Making the Most of Life with a Parkinson-Plus Syndrome

These are the notes I took during the webinar tonight with Dan Brooks, diagnosed with Parkinson’s Plus. Dan’s wife Karrie was also on hand to answer questions. I thought this webinar was wonderful.

I’ve divided Dan’s presentation into several parts — Symptoms and Treatment, Four Disorders, and Making the Most of Life. After the presentation is the Q&A. I slightly changed the order of the questions and answers below. I could hear nothing that the webinar moderator said which meant that I couldn’t hear some of the questions. Many of the answers given can be taken more generally than one specific disorder.

Excluded in these notes are the introductory remarks made by the webinar moderator Larry Schenker, Janet’s Edmunson’s remarks about CurePSP’s vision and mission, and Kathleen Speca’s remarks about fundraising for CurePSP.

Here are my notes. If you took notes, please share!

INTRODUCTION: by Karrie Brooks

Dan’s PSP symptoms began in 2005

The Dan of today is very different to look at and to talk to then the Dan of 5 years ago. However, he is still the Dan Karrie loves and admires.

PRESENTATION: “Making the Most of Life with a Parkinson-Plus Syndrome” by Dan Brooks

Married almost 30 years
Three adult sons
Career included roles as principal and assistant superintendent in public schools
Guitarist, singer, songwriter
Karrie is 50. Dan is 54.

One goal of this webinar is to give encouragement and practical ideas for keeping your life moving forward, with purpose


Dan’s diagnosis:
* extrapyramidal disorder
* involuntary movement disorder
* Parkinson-Plus syndrome

Dan’s symptoms:
* walking gait, coordination and balance issues
* swallowing difficulty
* speech troubles
* cognitive disorder
* eye movement problems
* trunk movement and head tremors
* arm, hand and leg tremors
* dystonic movements
* autonomic signs
* depression

June 2005: noticed a head tremor and hands trembling; stiffness in feet and ankles when rising from chair; eye pain; light sensitivity; sway and balance problems when standing

Fall 2005, Neurologist visit: MRI with no significant findings; blood tests; prescribed levodopa/carbidopa and eventually added Comtan; helped to calm head tremor and left arm trembling for up to two hours

February 2006: went out on disability – stopped working as administrator; walked with a cane; speech was worsening; eye movements – turning up (under lids) and crossed; trouble coordinating walking gait; slowed responses to questions; stopped driving because of balance, coordinator, and reflex issues in addition to tremors that ran through my whole body

More diagnostic tests: PET scan showed mild atrophy in left frontal lobe; spinal tap; neuropsychologist did cognitive testing revealed mild cognitive decline affecting short term memory and language, with a potential for dementia

May 2006: permanent disability; no more driving; Parkinson-Plus syndrome; possible PSP or Shy Drager (MSA)

Today: using a wheelchair more and more for trips to store; scooter for longer trips; walking is increasingly difficult; speech is soft, monotone at times; face masked and makes Dan look angry; cognitive difficulties; balance trouble; body temperature low; constipation; frequent urination urge; light headed upon standing

Current medications: carbo/levo 25/100; Cogentin 1mg 2/day; Azilect 1mg 1/day; Seroquel XR 150mg 1/day; Vesicare


MSA subtypes: Shy Drager (autonomic difficulty, including orthostatic hypotension); SND or MSA-P (tremors, balance, rigidity, speech, parkinsonism); OPCA or MSA-C (balance, ataxia, eye movements, slurred speech)

PSP: loss of balance; eye movement problems; speech impairment; swallowing problems; depression

CBD: symptoms often appear on one side of body; alien limb; depression; emotional changes

LBD: symptoms similar to PD and AD; repeated visual hallucinations; varying levels of alertness; depression; delusional thoughts

[Robin’s note: I didn’t take down everything Dan said about the four atypicals. You can find his descriptions of these disorders on his blog — Scroll down on the home page beyond the photo of Dan and his dog to a section titled “Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders (Parkinsonism Plus).”]

