Survival time is shorter in PSP than FTD (Dutch study)

This very interesting Dutch study compares survival times in 197 PSP patients and 354 FTD patients. Of the 197 PSP patients, 121 were classified as Richardson Syndrome (RS), 7 as PSP-parkinsonism (PSP-P), and the remainder could not be subdivided into a phenotype.

I believe the researchers attempted to limit the FTD causes to those with tau-positive pathology including Pick disease and FTDP-17.

A low percentage of patients participated in brain donation. During the follow-up phase, 133 patients died. Only 24 of them donated brain tissue. All of the PSP patients who died had the RS (Richardson Syndrome) type of PSP. Reading between the lines, it seems that the diagnostic accuracy was over 83%, which is similar to previous studies. If dementia was present, the diagnostic accuracy was over 96%. (The diagnostic accuracy of PSP-P is much lower — in the mid-40s.)

The researchers found that:

* “median survival of PSP patients (8.0 years) was significantly shorter than that of FTD patients (9.9 years).”

* “In PSP, male gender, older onset-age and higher PSP Rating Scale score were identified as independent predictors for shorter survival, whereas in FTD a positive family history and an older onset-age were associated with a poor prognosis.” Older onset age is greater than 72 years.

* “Comparing PSP phenotypes, RS (6.8 years) was found to have a shorter median survival than PSP-P (10.9 years) and the non-conclusive group (8.8 years).”

* The mean “interval between onset and ascertainment [ie, diagnosis]” of PSP was 5.3 years.

* “This study replicates, for the first time, the prognostic value of the PSPRS [PSP Rating Scale] with a sharp increase in probability of death above a score of 60. … Only the subsections supranuclear ocular motor exam, bulbar exam and gait exam were of prognostic value in our study. The replication of Golbe’s findings on the PSPRS has implications for its potential use in clinical trials.”

I’ve copied the abstract below.


Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, & Psychiatry. 2010 Apr;81(4):441-5.

Survival in progressive supranuclear palsy and frontotemporal dementia.

Chiu WZ, Kaat LD, Seelaar H, Rosso SM, Boon AJ, Kamphorst W, van Swieten JC.
Department of Neurology, Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

To compare survival and to identify prognostic predictors for progressive supranuclear palsy and frontotemporal dementia.

Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are related disorders. Homozygosity for H1 haplotype is associated with PSP, whereas several MAPT mutations have been identified in FTLD-tau. Survival duration probably reflects underlying pathophysiology or disease.

Patients with PSP and FTD were recruited by nationwide referral. Survival of 354 FTD patients was compared with that of 197 PSP patients. Cox regression analysis was performed to identify prognostic predictors.

FTLD-tau was defined as Pick disease and FTDP-17 with MAPT mutations. Semiquantitative evaluation of tau-positive pathology was performed on all pathologically proven cases.

The median survival of PSP patients (8.0 years; 95% CI 7.3 to 8.7) was significantly shorter than that of FTD patients (9.9 years; 95% CI 9.2 to 10.6). Corrected for demographic differences, PSP patients were still significantly more at risk of dying than FTD patients.

In PSP, male gender, older onset-age and higher PSP Rating Scale score were identified as independent predictors for shorter survival, whereas in FTD a positive family history and an older onset-age were associated with a poor prognosis.

The difference in hazard rate was even more pronounced when comparing pathologically proven cases of PSP with FTLD-tau.

Survival of PSP patients is shorter than that of FTD patients, and probably reflects a more aggressive disease process in PSP.

Independent predictors of shorter survival in PSP were male gender, older onset-age and higher PSP rating scale score, whereas in FTD a positive family history and higher onset-age were predictors for worse prognosis.

PubMed ID#: 20360166 (see for this abstract)

The “Other” Dementias (featuring Lewy Body Dementia story)

There’s a wonderful article in the November/December 2009 issue of Neurology Now magazine.  It features Jerome and Renata Rafferty; Jerome had Lewy Body Dementia and Renata was his caregiver.

Renata is a fixture on the LBDA Forum (“raffcons”).  (She and Jerome used to live near Palm Springs; they moved to Indiana this spring.)  Renata emailed me on Sunday about the article:

“The writer interviewed me just a  few days before Jerome died, and it was a fitting cap to bring at least some usefulness to what Jerome went through. I think the article is pretty good and would like to see it disseminated as widely as possible.”

Here’s the full text of the article, and a link to it online.  In the online version, you can see a nice photo of Jerome and, of course, the formatting is prettier.  You can also download the PDF of the article.


—————————— –> HTML version

The “Other” Dementias
Alzheimer’s disease is not the only cause of dementia. Knowing the others may help you or your loved one get the right diagnosis and treatment.
by Tom Valeo
Neurology Now:
November/December 2009 – Volume 5 – Issue 6 – p 26-27, 31-34

Renata Rafferty first suspected trouble when her late husband Jerome, a bright, curious, and articulate man, couldn’t tell her about an article he had just read.

