2024 PSP/CBD (those with diagnosis) Virtual Local Support Group Meeting Dates

Here’s information about the 2024 Brain Support Network virtual support group meetings for those with a PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy), CBD (corticobasal degeneration), or CBS (corticobasal syndrome) diagnosis who live in Northern or Central California.

We meet monthly, generally on the second Sunday, 2-2:30pm.  The meetings are loosely facilitated by a local support group member with a CBS diagnosis. Continue reading

Podcast by PT on treating PSP with physical therapy and palliative care

In November 2023, the Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group (part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, neuropt.org) featured Heather Cianci, PT, on the topic of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) for a podcast.  Heather is an expert physical therapist on PSP and other movement disorders.

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CurePSP Wellness Workshop: Holistic Wellness for PSP, CBD and MSA

CurePSP is hosting a two-hour virtual wellness workshop on Wednesday, April 19 starting at 3pm PT. Speakers will focus on self-care for better sleep and wellbeing; seated movement and breathwork; and music therapy. (The presentations will be recorded and posted on the CurePSP YouTube channel.) Following the presentations, participants can join a one-hour interactive discussion group, reflecting on what wellness means to them. Registration is free.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 • 12:00 – 3:00 PM ET

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