Parkinson-Plus syndromes are more similar than different. They are all movement disorders.

“I need not worry about a specific Parkinson-Plus syndrome name for the condition I face, but rather realize that, although frustrating, this lack of narrow definition” is not a problem for me.

Diagnosing the disease is like a flower: as it blossoms, doctors can identify the disease more distinctively.


Not all of Dan’s suggestions will be applicable to everyone.

Understanding and adjusting to the disorder:
* Read: they are many books and internet sites on PD and Parkinson’s Plus
* Make a list of questions between visits to the doctor
* Join online support groups
* Maintain your values and faith
* Get counseling and therapy. Very helpful in working through grief.

Websites: (Canadian Movement Disorder Group) (was topic596)

“The First Year – Parkinson’s Disease: An Essential Guide for the Newly-Diagnosed” by Jackie Hunt Christensen
CurePSP Guide
“Finding Meaning with Charles” by Janet Edmunson
“Lucky Man” by Michael J. Fox
“Saving Milly” by Morton Kondracke
“100 Questions and Answers About Parkinson Disease,” Abraham Lieberman
“To Love a Stranger” by Fran McMahon (2007)
“Awakenings” by Oliver Sacks

Living on with purpose:
* Participate
* Each day counts: Today is the greatest day
* Look up! Place your faith in a higher power or a spiritual concept that is meaningful for you
* Make peace with the past
* Set new goals
* Cultivate friends and take time to be with them
* Value and enjoy family
* Get a pet that you are able to take care of
* Do what you love
* Count your blessings each day
* Volunteer to help
* Get out into the community (stores, library, parks, events)
* Travel to a destination you have long-desired to see

How Dan has lived on:
* Began writing songs again
* Playing the guitar and singing are just the therapy Dan needs
* Started a blog called PD Plus Me
* Authored a book “I Will Go On: Living with a Movement Disorder”

Is it easy?
* Being diagnosed with a Parkinson-Plus syndrome is not easy. Dan has been greatly troubled at times.
* Support groups have been a Godsend to both Dan and Karrie

Support groups:
* There is sharing about medical challenges
* As humans, we do better when we are able to discuss our struggles with others
* Big impact: early-onset PD group
* Karrie and Dan help lead a local PD group
* There’s also an atypical parkinsonian disorder support group in their area

What it is all about: family

Info on Dan Brooks:
Dan’s email address: [email protected] (You can email him for a copy of his presentation.)
Dan’s blog:
Dan’s CD, “I Will Go On,” is available on
Dan’s book, “I Will Go On,” is available on

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (Answers are by Dan Brooks or Karrie Brooks, unless indicated otherwise)

Question: What symptom did you first experience?

Answer by Dan: Head-nodding tremor. Sway/balance issue. Depression. Eye pain and light sensitivity. Cognitive problems. (He had problems in meetings.) Walking awkwardness. Frequent tripping. Hand tremor.

Question: Please tell the attendees about PatientsLikeMe.

Answer by Dan: On the website, patients and caregivers share info about medications and symptoms. This info can be shared with a medical care team.

Question: [sorry….I couldn’t hear it]

Answer by Dan: Dan feels he has a fine neurologist. Can’t overstate the value of working with a neurologist at a nearby university medical center.

Question: My spouse who has CBD cannot walk, talk or feed herself for the last 11 months. How can I make her quality of life better?

Answer by Karrie: Keep her connected to other people. Go outside or go to a supermarket — one place a week. Watch a movie at home. Have a special dessert. Invite friends over that she is comfortable with. Focus on the little things.

Question: My husband was 54 when he was diagnosed with PSP. Can you speak about the early progression rate?

Answer by Dan: Parkinson-Plus disorders have a faster progression than PD. Balance, eye, and swallowing problems can be quite severe early on. There’s no way to know how quickly your husband will progress. Important things in determining the progression: family support, exercise, attitude, spiritual outlook.

Question: My husband has a good bit of dementia along with PSP or CBD. How much can he truly understand of what is happening to him?

