How disordered proteins spread

This news article, written for laypeople, is about how disordered proteins spread from neuron to neuron in Huntington’s Disease, and probably in other diseases as well (such as PD, AD, PSP, and CBD). What seems to be new here is a confirmation that the misfolded protein spends part of its time outside neurons as this “opens up the possibility for therapeutics.” … 21811.html

Stanford Report
February 18, 2011
Stanford researchers study how disordered proteins spread from cell to cell, potentially spreading neurodegenerative disease

Misfolded proteins can get into cells and form large aggregates by recruiting normal proteins. These aggregates are associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Stanford biology Professor Ron Kopito has found that the protein linked to Huntington’s can spread from one cell to another. His research may explain how these diseases spread through our brains, an understanding that might lead to the development of drugs to target the misfolded proteins.

By Sandeep Ravindran

One bad apple is all it takes to spoil the barrel. And one misfolded protein may be all that’s necessary to corrupt other proteins, forming large aggregations linked to several incurable neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Stanford biology Professor Ron Kopito has shown that the mutant, misfolded protein responsible for Huntington’s disease can move from cell to cell, recruiting normal proteins and forming aggregations in each cell it visits.

Knowing that this protein spends part of its time outside cells “opens up the possibility for therapeutics,” he said. Kopito studies how such misfolded proteins get across a cell’s membrane and into its cytoplasm, where they can interact with normal proteins. He is also investigating how these proteins move between neuronal cells.

The ability of these proteins to move from one cell to another could explain the way Huntington’s disease spreads through the brain after starting in a specific region. Similar mechanisms may be involved in the progress of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s through the brain.

Kopito discussed his research Friday at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C.

Not all bad

Not all misfolded proteins are bad. The dogma used to be that all our proteins formed neat, well-folded structures, packed together in complexes with a large number of other proteins, Kopito said. But over the past 20 years, researchers have found that as much as 30 percent of our proteins never fold into stable structures. And even ordered proteins appear to have some disordered parts.

Disordered proteins are important for normal cellular functions. Unlike regular proteins, they interact with only one partner at a time. But they are much more dynamic, capable of several quick interactions with many different proteins. This makes them ideal for a lot of the standard communication that happens within a cell for its normal functioning, Kopito said.

But if some of our proteins are always disordered, how do our cells tell which proteins need to be properly folded, and which don’t? “It’s a big mystery,” said Kopito, and one that he’s studying. This question has implications for how people develop neurodegenerative diseases, all of which appear to be age-related.

Huntington’s disease is caused by a specific mutated protein. But the body makes this mutant protein all a person’s life, so why does that person get the disease in later adulthood? Kopito said it’s because the body’s protective mechanisms stop doing their job as we get older. He said his lab hopes to determine what these mechanisms are.

A bad influence

But it’s clear what happens when these mechanisms stop working – misfolded proteins start recruiting normal versions of the same protein and form large aggregations. The presence of these aggregations in neurons has been closely linked with several neurodegenerative diseases.

Kopito found that the mutant protein associated with Huntington’s disease can leave one cell and enter another one, stirring up trouble in each new cell as it progresses down the line. The spread of the misfolded protein may explain how Huntington’s progresses through the brain.

This disease, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, starts in one area of the brain and spreads to the rest of it. This is also similar to the spread of prions, the self-replicating proteins implicated in mad cow disease and, in humans, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. As the misfolded protein reaches more parts of the brain, it could be responsible for the progressive worsening of these diseases.

Now that we know that these misfolded proteins spend part of their time outside of cells, traveling from one cell to another, new drugs could target them there, Kopito said. This could help prevent or at least block the progression of these diseases.

Kopito is currently working to figure out how misfolded proteins get past cell membranes into cells in the first place. It is only once in the cell’s cytoplasm that these proteins can recruit others. So these studies could help find ways to keep these mischief-makers away from the normal proteins.

