Diagnosing LBD: Advances in Biomarkers – Register now for Feb. 29 webinar

On February 29 at 1pm PT, the Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA, lbda.org) will host a webinar on “Introduction to Synuclein Biomarkers: How Researchers are ‘Seeing’ Lewy Bodies in the Living Brain.” Stanford neurologist Kathleen Poston, MD, will discuss recent advances in the development of biomarkers for alpha-synuclein, how they are changing research in Lewy body dementia (LBD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD), and how they may change clinical practice in the future.

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Seminario web sobre la demencia con cuerpos de Lewy, 28 de febrero – regístrese ahora

El miércoles 28 de febrero a las 6 p. m. (hora del Pacífico), Brain Support Network y Stanford Neurology organizarán un seminario gratuito en español sobre la demencia por la enfermedad de Parkinson y por demencia con cuerpos de Lewy (DCL).

La doctora Carla Abdelnour, becaria postdoctoral de la Universidad de Stanford, brindará una descripción general de los síntomas y el tratamiento de la demencia de ambos enfermedades.


Linda HiguerasEl seminario será moderado por Linda Higueras del Brain Support Network, cuyo padre padeció demencia por cuerpos de Lewy.

Regístrate ahora.

El seminario será grabado.

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¿Preguntas? Envía un correo a la Dra. Carla Abdelnour con Stanford, o a Robin Riddle con Brain Support Network.

Top Three Things I Learned as a Caregiver (Recording, Discussion Summary, and Notes)

In December 2023, Brain Support Network and Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach co-hosted a discussion for caregivers to share the top three things they have learned about caregiving. Caregivers offered advice to each other, including advice caregivers wished they could tell their younger selves.

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Lewy Body Dementia Caregiving Symposium – Recording, Notes, etc.

In mid-October 2023, Stanford’s Lewy Body Dementia Research Center of Excellence and Brain Support Network co-hosted a hybrid symposium on Lewy body dementia (LBD) caregiving.  This event featured two expert speakers — Stanford’s Dr. Kathleen Poston and social worker Christina Irving — followed by a panel of five LBD caregivers.

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