Answer by Dan: He cannot speculate how much the husband understands. The best approach is to assume that our presence (voice, laughter, singing, attention) brings happiness to our loved ones. It is best to assume the patient understands. Never talk about the person as if they are not there.

Question: Do PSP patients understand what is going on around them?

Answer by Dan: This is best addressed by a neurologist. It’s best to assume that the patient does understand. It’s not fair to make the assumption that the patient doesn’t understand. Always assume that something you do with a positive feeling will have a positive impact on the patient.

Question: My spouse has PSP. What do you think caused him to get the disease?

Answer by Dan: Each of us asks this question. He’s searched the web about this. Some possibilities: a virus that lies dormant in the body; random genetic mutations; exposure to a chemical in food, air, or water; cellular damage caused by free radicals.

This question begs another question: Why me? Dan believes in living his life to the fullest.

Answer by Janet Edmunson: Dr. Irene Litvan’s study is looking at the causes of PSP. See It’s important for everyone to participate!

Question: I have been diagnosed with PSP. Have you heard anything about a treatment for PSP in recent years?

Answer by Dan: There are virtually no medications well-suited to PSP. Medications are an individual-patient consideration. It’s best to speak with your MD. Medications for parkinsonism can be somewhat effective in Parkinson-Plus syndromes. Medications for depression can be effective.

Question: My wife has PSP. Please address botox for muscle relaxation.

Answer by Dan: Dr. Alan Freeman article on botox; it has been used to treat parkinsonism for a long time.

[Robin’s note: You can find an online copy of this article here:]

Question: My husband has been taking Sinemet for over three years and it doesn’t seem to be helping any. His problems are progressing. Is there any medication other than Sinemet that will work with a PSP patient?

Answer by Dan: Some PD drugs may be appropriate or beneficial for PSP. Ask the MD about other possibilities. The MD is the only one who knows what is appropriate.

Question: I have participated in the PSP Genetics and Environmental Risk Factors Study at UCLA. What other PSP studies are underway?

Answer by Dan: See There are several PSP studies listed there. CoQ10 is being looked at, for example.

Question: My sister has had PSP for about 4 years but was diagnosed just a year ago. She is barely audible but still very mobile and active. Her husband would like her to enroll in a sign language class. Is this a realistic option?

Answer by Dan: Ask the sister. This shouldn’t be forced on her. Anxiety and frustration are hard to ignore. Is it reasonable to expect the sister can learn another language?

Question: I have had PSP for about 3 years. It started with a fall. I first went to my primary care physician who tested me for a stroke. The results were negative. Then to a neurologist who again could not see anything wrong. Why do many primary care physicians and general neurologists find it so difficult to diagnose PSP?

Answer by Dan: Dan was also checked out for the possibility of a stroke.

Hopefully CurePSP is helping the medical community be more aware of PSP such that we won’t have to ask this question any more.

Question: My husband has PSP. When is it appropriate to tell a loved one that he should no longer drive a car?

Answer by Dan: Been there, done that. I love driving but that’s in the past. I miss driving but I don’t miss the thought that I could hurt someone. Talk to the doctor.

Question: I have PSP. I am trying to walk on a daily basis but I’m falling more and more. Should I continue to walk?

Answer by Dan: Keep walking but be safe. Use safety aids. Take short walks – 4 or 5 houses down the street.

Question: I am an only child, living 1K miles away from my mother. My mother is in an assisted living facility. She walks with a UStep walker. She has problems with speech, falling and swallowing. The doctor says she is depressed. She’s not interested in helping herself. Any suggestions on how to engage her?

Answer by Karrie: Many PSP patients have apathy. Fine line between pushing a loved one and letting a loved one make his/her own decisions. It’s tough when you have to start making decisions for a loved one.

When giving choices to a loved one, give them two choices. Keep things simple.

Question: My father has LBD with movement problems. How does LBD differ from PSP?

Answer by Dan: Both may appear to be PD initially. Both have parkinsonism symptoms. LBD is related to Lewy bodies; these are protein deposits. PSP is related to tau protein. In LBD, the dominant issue is progressive dementia. In PSP, the more severe problems are with balance and eye movement.

