Predictors of survival in PSP and MSA

The authors of this review article examined 37 studies of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) or multiple system atrophy (MSA).  There’s very little that’s new here.

They determined that these factors predicted a short survival time in PSP:

* Richardson’s phenotype
* early dysphagia
* early cognitive symptoms

In MSA, these factors predicted a short survival time:

* severe dysautonomia
* early development of combined autonomic and motor features

I’m not sure why it’s helpful but in both PSP and MSA, survival is predicted by:

* early falls
* Parkinson Plus score (on a rating scale)
* disease severity score (on a rating scale)

One new thing was that an earlier paper indicated that female gender in MSA predicted a shorter survival time.  That was not found in this meta-analysis.

The authors indicate there is “conflicting evidence regarding the prognostic effect of age at onset and stridor.”

The full abstract is copied below.



J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017 Mar 1.  [Epub ahead of print]

Predictors of survival in progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple system atrophy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Glasmacher SA, Leigh PN, Saha RA.

To undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that investigated prognostic factors and survival in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and multiple system atrophy (MSA).

Publications of at least 10 patients with a likely or confirmed diagnosis of PSP or MSA were eligible for inclusion. Methodological quality was rated using a modified version of the Quality in Prognostic Studies tool. For frequently examined prognostic factors, HRs derived by univariate and multivariate analysis were pooled in separate subgroups; other results were synthesised narratively and HRs could not be reported here.

Thirty-seven studies presenting findings on 6193 patients (1911 PSP, 4282 MSA) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. We identified the following variables as unfavourable predictors of survival. In PSP, PSP-Richardson’s phenotype (univariate HR 2.53; 95% CI 1.69 to 3.78), early dysphagia and early cognitive symptoms. In MSA, severe dysautonomia and early development of combined autonomic and motor features but not MSA phenotype (multivariate HR 1.22; 95% CI 0.83 to 1.80).In PSP and MSA, survival was predicted by early falls (multivariate HR 2.32; 95% CI 1.94 to 2.77), the Neuroprotection and Natural History in Parkinson Plus Syndromes Parkinson Plus Score and the Clinical Global Impression Disease Severity Score but not sex (multivariate HR 0.93; 95% CI 0.67 to 1.28). There was conflicting evidence regarding the prognostic effect of age at onset and stridor.

Several clinical variables were strongly associated with shorter survival in PSP and MSA. Results on most prognostic factors were consistent across methodologically diverse studies; however, the lack of commonality of prognostic factors investigated is a significant limitation.

© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

PMID: 28250027  (see for the abstract only)

Low blood pressure standing may hold the key to detecting pre-motor MSA

This is an article posted to the website of NYU’s Dysautonomia Center (  One of their lead researchers, Dr. Horacio Kaufmann, is active in multiple system atrophy (MSA) studies.  In the post, Dr. Kaufmann’s eight-year multi-center study of orthostatic hypotension is described.  The study was recently published in the Annals of Neurology.

Here’s a link to the post:

Low blood pressure standing may hold the key to detecting pre-motor MSA
By Dysautonomia Center NYU
February 22, 2017

The researchers discovered the predictors of MSA:

“In a patient with orthostatic hypotension, REM sleep behavior disorder, intact smell and signs that the autonomic nerves outside the brain are mostly spared are key features that suggest an increased risk of developing MSA.”

By “signs that the autonomic nerves outside the brain are mostly spared,” the researchers are referring to “the fact that Parkinson disease destroys the autonomic nerves outside the brain around the heart.”  The researchers noted that “patients that went on to develop MSA had faster heart rates that those that were later diagnosed with Parkinson disease.”

The full article is worth reading.



Five E’s of empowered living with chronic illness

CurePSP hosted a webinar last year that focused on “patient-centered multidisciplinary management” of chronic disorders.  While the webinar was directed to families dealing with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), multiple system atrophy (MSA), and corticobasal degeneration (CBD), the concepts apply to all situations, regardless of disorder.  Very little about this webinar was specific to PSP, MSA, or CBD.

