 and creatine are being studied in PD and atypical PD.)
* exercise, exercise, exercise. This is great for the mind, body, and spirit
* do something you enjoy each day

Organizational resources:
atypical parkinsonism support group organized by Robin Riddle

Notes from Dr. Manning-Bog’s presentation:

Changes in brain tissue overlap between the atypical diseases:
* loss of dopaminergic neurons
* depletion
* presence of cytosolic inclusions

A “Lewy body inclusion” is an abnormal deposit of protein. Many proteins are included but it’s mostly alpha-synuclein.

Alpha-synucleinopathies (PD, MSA, LBD) can either be familial or sporadic.

There are modifiers:
* genetics
* environment
* aging

Alpha-synuclein comprises up to 2% of total brain protein in normal brains.

Alpha-synuclein can self-aggregate or bind itself to form multimers of the protein and even alpha-synuclein fibrils.

Alpha-synuclein aggregation (or clumping) could be due to:
* increased expression
* decreased degradation (ie, the cell doesn’t get rid of the protein)
* exposure to toxicants that can stimulate alpha-synuclein to bind itself

In the last few years, a transgenic mouse model was developed for MSA (by Eliezer Masliah’s group at UC San Diego). This is an exciting tool because researchers can isolate and manipulate the alpha-synuclein gene! Now that Dr. Masliah has generated these MSA mice, there is a tool that we can use to study mechanisms to disaggregate and clear alpha-synuclein from cells (i.e. neurons in PD and oligodendroglia in MSA). We can use this tool to test therapeutics in a pre-clinical environment.

Images were shown of alpha-synuclein fibrils in test tubes. This research was done at UC Santa Cruz. This research is promising. Researchers could disintegrate the fibrils (although not always completely) and may leave some toxic synuclein species.

Eliezer Masliah’s group at UC San Diego tried to target the aggregation of synuclein and increase the degradation of synuclein by giving the drug rifampicin to MSA mice. This partially worked. Results were promising — less cell death and alpha-synuclein deposition were apparent in mice treated with rifampicin.

Dr. Manning-Bog’s research approach is to deliver alpha-synuclein to where it needs to go. The goal is to restore alpha-synuclein trafficking via the lipid raft.

If researchers find a mechanism that prevents alpha-synuclein build-up in cells, these agents can be tested in animal models of other diseases that involve alpha-synuclein (including the MSA model or a mouse model of alpha-syn build-up in neurons).

>From this standpoint, any work that is done on these aspects of alpha-synuclein is important to any PD form that has alpha-synuclein pathology. (For example, the alpha-synuclein trafficking arm of my research program, for example, is relevant to any PD form with alpha-synuclein pathology.)

[I asked Dr. Manning-Bog why she talked about the MSA mouse model during her presentation. She replied: “While putting together my talk for the symposium, I asked Dr. Brandabur what types of Atypical PD were most commonly treated at the Institute. She informed me that MSA is one of the more predominant Atypical PD forms of the Institute’s patient population. For this reason, I focused on the research of other labs, because it would be so directly relevant to many patients. Patients with atypical PD are starved for information, so I thought that I should try to tailor the presentation to their interests.”]

Dr. Manning-Bog is also at step one of some tau research. (She has an intern working on this.) She’s seen toxic tau protein changes in DJ1 transgenic mice. This may be a good model for researching Parkinson’s Disease Dementia. This is a first step.

[Robin’s note: PD, DLB and MSA are disorders of alpha-synuclein. They are called alpha-synucleinopathies. Any of the alpha-synuclein research should help these disorders. Of these, only PD and DLB are Lewy body diseases. AD, PSP and CBD are disorders of tau. They are called tauopathies. Any of the tau research should help these disorders. Because DLB typically appears with Alzheimer’s pathology – the so-called “Lewy body variant of Alzheimer’s disease” – tau research may help the DLB community as well.]

Notes from the Q&A:

Q: Can you have the other symptoms of PSP without having the eye movement problem?
A by Dr. Liang: Yes.