Question: My husband has MSA and LBD, and even though he is in the last stages, I am still looking for answers and information. Where do you suggest I look?

Answer by Dan: Answers are best found with the experts — the neurologists and movement disorder specialists. Try online support groups, especially the Yahoo!Groups. There are lots of websites with good info.

Question: My spouse has MSA. Is there any recent research into immuniglobulin and/or stem cells?

Answer by Dan: As a layperson, he doesn’t know much about it. See for lots of good research.

Question: I have been diagnosed with PD. Can you explain how some people with PD diagnoses can actually have Parkinsons Plus disorders?

Answer by Dan: 15-25% of those diagnosed with PD actually have Parkinsons-Plus. Good website – – for a comparison of PD and Parkinsons-Plus syndromes.

Question: My husband has PSP. Where can I find an online group for caregivers?

Answer by Dan: Look into:
PSP Forum:
PSPinformation Yahoo!Group
The online-based support groups being organized by Larry Schenker

Question: How does Karrie take care of herself (as a caregiver)?

Answer by Karrie: It is easy to get overwhelmed. You have to be there for yourself first, and then your husband. Life as a caregiver is tiring physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s important to stay fit. Important to have something to look forward to each day, such as an afternoon TV show, a book, a puzzle. Isolation can be a real enemy. It’s important to get out of the house alone every once in awhile. It’s important to talk to others about problems, and to laugh with others. She saw a professional counselor. When Dan lost his insurance, the counselor cut her hourly rate so that Karrie could continue with counseling. Karrie has to work at this every single day.

Question: How do you, Dan, remain so positive? I don’t think it is reasonable that someone remain as upbeat as you.

Answer by Dan: I’ve always been optimistic and positive. I have a great family that keeps me positive. Faith, family, music, writing – these things keep me going.

Each day starts with two questions: What do I want to accomplish today? Who do I need to get in touch with?

Life is precious. You must make a conscious decision to embrace it. I can be down at times. But this very moment is beautiful. Be present for the people who love you.

Question: Who is speaking at the next webinar?

Answer by Karrie: Dr. Neal Hermanowitz will present at the next webinar 10/8/09.

Question: How can I see the Janet Edmunson webinar that I missed?

Answer by Janet Edmunson: Anyone can email Janet ([email protected]) to get a copy of her presentation.

Answer by Karrie: These webinars will not be on until perhaps the end of the year.

“Botulinum Toxin in Parkinsonism”

(As this article was mentioned by Dan Brooks in tonight’s webinar, I figured I had better post it here!)

This article on the use of Botox in parkinsonism (PD and atypical parkinsonism) is in the Spring ’09 issue of the APDA (American Parkinson Disease Association) quarterly newsletter. Cervical dystonia of PSP and limb dystonia of atypical parkinsonism disorders are specifically mentioned.

I’ve distributed the newsletter at recent support group meetings because it has several articles of interest. Here’s the full article and a link to the newsletter. … 202009.pdf –>
article starts on page 1

Botulinum Toxin In Parkinsonism

By Alan Freeman, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga.

Botulinum toxin (BTX) has been successfully used for hyperkinectic movement disorders for more than 20 years. Botulinum neurotoxin is produced by the anaerobic bacillus Clostridium botulinum. There are seven botulinum stereotypes labeled A-G. Two forms of BTX A and B have been approved for clinical use. BTX A is available worldwide as Botox® (Allergan), in Germany as Xeomin® (Merz pharma) and elsewhere as Dysport® (Ipsen). Botox is the only form of BTX-A currently available in the USA, although other forms may be available for therapeutic use next year. A formulation of BTX B is also available in the USA as Myobloc® and in Europe as NeuroBloc® (Solstice). BTX Types C and F have also been used in humans, but only on an experimental basis. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Botox for the treatment of blepharospasm (forced eyelid contractions), cranial nerve seven disorders (hemifacial spasm), cervical dystonia (involuntary neck spasm), and hyperhydrosis (sweating) and Myobloc for the treatment of cervical dystonia.