The speaker was Becky Dunlop, RN, with Johns Hopkins Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center.

You can find an archived recording of the webinar here:

Your PSP, CBD, MSA Management Plan: Resources and Services
CurePSP Webinar
Speaker:  Becky Dunlop, RN, Johns Hopkins
March 6, 2016

Brain Support Network volunteer Denise Dagan listened to the webinar and said:  “[Becky] really paints a comprehensive picture that there is so much you can do to continue living even after what seems like a catastrophic diagnosis, if you’re willing to learn, and can surround yourself with supportive people.”

As part of her hopeful message, Becky shared five “E’s” of empowered living with chronic illness:

* Education:  learn about a disorder
* Expanding and building your team
* Effective communication:  utilize speech therapy, communication boards, etc.
* Effective coping
* Exploring options:  find a movement disorder specialist, participate in research, etc.

In terms of effective coping, these suggestions were offered:
* psychiatric services, professional counseling, social work services
* stress management
* meditation or exercise
* development of a support network
* support groups:  find or start one
* education programs
* develop and maintain your humor
* pet therapy
* maintain faith and hope
* get your rest
* maintain a healthy perspective
* find beauty in life
* don’t be afraid to ask directions
* recognize and celebrate your role and define the unique you

Denise’s notes about the webinar along with the question-and-answer session are below.  There’s more about PSP in the Q&A than there is in the presentation itself.

Becky referred to the WeMove organization.  This organization hasn’t been in business for several years so I deleted that reference.



Denise’s Notes

Your PSP, CBD, MSA Management Plan: Resources and Services
CurePSP Webinar
Speaker:  Becky Dunlop, RN, Johns Hopkins Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center
March 6, 2016

Learning Objectives:
* Comprehend the need for patient centered multidisciplinary management of PDP, CBD, and MSA
* Identify available resources for individuals living with PSP, CBD, MSA and their families

Patient Centered Care:
* All these individuals strive to identify and meet the needs of the patient
* The Institute of Medicine (2001).  Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the 21st century.
* “Providing care based on patient’s needs and expectations is the key attribute of quality care.”

Bergeson & Dean Commentary on Patient Centered Care in JAMA (2006)
* Ensures access and continuity (access to psychiatry, PT, and other services, and continuity among and between service is ensured)
* Provides opportunities for patient and family participation (key take-home point of this presentation)
* Supports self management
* Coordinates care between settings

Individualized therapy involves not only the pharmacological, but also the appropriate use of allied health professionals, assistive technologies, educational and support resources along the chronic illness continuum.

The Es of Empowered Living with PSP, CBS, MSA.  Identify strategies in each of these areas that will help patients and families.
* Education
* Expanding & building your Team
* Effective Communication
* Effective Coping
* Exploring Options

Knowledge is Power
Lay Education / CurePSP offers
* Network of education and support groups
* Numerous publications
* Web resources
* Conferences and Symposia

Highlights of Lay Educational Resources
* Webinars on specific topics such as incontinence, aphasia, advance directives
* Resources like:
– CurePSP
– National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke
– Lee Silverman Voice Treatment website

Expanding and Building Your Team:
* Lay people (family, friends, disease community/support group, church)
* Healthcare professionals including:
– Primary Care Physician
– Neurologist, especially a movement disorder specialist
– Urologist
– Cardiologist (orthostatic hypotension)
– Ophthalmologist (double vision, difficulty focusing)
– Psychiatrist (depression, anxiety)

Visual Disturbances (Importance of Ophthalmologist)
* Dry eyes (natural tears and lubricants)
* Difficulty looking down (prismatic lens)
* Difficulty with eye movements, focusing
* Double vision (covering one side of glasses with tape)
* Sensitivity to light (sunglasses or tinted glasses)
* Blepharospasm (Botox around the eye muscle)

Psychiatric Issues (Importance of Psychiatrist, although PCP could help with some of these as well)
* Depression
* Inappropriate laughter or crying
* Impulse control problems (difficulty realizing limitations caused by disease so trying to do what they’ve always done may risk falling)