Q: What’s the story about statins?
A by Dr. Manning-Bog: Statins have been studied in a few models and seem to be neuroprotective. (See note 1 below.)
A by Dr. Liang: Statins can effect muscle tissue. The atypical PD disorders are neurological disorders, not muscular disorders, so statins are not implicated in the decline seen in these disorders.

Q: When do you get Lewy bodies?
A by Dr. Manning-Bog: Lewy bodies develop throughout the brain predominantly in disease conditions.
A by Dr. Liang: But it could be that Lewy bodies are part of normal aging. We don’t know.
A by Dr. Manning-Bog: We don’t know yet if Lewy bodies are toxic. Currently, we don’t think they cause the disease. They may serve to sequester toxic synuclein. It may be that when synuclein is not sequestered into a Lewy body, it’s toxic.
A by Dr. Manning-Bog: In PD, Lewy bodies start in the brain stem and progress to midbrain, then cortex. In DLB, there are Lewy bodies in the brain’s cortex.

Q: Can imaging see Lewy bodies?
A: No, Lewy bodies are only detectable upon autopsy.

Q: What’s the prevalence of dementia in these disorders?
A by Dr. Liang: The studies vary between 30% and 80% of those with PD getting dementia. It depends on what tests are given to research participants and the definition of “dementia.”

[Answer by Robin:
DLB: 100% of those with DLB have dementia; “progressive dementia” is a “central feature” of DLB (according to the diagnostic criteria)
MSA: none of those with MSA have dementia; according to the diagnostic criteria, dementia is an exclusionary criterion for MSA
PSP: according to the latest clinicopathological correlations, 54% to 62% of those with PSP had dementia as a primary symptom
CBD: there have been no studies on this; my impression is that the percentage for CBD is roughly the same as for PSP; however, it seems from Dr. Liang’s presentation that the percentage may be higher]

Q: What about stem cell research?
A by Dr. Manning-Bog: In research using iPS (induced pluripotent stem cells) to create dopmainergic neurons, the yield is only two percent! This means that iPS isn’t an efficient means of treatment currently. But iPS offers a great way to study the disease mechanism. Before any iPS cells are transplanted into patients, we need to study teratomas, the tumors that can grow.

Q: Are you hopeful about the research?
A by Dr. Manning-Bog: Yes, I’m hopeful!

Note 1:
Dr. Manning-Bog provided two references on statin studies. You can look up the abstracts on by using the PubMed ID#.

1. The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitor lovastatin reduces severity of L-DOPA-induced abnormal involuntary movements in experimental Parkinson’s disease.
Schuster S, Nadjar A, Guo JT, Li Q, Ittrich C, Hengerer B, Bezard E.
J Neurosci. 2008 Apr 23;28(17):4311-6.
PubMed ID#: 18434508

2. Simvastatin is associated with a reduced incidence of dementia and Parkinson’s disease.
Wolozin B, Wang SW, Li NC, Lee A, Lee TA, Kazis LE.
BMC Med. 2007 Jul 19;5:20.
PubMed ID#: 17640385

New book by Parkinson’s Plus Patient Dan Brooks

Dan Brooks started a blog about his life with Parkinson’s Plus in December 2006. (Ru posted about this on The Back Porch.) The blog — at — has grown into a book, which has just been published! The book, “I Will Go On: Living with a Movement Disorder,” is available online through Amazon* for $16. Here’s some info from about the book:

“Dan was a 50-year-old husband, father and district-level administrator in a public school system, when he first noticed pronounced tremors, speech difficulties and walking problems developing. In this book, Daniel chronicles his life with a Parkinson’s Plus syndrome and explains how he dealt with the neurological decline that resulted. Read a user-friendly, patient’s explanation of the defining symptoms of these atypical Parkinsonism disorders and find out how this neurodegenerative disease progressed in Dan’s case. This book addresses the many facets of neurodegenerative diseases, while primarily focusing on Atypical Parkinsonian disorders, namely PSP, MSA, and CBD. Parkinson’s Disease is also discussed in depth. Dan tells a compelling and inspirational story of how he maintained his faith in God, while courageously facing life with a movement disorder.”