Other uses of BTX are being investigated, but none has been approved by the FDA. Some of these include spasticity, headache, sialorrhea (drooling), tremor, overactive bladder, limb dystonia, and tics.

BTX works by inhibiting acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction and salivary/sweat glands. This causes temporary paralysis of the muscles and a decrease in secretion of the glands. The duration of effect varies but is usually 10-20 weeks (for involuntary movements and excess salivation).

Doses of BTX are dispensed in units. The units of each form of BTX are not clinically equivalent; therefore, the different formulations are not interchangeable. In addition, each formulation has different diffusion and side effect profiles.

Botulinum toxins may be used in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) as well as atypical parkinsonian syndromes, as progressive supranuclear palsy. Patients who develop blepharospasm, from either the primary illness or medications, can be successfully treated with BTX and are typically injected with small doses of toxin approximately every three

Drooling can be a major problem with advanced PD. Both Botox and Myobloc have been successfully used in this condition. Myobloc may have an advantage, with its side effect of dry mouth, seen when used to treat cervical dystonia. We were recently involved in a Myobloc sialorrhea study for PD, and preliminary results look very promising.

Botulinum toxin can also be used in cervical dystonia in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy, and in limb dystonia with PD and parkinsonian syndromes. This includes the “dystonic clenched fist” in the upper extremity and foot inversion or toe flexion/extension in the lower extremities.

Once the FDA approves new uses for BTX, it will be much easier to get reimbursement from Medicare and insurance companies. Hopefully it will be in the near future.

Note: This article was adapted from one published in the APDA Atlanta, Ga I&R Center newsletter, Winter/Spring 2009. [Robin’s note: I couldn’t find this APDA Atlanta newsletter on the website.]

Nitrates – Possible Environmental Cause of AD, PD, etc

Here’s an article from yesterday’s MedicalNewsToday website about an association between nitrates (found in fertilizers) and Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease.

Researchers Find Possible Environmental Causes For Alzheimer’s, Diabetes
07 Jul 2009

A new study by researchers at Rhode Island Hospital have found a substantial link between increased levels of nitrates in our environment and food, with increased deaths from diseases, including Alzheimer’s, diabetes mellitus and Parkinson’s. The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (Volume 17:3 July 2009).

Led by Suzanne de la Monte, MD, MPH, of Rhode Island Hospital, researchers studied the trends in mortality rates due to diseases that are associated with aging, such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes and cerebrovascular disease, as well as HIV. They found strong parallels between age adjusted increases in death rate from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and diabetes and the progressive increases in human exposure to nitrates, nitrites and nitrosamines through processed and preserved foods as well as fertilizers. Other diseases including HIV-AIDS, cerebrovascular disease, and leukemia did not exhibit those trends. De la Monte and the authors propose that the increase in exposure plays a critical role in the cause, development and effects of the pandemic of these insulin-resistant diseases.

De la Monte, who is also a professor of pathology and lab medicine at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, says, “We have become a ‘nitrosamine generation.’ In essence, we have moved to a diet that is rich in amines and nitrates, which lead to increased nitrosamine production. We receive increased exposure through the abundant use of nitrate-containing fertilizers for agriculture.” She continues, “Not only do we consume them in processed foods, but they get into our food supply by leeching from the soil and contaminating water supplies used for crop irrigation, food processing and drinking.”

Nitrites and nitrates belong to a class of chemical compounds that have been found to be harmful to humans and animals. More than 90 percent of these compounds that have been tested have been determined to be carcinogenic in various organs. They are found in many food products, including fried bacon, cured meats and cheese products as well as beer and water. Exposure also occurs through manufacturing and processing of rubber and latex products, as well as fertilizers, pesticides and cosmetics.

