Understanding Different Types of Dementia (AD, FTD, LBD, VaD) – NIH Infographic

As we age, it’s normal to lose some neurons in the brain. People living with dementia, however, experience far greater loss. Many neurons stop working, lose connections with other brain cells, and eventually die. At first, symptoms can be mild, but they get worse over time.

Review this infographic to learn more about four different types of dementia.

“Love, Dignity and Parkinson’s: From Care Partner to Caregiver” (book review)

Our friend Denise Dagan shared her book review of “Love, Dignity & Parkinson’s: from Care Partner to Caregiver,” by Terri Pease, PhD. Though “Parkinson’s” is in the title, this book will be of interest to spouse caregivers coping with Lewy body dementia and the other atypical parkinsonism disorders. It is directed at spouse caregivers. Denise highly recommends the book. Her brief summary is below.

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Caregiver’s Advice – “20 Lessons Learned the Hard Way”

A local Parkinson’s Disease (PD) caregiver support group member recently offered her highest recommendation for a book titled “Advice From a Parkinson’s Wife: 20 Lessons Learned the Hard Way,” by Barbara Sheklin Davis (2019). We encourage you to buy it! Barbara authored five books before this one. She was a Parkinson’s care partner for over twenty years. Her latest book is “Advice from a Parkinson’s Widow.”

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“Advice From a Parkinson’s Wife: 20 Lessons…” (book review)

Our friend Denise Dagan shared her book review of “Advice From a Parkinson’s Wife: 20 Lessons Learned the Hard Way,” by Barbara Sheklin Davis (2019).  Though “Parkinson’s” is in the title, this book will be of interest to caregivers coping with Lewy body dementia and the other atypical parkinsonism disorders.  While “wife” is in the title, this book will be of interest to all caregivers regardless of whether they are caring for a spouse or not.  Denise highly recommends the book and calls is a “quick read” (at 94 pages).  Her comments are shared here, and then Denise provides a summary of the 20 lessons.

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Top Three Things I Learned as a Caregiver (Recording, Discussion Summary, and Notes)

In December 2023, Brain Support Network and Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach co-hosted a discussion for caregivers to share the top three things they have learned about caregiving. Caregivers offered advice to each other, including advice caregivers wished they could tell their younger selves.

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