Role of Allied Team Members:
* Physical Therapy
* Speech Therapy
* Occupational Therapy (managing home safety, managing patient’s ability to participate in every day activities safely)
* Nursing
* Social Workers

Physical Therapy
* Maintain mobility
* Prevent falls
* Suggest walker and wheelchair as appropriate
* Instruct in safe transfer and walking
* Instruct caregiver to maintain caregiver health

Speech Therapy:
* Communication boards (
* Encourage patient to speak slowly
* Allow adequate time for response
* Prevent social isolation

Speech Therapy / Swallowing Issues:
* Place the chin in a downward or neutral position to close off the airway during swallowing
* Learn the Heimlich maneuver for use in the event of choking. (All family members.)
* Have suction equipment available for clearing the airway at some point in the disease.
* Thickening agents for liquids
* Consideration of a feeding tube (Verdun, 2000)

Example of a communication chart.  The person having communication difficulties just has to point.  [Editor’s note:  see webinar]

Occupational Therapy:
* Home modifications
* Home safety

* Unanticipated weight loss
* Maintaining a healthy weight
* Management of constipation

Developing your Personal Support Network:
* Educate family and friends
* Identify resources thru church or social networks
* Devise a plan by identifying needs
* Ask for help
* Consider creating an online care network. is a central place to keep family & friends up to date and ask for help.

Effective Communication

Effective Coping

Some Resources to aide Coping:
* Psychiatric Services (caregivers sometimes need an objective, trained person for our own needs)
* Professional Counseling ( “ )
* Social Work Services ( “ )
* Stress management (to improve quality of life)
* Meditation or exercise (stress busters)
* Development of a support network (list everyone who is there to help you, and call upon them, even if its just one meal weekly)
* Support groups & education programs (learn from each other)

Develop & Maintain your Humor
She used to hand out Sunsweet Prunes because constipation is a common issue.  Her motto was, “We keep you moving.”

Pet Therapy

Maintain Faith & Hope
Identify your faith community
Have hope knowing there are tools out there to help you.  Don’t lose sight of that.

Get your Rest
It supports your stamina.

Find or Start a Support Group

Maintain a Healthy Perspective
When you’re living with a chronic disease, take time to look up and experience the larger world to gain perspective.

Find Beauty in Life
View the sea or mountains, buy yourself some flowers, etc.

Don’t be afraid to Ask Directions
If you don’t stop asking, people will be available to help and guide you.

Recognize and Celebrate your Role and Define the Unique YOU

Caregiver Health is VITAL to the health of the patient !
The first rule of caregiving is to take care of yourself.  So explore all these options…

Exploring Options:
* Movement Disorder Specialists over a neurologist
* Participation in research
* Other specialists (urinary frequency, call a Urologist / unmanaged constipation, call a GI / depression not well treated, modify meds.)
* Occupational Therapy Assessments/Driving Assessments/ Home Safety & Fall Prevention
* Caregiver Resources (National Caregiver Resources, CurePSP)
* Assistive Devices
* Consider Palliative Care and Hospice

Walking aides
U-Step walker has red laser line between back wheels to prevent freezing.
laser cane

Home environment.  Get an OT consult.
* Considerations for safety:
– Grab bars in bathroom (by toilet, tub, shower, sink)
– Railings on stairs/steps
– Adequate lighting
– Eliminate fall hazards:  Throw rugs, toys, clutter
– Entrance ramp

Gizmos and Gadgets
– Shoehorn with a long handle (medical supply stores)
– Bedrail that slides under mattress and helps get out and reposition themselves in bed.  (Must extend 3-4 feet under mattress for safety.)
– Swivel Seat (getting in/out of a car.  Plastic bags can work just as well on fabric car seats.)
– Ursec Urinal (this is a travel variety.  Good for preventing spills.)