He is also collaborating with biology Professor Liqun Luo to track these proteins between cells in the well-mapped fruit fly nervous system. In the future, Kopito said he hopes to link his cell biology work to disease pathology in order to understand the role misfolded proteins play in human disease.

Sandeep Ravindran is a science-writing intern at the Stanford News Service.

Patterns of brain atrophy – PSP, MSA, PD

This paper from Italian researchers addresses the amount of atrophy in various regions of the brain in those with clinical diagnoses of Parkinson’s Disease (PD), PSP, and MSA. I *think* standard MRIs were given and the volumetric analysis is done by software.

Researchers concluded: “Volumetric data obtained with automated segmentation of cerebral regions show a significant atrophy of different brain structures in parkinsonisms rather than in PD. Our study also demonstrates that the atrophy of the thalamus only occurs in PSP while the enlargement of the whole ventricular system characterizes both PSP and MSA-P.”


Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 2011 Jan 12. [Epub ahead of print]

Patterns of brain atrophy in Parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple system atrophy.

Messina D, Cerasa A, Condino F, Arabia G, Novellino F, Nicoletti G, Salsone M, Morelli M, Lanza PL, Quattrone A.
Institute of Neurological Sciences, National Research Council, Piano-Lago, Mangone, Italy; Institute of Neurology, University “Magna Graecia”, Germaneto, Catanzaro, Italy.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Quantitative analysis of brain atrophy may be useful in differentiating Parkinson’s Disease (PD) from Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and parkinsonian variant of Multiple System Atrophy (MSA-P); the aim of this study was to identify the volumetric differences of subcortical structures in patients with PD, PSP and MSA-P using a novel and validated fully-automated whole brain segmentation method.

METHODS: Volumetric MRIs were obtained in 72 patients with PD, 32 patients with PSP, 15 patients with MSA-P, and in 46 control subjects. Subcortical volume was measured automatically by FreeSurfer. Multivariate analysis of covariance, adjusted for intracranial volume (ICV), sex and age, was used to explore group differences.

RESULTS: No volumetric differences were found between PD and controls group; otherwise the volumes of the cerebellum, the thalamus, the putamen, the pallidum, the hippocampus, and the brainstem were significantly reduced in PSP and MSA-P compared to patients with PD and control subjects. PSP and MSA-P patients only differed in thalamus volume which was smaller in PSP group (p < 0.001). Moreover, patients with PSP and MSA-P showed a ventricular system (including lateral, third and fourth ventricles) larger than that detected in PD and controls (p < 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: Volumetric data obtained with automated segmentation of cerebral regions show a significant atrophy of different brain structures in parkinsonisms rather than in PD. Our study also demonstrates that the atrophy of the thalamus only occurs in PSP while the enlargement of the whole ventricular system characterizes both PSP and MSA-P.

Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

PubMed ID#: 21236720 (see for this abstract only)

‘Bicycle Sign’ May Distinguish PD From Atypical Parkinsonism

This is a news article based upon some new research published in the latest issue of The Lancet. “New research suggests the preserved ability to ride a bicycle after onset of symptoms may accurately differentiate between Parkinson’s disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonism,” such as PSP, CBD, MSA, LBD, and vascular parkinsonism.

“Making the differential diagnosis … is important clinically for counseling patients and accurate inclusion of suitable patients into trials but remains challenging,” the researchers note. “Here, we suggest that the answer to 1 simple question — ‘Can you still ride a bicycle?” — offers good diagnostic value for separating Parkinson’s disease from atypical parkinsonism.”

Could it be this easy?

The short, two-page article in The Lancet is available at present at no charge online. See: … 40-6736(11)60018-4/fulltext

The table is worth a quick look.

Here’s a link to the news article in Medscape and the full text.


‘Bicycle Sign’ May Distinguish Parkinson’s From Atypical Parkinsonism
Susan Jeffrey
From Medscape Medical News > Neurology

January 7, 2011 — New research suggests the preserved ability to ride a bicycle after onset of symptoms may accurately differentiate between Parkinson’s disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonism.