Nitrosamines are formed by a chemical reaction between nitrites or other proteins. Sodium nitrite is deliberately added to meat and fish to prevent toxin production; it is also used to preserve, color and flavor meats. Ground beef, cured meats and bacon in particular contain abundant amounts of amines due to their high protein content. Because of the significant levels of added nitrates and nitrites, nitrosamines are nearly always detectable in these foods. Nitrosamines are also easily generated under strong acid conditions, such as in the stomach, or at high temperatures associated with frying or flame broiling. Reducing sodium nitrite content reduces nitrosamine formation in foods.

Nitrosamines basically become highly reactive at the cellular level, which then alters gene expression and causes DNA damage. The researchers note that the role of nitrosamines has been well-studied, and their role as a carcinogen has been fully documented. The investigators propose that the cellular alterations that occur as a result of nitrosamine exposure are fundamentally similar to those that occur with aging, as well as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

De la Monte comments, “All of these diseases are associated with increased insulin resistance and DNA damage. Their prevalence rates have all increased radically over the past several decades and show no sign of plateau. Because there has been a relatively short time interval associated with the dramatic shift in disease incidence and prevalence rates, we believe this is due to exposure-related rather than genetic etiologies.”

The researchers recognize that an increase in death rates is anticipated in higher age groups. Yet when the researchers compared mortality from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease among 75 to 84 year olds from 1968 to 2005, the death rates increased much more dramatically than for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease, which are also aging-associated. For example, in Alzheimer’s patients, the death rate increased 150-fold, from 0 deaths to more than 150 deaths per 100,000. Parkinson’s disease death rates also increased across all age groups. However, mortality rates from cerebrovascular disease in the same age group declined, even though this is a disease associated with aging as well.

De la Monte notes, “Because of the similar trending in nearly all age groups within each disease category, this indicates that these overall trends are not due to an aging population. This relatively short time interval for such dramatic increases in death rates associated with these diseases is more consistent with exposure-related causes rather than genetic changes.” She also comments, “Moreover, the strikingly higher and climbing mortality rates in older age brackets suggest that aging and/or longer durations of exposure have greater impacts on progression and severity of these diseases.”

The researchers graphed and analyzed mortality rates, and compared them with increasing age for each disease. They then studied United States population growth, annual use and consumption of nitrite-containing fertilizers, annual sales at popular fast food chains, and sales for a major meat processing company, as well as consumption of grain and consumption of watermelon and cantaloupe (the melons were used as a control since they are not typically associated with nitrate or nitrite exposure).

The findings indicate that while nitrogen-containing fertilizer consumption increased by 230 percent between 1955 and 2005, its usage doubled between 1960 and 1980, which just precedes the insulin-resistant epidemics the researchers found. They also found that sales from the fast food chain and the meat processing company increased more than 8-fold from 1970 to 2005, and grain consumption increased 5-fold.

The authors state that the time course of the increased prevalence rates of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and diabetes cannot be explained on the basis of gene mutations. They instead mirror the classical trends of exposure-related disease. Because nitrosamines produce biochemical changes within cells and tissues, it is conceivable that chronic exposure to low levels of nitrites and nitrosamines through processed foods, water and fertilizers is responsible for the current epidemics of these diseases and the increasing mortality rates associated with them.

De la Monte states, “If this hypothesis is correct, potential solutions include eliminating the use of nitrites and nitrates in food processing, preservation and agriculture; taking steps to prevent the formation of nitrosamines and employing safe and effective measures to detoxify food and water before human consumption.”

Other researchers involved in the study with de la Monte include Alexander Neusner, Jennifer Chu and Margot Lawton, from the departments of pathology, neurology and medicine at Rhode Island Hospital and The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

The study was funded through grants from the National Institutes of Health. Two subsequent papers have been accepted for publication in the near future that demonstrate experimentally that low levels of nitrosamine exposure cause neurodegeneration, NASH and diabetes.

De la Monte, Suzanne M., Alexander Neusner, Jennifer Chu and Margot Lawton. “Epidemilogical Trends Strongly Suggest Exposures as Etiologic Agents in the Pathogenesis of Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 17:3 (July 2009) pp 519-529.