Dan’s goal is to encourage and inspire patients or caregivers as they face the challenges posed by neurodegenerative illness. He wrote to me: “Sometimes this medical condition is overwhelming, as you know, but I have adjusted and learned to accept what is happening. There is still a lot of life to live and I am very energized right now by this book project. … I am very pleased to have finished [the book]. My hope is that patients and caregivers will appreciate the patient’s viewpoint from which I write. … If I help one person with this book, it will have been worth the effort.”

You can read an overview about the book and learn more about Dan at his blog I’m sure you will agree that he’s a remarkable person! Many of us count ourselves lucky that our paths have crossed with his.


* Link to for “I Will Go On: Living with a Movement Disorder” … 597&sr=8-1

Five types of PSP and diagnostic challenges

This is an interesting article by perhaps the top two PSP researchers in the world — Lees of the old guard and Williams of the new guard.

When looking at the brains of those with a pathological diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), there are some differences:
(a) in the severity of pathology in the brain,
(b) in the distribution of pathology in the brain, and
(c) clinical features

Presumably three of the disease “subgroups” the authors refer to include: Richardson’s Syndrome (described elsewhere as “classic PSP”), PSP-Parkinsonism, and primary progressive freezing gait (PPFG). I’m unclear if “pure akinesia with gait freezing” (PAGF) is another PSP subgroup or not. (Or if it’s the new name for PPFG. So many acronyms!)

This review article addresses these differences.  You’ll have to check out the full article to see all the differences.  In this post, I’m only sharing the differences in “clinical features” or symptoms.

The authors describe five clinical subgroups or types of PSP:

#1- Richardson’s syndrome (“classic PSP”)

Symptoms include:  lurching gait; postural instability; unexplained backwards falls; personality change; cognitive decline; slowing of vertical saccadic eye movements (“an early telltale sign”); eyelid abnormalities; severely impaired spontaneous blink rate; slow, slurred, growling speech; swallowing difficulties; overactivity of the frontalis; surprised, worried facial appearance; muscle tone can be normal; acoustic startle response absent in most patients; auditory blink reflex absent in most patients.

“The median survival in the original series was 5 years from disease onset; in larger, more recent studies, disease durations to death of 5 to 8 years have been reported.”

#2- PSP-Parkinsonism (PSP-P)

Symptoms include:  limb bradykinesia; limb rigidity is more common and severe than in patients with Richardson’s syndrome; jerky postural tremor; 4-6 Hz rest tremor; asymmetry of limb signs in some cases; axial rigidity; “moderate or good improvement in bradykinesia and rigidity” following levodopa therapy, “although the response is rarely excellent”; acoustic startle response absent in most patients; auditory blink reflex preserved in all patients.

Those with PSP-P are “commonly misdiagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.”

“Falls and cognitive dysfunction occur later in PSP-P than they do in Richardson’s syndrome and, perhaps as a consequence, the time for disease duration to death is about 3 years longer in PSP-P.”

PSP-P compared to other disorders:

(a) “PSP-P and Richardson’s syndrome can be distinguished by their different clinical pictures in the first 2 years; however, there is clinical overlap, and after 6 years of follow up the clinical phenomenology might become similar.”

(b) auditory blink reflex “was absent in most patients with Richardson’s syndrome but was preserved in all patients with PSP-P”

(c) “[We] emphasize the difficulty in separating these [PSP-P] patients from those with [PD]. Early pointers that might help a clinical diagnosis of PSP-P could include rapid progression, prominent axial symptomatology, or a poor response to levodopa…”

“In a few patients, a purely parkinsonian syndrome predominates until death, and abnormalities of eye movement or other characteristics of Richardson’s syndrome might never appear. A sustained response to levodopa and drug-induced choreic dyskinesias with a long duration of disease seem to characterise these patients.”

The prevalence of the PSP-P type seems to be between 8% and 32% of those with PSP pathology.