“He would start to tell me and then say, ‘I’d better go find the article and give it to you’,” she recalls.

Jerome was nearly 70 at the time (he died on Oct. 20, 2009, at the age of 76), so Rafferty attributed such lapses to typical age-related forgetfulness. But that wasn’t the first disturbing change she had noticed in him. For more than two years he had been having terrifying dreams several nights a week.

“They were scary, violent dreams, and he would act them out,” Rafferty remembers. “He would kick, push, and speak angrily, and if I tried to wake him he’d lash out at me. I learned to get out of bed, shake his foot, and call to him so I wouldn’t be close enough to get hurt.” Their doctor attributed the dreams to the pain medication Jerome had been taking for a ruptured disc in his back. But he prescribed the Alzheimer’s drug donepezil when Jerome could no longer follow the plot of Law and Order, one of his favorite TV shows. A neurologist added another Alzheimer’s medication, memantine.

After Jerome went through eight hours of neuropsychiatric testing over two days, the doctor who administered the tests concluded he did not have Alzheimer’s disease (AD) but rather vascular dementia, which is caused by the damage that accumulates from several small strokes.

Since strokes can occur in any part of the brain, the symptoms of vascular dementia can vary greatly. But they often cause memory problems, mood disorders, and difficulty with walking and other movements-symptoms found in some Alzheimer’s patients as well.

If the strokes accumulate in the front of the brain, they may produce symptoms of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). This group of disorders affects the prefrontal cortex, which modulates mood, judgment, speech, creativity, and other distinctly human functions.

Still, the neuropsychologist who performed the testing insisted Jerome had vascular dementia, and predicted that unlike patients with AD, who decline steadily, Jerome would decline, remain stable for a while, then have another small stroke and decline again, and so on.

“We went for a year or so thinking it was AD, and then we went for another year or so thinking it was vascular dementia,” Rafferty says.

Then Jerome went to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ, seeking relief from his persistent back pain. After a thorough exam his doctors concluded that Jerome did not have vascular dementia or AD. They had noticed that the toes on one foot were constantly wiggling, a sign of a very rare condition known as painful leg moving toe syndrome.

“Everyone was very excited about that,” Rafferty says. “They wanted to enroll him in a study, videotape his foot and leg.”

But during the exam she heard the senior neurologist on the team mention–in passing–that Jerome did not have vascular dementia, so she followed him into the hall and asked him what he meant.

“I’m so sorry to tell you this, but it’s obviously Lewy body dementia,” he said, and rushed off.

“That was the first time I heard those words,” Renata says.

Now that she knows more about Lewy body dementia (LBD), she can see early symptoms that should have pointed to the diagnosis. Acting out violent dreams, for example, is one poorly understood symptom of the disorder. And when Jerome took olanzapine, one of the newer drugs used to treat psychiatric symptoms, he had a violent reaction that produced high blood pressure and delirium.

“It turns out that this is a sign of LBD too,” Rafferty says. “We found out that people with LBD often have a severe reaction to atypical antipsychotic medications-also, that LBD patients should not be put under general anesthesia because they may proceed rapidly to end-stage disease.”

To complicate the diagnosis further, LBD may overlap with other conditions, including AD, Parkinson’s disease, FTD, and vascular dementia. Although Jerome did not have vascular dementia, he did have a fourth transient ischemic attack-a temporary interruption of blood flow to a part of the brain. A brain scan revealed signs of a previous stroke, which could have produced symptoms of its own.

Despite his memory problems, and occasional hallucinations, and fleeing bouts with anxiety and aggression, Jerome remained acutely aware of his condition in a way that Alzheimer’s patients seldom are. When a hospice nurse recently asked him if he needed anything, he replied with a mordant, “Yeah, a getaway car.”


Everyone knows about AD, which accounts for 65 percent of all dementia in the United States. Alzheimer’s begins with degeneration of the hippocampus, a brain structure essential for the creation of new memories, and spreads to other brain areas, producing problems with speech, mood, judgment, motor skills, and other abilities.

But the hippocampus is not the only region subject to degeneration. Other brain structures can develop problems, and although they may produce similar symptoms, the underlying diseases each have a life of their own.

“There are well over 100 causes of dementia, but the big four that make up 94 to 98 percent are Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and vascular dementia,” notes James E. Galvin, M.D. M.P.H., assistant professor of neurology, anatomy, and neurobiology at Washington University School of Medicine and director of the Memory Diagnostic Center and the Wolff Neuroscience Laboratory. If you take 100 people with dementia, 65 will have AD, 10 or 12 will have LBD, 10 or 12 will have vascular, and eight will have FTD.