The investigators, with senior study author Bastiaan R. Bloem, MD, PhD, medical director of the Parkinson Center Nijmegen at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, the Netherlands, had previously reported a case study of a patient with advanced PD who showed an astonishing residual ability to ride a bicycle.

Now they have found in a new series of patients that preserved cycling ability is limited to patients with PD but is lost after disease onset among those with atypical parkinsonism.

“Simply asking about cycling abilities could be added to the list of red flags that can assist clinicians in their early differential diagnosis of parkinsonism,” the study authors conclude.

They report their findings as correspondence in the January 8 issue of The Lancet.

Freezing of Gait

In April 2010, Dr. Bloem and colleague Anke Snijder, MD, reported the case of a 58-year-old man with advanced PD and severe freezing of gait who could nonetheless ride his bicycle for up to 15 miles per day. After meeting this patient, Professor Bloem reported having found an additional 20 PD patients in his outpatient clinic, where he specializes in gait and balance disorders, all of whom could still ride a bicycle (N Engl J Med. 2010;362:13).

“In hindsight, it’s not a unique observation, and we’ve just missed out, maybe because we failed to ask about it or patients fail to volunteer this, but it’s certainly not a unique observation,” he told Medscape Medical News at that time.

Making the differential diagnosis between PD and atypical parkinsonism disorders, such as progressive supranuclear palsy, multiple system atrophy, or Lewy body dementia, is important clinically for counseling patients and accurate inclusion of suitable patients into trials but remains challenging, they note.

“Here, we suggest that the answer to 1 simple question — ‘Can you still ride a bicycle?” — offers good diagnostic value for separating Parkinson’s disease from atypical parkinsonism,” they write.

To look at this prospectively, investigators performed an observational study of 156 consecutive patients who presented with parkinsonism but did not yet have a definitive diagnosis. All had a structured interview, comprehensive neurological assessment, and cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at baseline. Standard questions in the interview asked “whether, when, and why” cycling had become impossible for them.

The gold standard for diagnosis was at 3 years of follow-up, based on clinical examination, response to treatment, and MRI.

Of these patients, 111 had ridden a bicycle before first manifestation of their disease; 45 developed PD and 64 some form of atypical parkinsonism, mostly multiple system atrophy (n = 35, 31.5%) or vascular parkinsonism (n = 17, 15.3%).

At the time of inclusion in the study, occurring at a median disease duration of about 30 months, 34 of 64 patients ultimately diagnosed as having atypical parkinsonism had stopped cycling compared with only 2 of the 45 PD patients, yielding a sensitivity of 52%, and a specificity of 96% (area under the curve, 0.74; 95% confidence interval, 0.64 – 0.83).

The loss of cycling ability was seen with all atypical parkinsonism conditions, they note, and regression analysis showed no significant effect of age, parkinsonism, or ataxia on this ability, “suggesting this was an independent marker of atypical parkinsonism,” they write.

Cycling requires a highly coordinated interplay among balance, coordination, and rhythmic pedaling of the legs, Dr. Bloem and colleagues point out. “This skilled task is probably sensitive to subtle problems with balance or coordination, caused by the more extensive extranigral pathology in atypical parkinsonism,” they speculate.

“We suggest that loss of the ability to cycle after disease onset might serve as a new red flag, signaling the presence of atypical parkinsonism,” the study authors conclude. “The diagnostic value of the ‘bicycle sign’ was good: its presence was highly specific for the diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism.”

The study was supported by a research grant from the Internationaal Parkinson Fonds. The study authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Sinemet shortage in early 2011?

Those of you who take Sinemet may be interested in this news relayed by the National Parkinson’s Foundation…

The “issue” with taking the generic form of Sinemet is that the FDA requires the bioequivalence of any generic product to be between 80% and 125% of that of the innovator product. This is a rather large range.

Email from National Parkinson’s Foundation

Merck & Co. Inc. has informed the Parkinson’s disease community that in early 2011, there may be a potential temporary supply shortage in the U.S. for SINEMET® (carbidopa-levodopa) and SINEMET CR® (carbidopa-levodopa controlled release tablets).