More Gizmos and Gadgets
Rollator (consult w/a PT before purchasing one.  Having a seat can be good on long outings.)
Stand Ease (helps one to stand from a low seat)
Turn Ease & Car Ease (help get in/out of car or bed.  Silk sheets and/or PJs can make it easier to reposition in bed)
Sock Aide (helps you put on a sock independently)

Complementary Therapies provide enjoyment and an outlet with a person living with a long term disorder.  Improves quality of life.
* Music therapy
* Art therapy
* Therapeutic horticulture
* Aromatherapy
* Animal-assisted therapy
* Spiritual care
* Massage therapy
* Healing touch
* Acupuncture

That elusive spirit in the heart of man,
With it, desires and fears will withstand.
When present and believed within the soul,
The thread of hope will keep you whole.
by Becky Dunlop, RN (2009)

What county, state or federal agencies can help?
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging.  They are charged with helping individuals navigate the healthcare system when they are 60 years +.  If younger approach the state disability services agency.  Nurses and social workers at those agencies can provide direction.

Differences between Parkinson’s & PSP?
Main difference is Parkinson’s being a chronic progressive disease with good medicines for symptoms for many years so people are able to live full lives.  Advanced Parkinson’s disease is similar to PSP.  With PSP an individual will progress chronically and movement becomes worse because there are no medicines to reduce symptoms.  Falls and immobility increase over time.  In advanced Parkinson’s medicines don’t work as well because of brain cell loss.

As PSP progresses is it normal for the patient to become increasingly confused in unfamiliar surrounds outside the home?  What can a caregiver do to lessen the impact on the patient?
Yes, that is normal.  What a caregiver can do is create a routine and repeat verbally and in writing to the patient what’s going on.  Mainly, let them know what you’re going to do at the beginning of the day.  This may limit some of their anxiety and may help them be the best they can be.  Remember these individuals are not dealing with the same neurologic capacities we are as healthy people, therefore any change in routine is anxiety provoking and a disruption to them.  Anything you can do to aid and eliminate that will help them.

My husband can hear sound, but does not always understand what is being said.  Communication has become extremely difficult.  Is there anything to aid with this situation?
When someone can’t sort out verbal communication, it is very challenging.  Keep it simple.  Keep it slow.  Repeat yourself.  Give him time to process.  In many of these neurodegenative disorders people have bradyphrenia (slow thinking).  Their processing ability is much slower than a healthy person’s.  They may feel as though they understand what’s going on around the, but can’t get it out because what’s going on around them is happening so quickly.  Anything we can do to slow it down, simplify it, repeat, and give them time to reflect, will give them time to help that communication.

What palliative care services can be helpful to PSP patients?
Palliative care services may be engaging a home care agency that offers palliative care.  Identifying a depression may be helpful.  Identifying changes in vision.  Sometimes when a person has excessive saliva we provide medication to dry that and help them be more comfortable.  The whole aim is not to cure, but to keep the person as comfortable as possible, given the circumstances.

Will a discussion of facing the end worsen the depression of the patient?
Depends on the patient.  Many people want to know what lies ahead.  Even people with dementia, people can be concerned.  Reassuring someone and telling them the truth, but that everyone is there to help them is a comfort.  Facing the end may help the individual and allay their anxiety.  It may help them build their coping skills, knowing what to expect.

My PCP is treating my urinary frequency.  Should I see a urologist?
Sure.  A specialist may see something the PCP doesn’t know about.  Two heads are better than one.

Looking for a support group?
Contact CurePSP even for world-wide locations.

When should you consider palliative care?

Short podcast on Parkinson’s Plus conditions with Dr. Golbe

This is a worthwhile 28-minute podcast about Parkinson’s Plus conditions, including progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), multiple system atrophy (MSA), vascular parkinsonism, corticobasal degeneration (CBD), and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB).