Nancy Cawley Jean

Combo CoQ10 + creatine – neuroprotective in PD mouse model

This announcement about an animal study in PD that showed that a combo of CoQ10 and creatine produced “neuroprotective effects” was posted today on the Parkinson Forum.

Dear Friends, the following is interesting, but bear in mind that it is an animal study, and it’s too early to say whether it will apply to humans. Nonetheless, it may be of interest to some.

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD


Coenzyme Q10 and Creatine Show Potential in the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Reference: “Combination therapy with coenzyme Q10 and creatine produces additive neuroprotective effects in models of Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases,” Yang L, Calingasan NY, et al, J Neurochem, 2009; 109(5): 1427-39. (Address: M. Flint Beal, MD, Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York Presbyterian Hospital, 525 East 68th Street, F610, New York, NY 10021, USA. E-mail: [email protected] ).

Summary: In a study involving a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease, a rat model of Huntington’s disease and a transgenic mouse model of Huntington’s disease, administration of coenzyme Q10 and creatine in combination was found to produce additive neuroprotective effects. Specifically, administration of the 2 agents was found to protect against dopamine depletion in the striatum and loss of tyrosine hydroxylase neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. In addition, significant reductions in lipid peroxidation and pathologic alpha-synuclein accumulation in the SNpc neurons was found, as well as reductions in striatal lesion volumes. The treatment was found to significantly block 3-NP-induced impairment of glutathione homeostasis and reduce lipid peroxidation and DNA oxidative damage in the striatum. Moreover, it was found to improve motor performance and extend survival in the mouse model of Huntington’s disease. These results suggest that the combination of co enzyme Q10 and creatine hold potential as therapeutic agents in the treatment of neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease.

“Things are not right since he/she left hospital”

The National Parkinson Foundation ( has a good online forum where you can ask MDs questions. Most of the questions are about PD. Occasionally people ask questions about PSP or CBD.

Recently, someone on the NPF Forum asked about the use of general anesthesia during spinal surgery. Dr. Michael Okun (from the University of Florida) indicates that anesthesia in PD is being studied now, and there is concern that symptoms worsen by surgery. The rest of the MD’s answer is an excerpt from a document on hospitalization and PD. I copied the parts of the excerpt that deal with people having worsened motor symptoms or worsened confusion after being in the hospital. There’s also a small paragraph on anesthesia.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:06 am
Post subject: General Anesthesia

I have spinal stenosis… My orthopedic surgeon wants to do a laminectomy… My neurologist tells me that “the Parkinson brain does not do well under general anesthesia. It can cause cognitive impairment.” … What have you heard and what is your opinion regarding general anesthesia and the Parkinson Brain?…

Dr. Okun
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:07 am

Thanks for the nice message. Cate Price at University of Florida has a NPF funded research project in this area. Indeed we are worried about worsening with any type of surgery with PD and we need a better understanding of how to do surgery and anaesthesia for patient safety, because people need these operations!

Here is some information we have written over the years on PD and surgery that may be helpful. …

Be aware that for unclear reasons some symptoms worsen following general or local anesthesia, and some patients have even reported feeling as if they never return to their baseline. In general, local anesthesia is thought to be safer than general anesthesia, and if you have problems with thinking and memory, they should be evaluated prior to surgery as they may also worsen (Chou 2007).

My mother has Parkinson disease and was recently hospitalized. However, she seems to be moving much worse in the hospital than at home. Why is that?

Several explanations are possible. When patients with Parkinson’s disease have an infection of some kind, whether it is the common cold, pneumonia, or a urinary tract infection, they often feel like their symptoms worsen. Increased tremor or more difficulty walking may be noted. When the infection is treated and resolves, the symptoms generally return to baseline. Another symptom that may worsen when patients with Parkinson’s disease have an infection is swallowing. When swallowing is impaired and patients are weak, the food may go down into the lungs, causing an “aspiration pneumonia”, which in turn, may further impair swallowing ability. In these situations, a speech pathology consultation can be useful to formally assess swallowing and make dietary recommendations. In addition, a respiratory therapist consultation for “chest PT” may be helpful. Chest PT consists of several minutes of chest clapping to help mobilize the sputum and make it easier to cough.