#3 – PSP-Pure akinesia with gait freezing (PSP-PAGF)

Symptoms include:  “progressive onset of gait disturbance with start hesitation and subsequent freezing of gait, speech, or writing”; “without rigidity, tremor, dementia, or eye movement abnormality during the first 5 years of the disease”; no benefit to levodopa therapy; acoustic startle response present in all patients; auditory blink reflex preserved in all patients.

PAGF was “first described in 1974 in two patients who developed freezing of gait, writing, and speech, with paradoxical kinesia. At presentation, these patients were cognitively intact, had no abnormalities of eye movement, and, as is the case in many patients, there was a long disease duration without the development of other parkinsonian features.”

“The median duration of disease was 11 years.”

Fewer than 1% have this type of PSP.

#4- PSP-Corticobasal syndrome (PSP-CBS)

Symptoms include:  asymmetric limb dystonia; apraxia; alien limb. “An increase in latency to initiate saccadic eye movements, which leads eventually to compensatory head tilts, is the most common eye movement abnormality and is typically more pronounced on the side on which the apraxia predominates. The distinction between this and the typical slowness of saccadic eye movements in Richardson’s syndrome can be difficult to make early in the course of the disease.”

“Most patients with PSP-CBS eventually develop postural instability but this occurs much later in Richardson’s syndrome.”

“Pathological series have indicated that only 50% of patients with CBS have pathology that is typical of corticobasal degeneration… Cerebrovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and progressive supranuclear pathology account for most of the other patients.”

“PSP-CBS seems to be a rare presentation of PSP-tau pathology; only five patients from a pathological series of 160 patients with PSP was identified with asymmetric limb dystonia, apraxia, and alien limb phenomena.”

#5- Progressive non-fluent aphasia (PNFA)

Symptoms include:  non-fluent spontaneous speech, with hesitancy; agrammatism; “phonemic errors that require substantial effort in speech production.”

“In a small case series, five of seven patients who presented with PNFA and prominent early apraxia of speech had underlying PSP-tau pathology. The other two patients had Pick’s disease and corticobasal degeneration… The apparent specificity of prominent early apraxia of speech for tauopathies, particularly PSP-tau pathology, has [led] to the suggestion that this syndrome should be regarded as a clinical subtype of PSP. Patients who present with prominent early apraxia of speech do so at similar ages of onset or disease duration as patients with Richardson’s syndrome.”

Conclusions.  In the conclusion to the review article, the authors state:

“The early recognition of patients with Richardson’s syndrome, PSP-P, PSP-CBS, PAGF, or PSP-PNFA would be enhanced by biomarkers for tauopathies and clinical criteria with a high positive predictive value for Parkinson’s disease, which is the main differential diagnosis for these conditions and is 30 times more prevalent than PSP.”


“Clinical features, such as visual hallucinations, drug-induced dyskinesias, hyposmia, and a prolonged sustained response to levodopa are uncommon in PSP, but have not yet been prospectively assessed in PSP-P, PAGF, or PSP-CBS.”

This sentence of the abstract is important, given that it is in conflict with the “typical”(?) patient’s desire to have a diagnosis:

“[For] patients for whom the diagnosis is unclear, clinicians must continue to describe accurately the clinical picture of each individual, rather than label them with inaccurate diagnostic categories, such as atypical parkinsonism or PSP mimics.”

Copied below is the abstract.


Lancet Neurology. 2009 Mar;8(3):270-9.

Progressive supranuclear palsy: clinicopathological concepts and diagnostic challenges.

Williams DR, Lees AJ.
Faculty of Medicine (Neurosciences), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Reta Lila Weston Institute of Neurological Studies, University College London, London, UK.

Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a clinical syndrome comprising supranuclear palsy, postural instability, and mild dementia. Neuropathologically, PSP is defined by the accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles. Since the first description of PSP in 1963, several distinct clinical syndromes have been described that are associated with PSP; this discovery challenges the traditional clinicopathological definition and complicates diagnosis in the absence of a reliable, disease-specific biomarker.