While there is currently no shortage, it is advisable to speak with your health care provider about appropriate steps should a shortage occur. Your health care provider can give you relevant information about potential short-term alternative therapies, including the availability of alternative generic equivalents.

The FDA has shown generic SINEMET® to be effective against the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but dosing may need to be slightly adjusted due to differences in manufacturing and formulation. Should you need to temporarily switch to a generic version of SINEMET®, be aware that some people may experience a change in how the medication works. If you do experience a change, contact your health care provider who may prescribe a different dose or timing regimen.

Patients, caregivers and health care professionals in the U.S. who have more questions about the availability of SINEMET® can contact the Merck National Service Center at 1-800-NSC-MERCK.

NPF is committed to keeping you informed of developments on this issue. We will alert you if we get any more information about either a shortage developing or the crisis being averted. If you are informed by your doctor or pharmacist that SINEMET® is not available in your area, please contact us at 1-800-4PD-INFO (473-4636) or [email protected]. If you have any questions, Dr. Okun is prepared to address issues about the shortage and generic substitution on our Ask the Doc online discussion forum.

MRI brainstem studies – 2 main PSP types and PD

The two main types of PSP — Richardson’s syndrome and PSP-parkinsonism — are very different. I remember being in support group meetings early on, when the evidence of these two types wasn’t yet published, and wondering if the person sitting next to me was dealing with PSP at all! (“How can your parent not have cognitive impairment?”)

It’s great to have studies now that look in detail at the pathologic, radiologic, and clinical differences in these two main types. RS is easier to diagnose because it’s very different from Parkinson’s Disease or Alzheimer’s Disease; it is called “classic PSP.” PSP-P is much harder to diagnose accurately because it looks so much like Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple System Atrophy.

An Italian study was published this week that looks at MRI measurements of brainstem structures in RS (10 patients), PSP-P (10 patients), and Parkinson’s Disease (25 patients). Using certain measurements, MRIs could be used to differentiate RS from PD but the accuracy of differentiating PSP-P from PD was not as high. The authors say that the such MRI measurements “can, at least partially, contribute to the identification of patients with PSPP versus those with PD.”

The search continues for something to differentiate PSP-Parkinsonism from Parkinson’s Disease and MSA….

I’ve copied the abstract below.


Movement Disorders. 2010 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print]

MRI measurements of brainstem structures in patients with Richardson’s syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy-parkinsonism, and Parkinson’s disease.

Longoni G, Agosta F, Kostic VS, Stojkovic T, Pagani E, Stošic-Opincal T, Filippi M.
Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, Scientific Institute and University Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy.

We investigated the diagnostic accuracy of brainstem MRI measurements in patients with different progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) syndromes and Parkinson’s disease (PD).

Using 3D T1-weighted images, midbrain, and pons areas, as well as superior (SCP) and middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) widths were measured in 10 patients with Richardson’s syndrome (PSP-RS), 10 patients with PSP-parkinsonism (PSP-P), 25 patients with PD, and 24 healthy controls.

The ratio between pons and midbrain areas (pons/midbrain), that between MCP and SCP widths (MCP/SCP), and the MR parkinsonism index ([pons/midbrain]*[MCP/SCP]) were calculated.

The pons/midbrain and the MR parkinsonism index allowed to differentiate PSP-RS from PD with high sensitivity (90%, 100%), specificity (96%, 92%), and accuracy (94%, 97%).

Only the pons/midbrain was found to distinguish PSP-P from PD, but with a lower diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity = 60%, specificity = 96%, accuracy = 86%).

Compared to PSP-RS, PSP-P experience a relatively less severe involvement of infratentorial brain.

The pons/midbrain looks as a promising measure in the differentiation of individual PSP-P from PD patients.

© 2010 Movement Disorder Society.

PubMed ID#: 21162106 (see for this abstract only)