Parkinson’s Plus Conditions
Podcast by World Parkinson Coalition
Speaker:  Lawrence I. Golbe, MD, movement disorder specialist

Brain Support Network Treasurer Phil Myers listened to the podcast and reports: “This podcast was done a year ago in 2016 as preparation for the World Parkinson’s Congress in Portland.  This is good coverage of all variations of Parkinson’s Plus. It compares each of them to Parkinson’s. It does talk about the lack of direct treatment but does discuss symptom treatments. And it talks about the difficulty of diagnosis.”

I’ve shared an outline of the podcast and a few notes below in case you want to forward to your disorder of interest.



1:00 – Dr. Golbe begins a general overview of Parkinson’s Plus conditions

1:45 – PSP discussion begins

5:00 – terrific question and answer on why levodopa doesn’t work in PSP, MSA, etc.

6:00 – MSA discussion begins

8:00 – discussion of dementia in MSA

8:20 – is MSA a prion disease?  He can’t comment on any one study in this format.  He says many diseases are prion-like in that there is a toxic chain reaction.  “Can’t catch MSA.”  Key distinction is that in CJD, the key protein is prion.  Prion protein can be transmitted more easily than other proteins.

11:00 – treatment of MSA symptoms

11:52 – discussion of vascular parkinsonism, which isn’t a neurodegenerative disease.

13:43 – CBD discussion begins.  One-tenth as rare as PSP or MSA.  Those conditions are one-twenthieth as prevalent as Parkinson’s.  Life expectancy similar to PSP and MSA:  between 5 and 10 years, typically between 7 and 8 years.  Lots more tau in CBD than in PSP.

15:10 – MSA pathology

15:40 – DLB discussion begins.  Spontaneous fluctuations that happen in DLB don’t happen in PD.  Levodopa isn’t quite as effective in DLB than in PD.  There’s is a problem that levodopa can cause hallucinations in DLB.

18:00 – general discussion.  There is long-term hope via a double-pronged attack.  First, stopping the protein aggregation or misfolding for a group of diseases.  Second, focusing on each individual disease.

We are further along in PSP given the focus on Alzheimer’s – both are tauopathies.

CBD is more difficult to do research on — because it’s rare and because diagnostic accuracy is very poor (50%).

21:00 – general discussion.  Neglected because they are rare, hard to diagnose, and no biomarkers.  FDA can given these diseases the status of an “orphan disease.”

22:45 – general discussion about how to help these families.  First, accurate diagnosis is important.  Sometimes people are given fruitless tests on the way to a diagnosis.  Second, symptoms can be treated.  Palliative management of symptoms.  Referrals can be made.  Third, at academic centers, treatment trials or research projects are available.  These can give patients the feeling of “fighting back” to help future generations.

25:00 – Dr. Golbe stops speaking.  Podcast continues with comments from hosts Dave Iverson and Jon Palfreman.

UCSF continues to say that MSA is a prion disorder

Sigh….  Some UCSF folks continue to say that multiple system atrophy is a prion disease, which means that it’s infectious if brain tissue is touched.  This has really gummed up the works for brain donation in two places in the US.

The abstract is copied below.



Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine. 2017 Feb 17.

α-Synuclein: Multiple System Atrophy Prions.
Woerman AL, Watts JC, Aoyagi A, Giles K, Middleton LT, Prusiner SB.

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disease arising from the misfolding and accumulation of the protein α-synuclein in oligodendrocytes, where it forms glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs). Several years of studying synthetic α-synuclein fibrils has provided critical insight into the ability of α-synuclein to template endogenous protein misfolding, giving rise to fibrillar structures capable of propagating from cell to cell. However, more recent studies with MSA-derived α-synuclein aggregates have shown that they have a similar ability to undergo template-directed propagation, like PrP prions. Almost 20 years after α-synuclein was discovered as the primary component of GCIs, α-synuclein aggregates isolated from MSA patient samples were shown to infect cultured mammalian cells and also to transmit neurological disease to transgenic mice. These findings argue that α-synuclein becomes a prion in MSA patients. In this review, we discuss the in vitro and in vivo data supporting the recent classification of MSA as a prion disease.

Copyright © 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

PubMed ID#: 28213437 (see for the abstract only)