We review the emerging nosology in this field and contrast the clinical and pathological characteristics of the different disease subgroups. These new insights emphasise that the pathological events and processes that lead to the accumulation of phosphorylated tau protein in the brain are best considered as dynamic processes that can develop at different rates, leading to different clinical phenomena.

Moreover, for patients for whom the diagnosis is unclear, clinicians must continue to describe accurately the clinical picture of each individual, rather than label them with inaccurate diagnostic categories, such as atypical parkinsonism or PSP mimics. In this way, the development of the clinical features can be informative in assigning less common nosological categories that give clues to the underlying pathology and an understanding of the expected clinical course.

PubMed ID#: 19233037  (see for this abstract)


Can olfactory bulb biopsy distinguish PSP – MSA – PD?

The last line of this abstract caught my eye: “It is suggested that olfactory bulb biopsy be considered to confirm the diagnosis in PD subjects being assessed for surgical therapy.” In the article, the authors indicate that one of their concerns is that MSAers, misdiagnosed as having PD, will get deep brain stimulation and will be harmed by that. They say:

“It has been reported that patients with multiple system atrophy (MSA) misdiagnosed as PD have undergone placement of deep brain stimulators and have not had a lasting benefit. As the characteristic glial cytoplasmic synuclein-immunoreactive inclusions of MSA are also present and diagnostic in the olfactory bulb, as reported by Kovacs et al. (we have confirmed this finding in five MSA cases), olfactory bulb biopsy would differentiate between PD and MSA. Olfactory bulb biopsy might therefore be useful for the evaluation of candidates for surgical therapy of PD, where the risks of biopsy might be justified if it would spare non-PD subjects the greater risks associated with pallidotomy, thalamotomy, deep brain stimulation or neural transplantation.”

In one of the response letters, scientists asked specifically about PSP and MSA. The authors of the main article reply:

“The authors question whether olfactory bulb biopsy could distinguish PD from MSA or PSP, especially since Lewy bodies may be present in sparse numbers in both of the latter two conditions. We have utilized olfactory bulb alpha-synuclein stains in six MSA cases, and found all had numerous and characteristic flame-shaped glial cytoplasmic inclusions, unambiguously identifying these as MSA. It may be more difficult to distinguish PD from PSP. Our data show that 15 of 45 PSP cases had olfactory bulb Lewy bodies. Of these 15, the majority also had Lewy bodies in the brainstem and limbic region, suggesting that these subjects had both PD and PSP. Whether or not these subjects would differ in surgical outcome from those with pure PD or pure PSP is not known at this time. We are currently testing methods for detecting glial tauopathy to determine whether these might positively identify PSP subjects from olfactory bulb material.”

So an olfactory bulb biopsy — which is a relatively minor surgical procedure done while someone is alive — would differentiate PD from MSA but not PD from PSP. To increase the success rate of deep brain stimulation going forward, it sounds like researchers may require an olfactory bulb biopsy to weed out the MSAers.

And I thought the part about “testing methods for detecting glial tauopathy to determine whether these might positively identify PSP subjects from olfactory bulb material” was interesting too.

Probably not many of you will want to read the abstract (or the full paper). But if you do and you pick up a different facet, please share!


Acta Neuropatholpgica. 2009 Feb;117(2):169-74. Epub 2008 Nov 4.

Olfactory bulb alpha-synucleinopathy has high specificity and sensitivity for Lewy body disorders.

Beach TG, White CL 3rd, Hladik CL, Sabbagh MN, Connor DJ, Shill HA, Sue LI, Sasse J, Bachalakuri J, Henry-Watson J, Akiyama H, Adler CH; Arizona Parkinson’s Disease Consortium.
Sun Health Research Institute, 10515 West Santa Fe Drive, Sun City, AZ.