Another possibility is – new medication. Common offenders include antipsychotic drugs or anti-nausea drugs. Haloperidol (Haldol) is a common antipsychotic drug that is used in hospital settings. This drug blocks dopamine receptors and worsens Parkinson’s disease. Other commonly used antipsychotics include risperidone (Risperdal), olanzapine (Zyprexa), and aripiprazole (Abilify). The only antipsychotics that can be used safely in PD patients are clozapine (Clozaril) and quetiapine (Seroquel). Common anti-nausea medications that can worsen symptoms of Parkinson disease include prochlorperazine (Compazine), promethazine (Phenergan), and metoclopramide (Reglan). These medications have similar structures to the antipsychotics and should not be used. Trimethobenzamide (Tigan) and ondansetron (Zofran) are suitable alternatives that can be used without fear of worsening symptoms.

Regardless of the cause, all patients with Parkinson disease should be as active as possible while in the hospital. Moving around not only tones muscle, it allows faster recovery and prevents decomposition of the skin, which can happen when staying in one position for too long. Depending upon your condition, however, you may not have a choice and your doctor may order you to bed rest. In that case, physical therapy should be ordered as soon as possible. Some patients may also need rehabilitation at a rehabilitation hospital or a nursing facility before being discharged to home.

There are multiple explanations for worsening of Parkinson disease while in the hospital. Infections should be sought and treated. Drugs that block dopamine, like haloperidol and certain anti-nausea drugs, should be avoided. Chest PT, speech pathology, and physical therapy may all be useful in the recovery process (Chou 2007).

My husband has Parkinson’s disease and became confused in the hospital last time he was there. How can I prevent this?

Many things happen in the hospital that can contribute to confusion. Any infection in a patient with Parkinson’s disease can be enough to tip a patient “over the edge” mentally. Similarly, infections can adversely affect motor function as we discussed above. The introduction of new medications frequently results in disorientation and memory problems, especially pain medications. Lack of sleep while in the hospital can also contribute to a confusional state. Continuous alarms from IV machines and hallway lights can all result in frequent awakening. Nurses also may regularly enter the room overnight to take vital signs, give medications, or to check on a patient. In some patients, especially in the elderly with intermittent confusion at home, just the fact that they are placed in a different and unfamiliar environment may tip them into a delirious state. Finally, confusion is commonly seen following a surgical procedure. The combined effects of anesthesia and medications to treat surgical incision pain are contributing factors in this situation.

Confusion will often disappear once the underlying cause is treated, whether it is addressing the infection or withdrawing the offending medications. Diagnostic testing is rarely necessary. Frequent reassurance, support and comfort may be all that is needed to assist the patient through this period. However, sometimes confusion can lead to behavioral problems, such as aggression, refusal to take pills, and even hallucinations or delusions. In these cases, physical restraints are sometimes necessary to prevent self-injury. Some hospitals have bed or wheelchair alarms to alert nurses when patients attempt to wander, while other hospitals may use a sitter to promote safety. If there are psychotic symptoms, such as visual hallucinations, antipsychotics may be used. Remember in nearly all cases, clozapine (Clozaril) and quetiapine (Seroquel) are the only antipsychotics that should be used in patients with Parkinson disease. Occasionally, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) can be helpful. These drugs, by themselves, may worsen confusion, but they also can calm the patient. These medications are only temporary and may be discontinued when the confusion resolves.

In very severe cases of confusion with hallucinations and behavioral changes, it may be necessary to temporarily discontinue dopamine agonists, MAO inhibitors, amantadine, benzodiazepines, and pain medications if possible. Treatment with carbidopa/levodopa and either clozapine or quetiapine will usually result in improvement. Later, once patients are stable, they may be slowly titrated back onto previous doses if tolerated (Chou 2007).

Infection and medications are common causes of confusion in the hospital, and when the underlying cause is addressed it usually improves dramatically. …

Michael S. Okun, M.D.