Involvement of the olfactory bulb by Lewy-type alpha-synucleinopathy (LTS) is known to occur at an early stage of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Lewy body disorders and is therefore of potential usefulness diagnostically. An accurate estimate of the specificity and sensitivity of this change has not previously been available. We performed immunohistochemical alpha-synuclein staining of the olfactory bulb in 328 deceased individuals. All cases had received an initial neuropathological examination that included alpha-synuclein immunohistochemical staining on sections from brainstem, limbic and neocortical regions, but excluded olfactory bulb. These cases had been classified based on their clinical characteristics and brain regional distribution and density of LTS, as PD, dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), Alzheimer’s disease with LTS (ADLS), Alzheimer’s disease without LTS (ADNLS), incidental Lewy body disease (ILBD) and elderly control subjects. The numbers of cases found to be positive and negative, respectively, for olfactory bulb LTS were: PD 55/3; DLB 34/1; ADLS 37/5; ADNLS 19/84; ILBD 14/7; elderly control subjects 5/64. The sensitivities and specificities were, respectively: 95 and 91% for PD versus elderly control; 97 and 91% for DLB versus elderly control; 88 and 91% for ADLS versus elderly control; 88 and 81% for ADLS versus ADNLS; 67 and 91% for ILBD versus elderly control. Olfactory bulb synucleinopathy density scores correlated significantly with synucleinopathy scores in all other brain regions (Spearman R values between 0.46 and 0.78) as well as with scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination and Part 3 of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (Spearman R -0.27, 0.35, respectively). It is concluded that olfactory bulb LTS accurately predicts the presence of LTS in other brain regions. It is suggested that olfactory bulb biopsy be considered to confirm the diagnosis in PD subjects being assessed for surgical therapy.

PubMed ID#: 18982334

The comments are:

Acta Neuropathologica. 2009 Feb;117(2):213-4; author reply 217-8. Epub 2008 Nov 25.
Can olfactory bulb biopsy be justified for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease?
Parkkinen L, Silveira-Moriyama L, Holton JL, Lees AJ, Revesz T.
Queen Square Brain Bank for Neurological Disorders, Department of Molecular Neuroscience, UCL Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London, UK.
PubMed ID#: 19031077

Acta Neuropathologica. 2009 Feb;117(2):215-6; author reply 217-8. Epub 2008 Nov 5.
Olfactory bulb alpha-synucleinopathy has high specificity and sensitivity for Lewy body disorders.
Jellinger KA.
Institute of Clinical Neurobiology, Vienna, Austria.
PubMed ID#: 18985364

Improvement of gaze control after training/exercises

This is a neat little study out of the Univ of Minnesota where 19 people with possible or probable PSP were part of a randomized controlled trial. Some received “balance training complemented with eye movement and visual awareness exercises” and others received balance training alone. Gaze control was assessed after week 1 and week 5. Gaze control significantly improved for the first group (who received the balance training and eye movement exercises). Presumably the goal is to combat downward gaze palsy that many with PSP have. An improvement in eye movement perhaps could lead to safer walking, easier reading, and an easier time finding food on one’s plate.

Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2009 Feb;90(2):263-70.

Improvement of gaze control after balance and eye movement training in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy: a quasi-randomized controlled trial.

Zampieri C, Di Fabio RP.
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

OBJECTIVE: One of the main oculomotor findings in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is the inability to saccade downward. In addition, people with PSP have difficulty suppressing fixation, which may contribute to vertical gaze palsy. The objective was to investigate the effectiveness of a rehabilitation intervention tailored to enhance suppression of fixation and gaze shift in participants with PSP.

DESIGN: Controlled trial with a quasi-randomized design. Measures occurred at week 1 and 5. Researchers assessing participants were blind to the group assignments.

SETTING: Movement disorders assessment laboratory.

PARTICIPANTS: Nineteen adults with possible or probable PSP who were ambulatory for short distances and had far visual acuity of 20/80 and a Folstein Mini-Mental State score of more than 23.

INTERVENTIONS: Balance training complemented with eye movement and visual awareness exercises was compared with balance training alone.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Gaze control was assessed using a vertical Gaze Fixation Score and a Gaze Error Index.

RESULTS: Gaze control after the balance plus eye exercise significantly improved, whereas no significant improvement was observed for the group that received balance training alone.

CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary findings support the use of balance and eye movement exercises to improve gaze control in PSP.

PubMed ID#: 19236979