Because Alzheimer’s was identified more than 100 years ago and accounts for the vast majority of dementia, it attracts the largest number of research dollars, and therefore is better understood than the others.

But the other types of dementia tend to strike earlier, consuming many years of productive life.

“These other diseases affect people in their 50s, 60s, and early 70s,” observes Dr. Galvin. “Alzheimer’s affects people in their late 70s and early 80s.”

Although the precise causes of these different dementias (including AD) remain obscure, they all seem to involve the faulty production or management of proteins in the brain. In AD, tau protein accumulates within the body of neurons, while amyloid protein forms clumps in between neurons.

In LBD, a protein known as alpha-synuclein aggregates into clumps named after Frederich Lewy, the German-American physician who described them in 1912. (Dr. Lewy worked in the same lab as Dr. Alois Alzheimer, who identified the protein clumps and tangles characteristic of the disease named after him.)

FTD involves the accumulation of a protein known as TDP-43, which also plays a role in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Discovered just three years ago, TDP-43 plays such a decisive role in both diseases that some researchers suspect that FTD and ALS may be different manifestations of the same disease process.

One type of FTD known as Pick’s disease, named after Arnold Pick, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Prague who described the disease in 1892, involves the accumulation of tau protein-one of the two proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease. In Pick’s disease, however, the protein accumulates in the frontal lobes, where it causes erratic behavior and the loss of normal inhibitions. A normally reserved man with Pick’s might make lewd sexual comments to women or become belligerent. Pick’s disease may also produce speech difficulties that eventually leave the patient mute.

Vascular dementia is an imprecise term that refers to dementia caused by brain cells that have been damaged by lack of oxygen from several small strokes. Some research suggests that the most common form of vascular dementia, known as multi-infarct dementia, merely causes or accelerates AD, producing a decline in memory and cognitive function.

“There can be some overlap in pathology, but in vascular dementia you think the primary dementing component is due to vascular disease,” says Dr. Galvin. “If you have AD and then have a stroke, you don’t then have vascular dementia too; you have AD and a stroke. It’s not clear cut, though.”


Understanding dementia, which is a complex and varied dysfunction, requires understanding the complex and varied function of the brain itself.

What we experience as consciousness involves the seamless integration of signals generated by dispersed regions of the brain. To produce accurate perceptions of the environment, appropriate emotions, reliable memories, and good judgment, brain regions must perform efficiently, and the fibers that link those regions must transmit signals smoothly and swiftly.

All this activity depends on the ability of brain cells, known as neurons, to manufacture, transport, and recycle proteins, a process that requires huge amounts of glucose and oxygen. (The brain accounts for two percent of the body’s weight, but consumes 20 percent of the body’s energy.)

This constant and arduous process provides many opportunities for mistakes. A neuron may start to manufacture defective or misfolded proteins, or fail to manufacture enough to provide the chemical signals that enable neurons to communicate with each other. Proteins may not be broken down or recycled efficiently enough, causing debris to build up within and between the neurons, which can result in harmful inflammation.

This variety of brain functions points to one of the great mysteries of dementia: Why do various regions of the brain degenerate so differently?

“It’s what we call selective vulnerability, and no one understands why it exists,” says Bradley Boeve, M.D., professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, MN. “Why does AD affect the hippocampus, while FTD affects the frontal and temporal lobes and LBD affects the brainstem and neurochemical centers? I’ve never heard a good hypothesis as to why. Even in patients with end-stage FTD, their parietal and occipital regions [other major brain regions] look pretty normal. If dementia is a protein dysfunction, why is it so selective for certain parts of the brain?”

The variety of dementia makes treatment extremely difficult. Antipsychotic drugs, for example, quell the voices and hallucinations of schizophrenia and help some people with AD, but often produce delirium in LBD patients.

And the complexity of the brain-from protein synthesis within the neuron to the dense highways that transmit signals-makes effective treatments difficult to devise, leaving physicians with little to offer but relief for some symptoms. Donepezil, for example, developed to stimulate the memory of AD patients, may help people suffering from another form of dementia that causes memory problems. Patients with LBD who develop rigidity of movement may benefit from drugs used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Such drugs do nothing to treat the underlying cause of the dementia but may provide some relief from the consequences.


The investigation of Alzheimer’s disease demonstrates how elusive the cause of dementia can be. For nearly a century scientists believed that AD was caused by the plaques and tangles that Alois Alzheimer spotted through his microscope in the brain tissue of a women who had been severely demented. (The tissue had been taken at autopsy.) Inside of the neurons he found neurofibrillary tangles-strands of tau protein that looked like a length of thread crammed into a ball. Between the neurons he found clumps of amyloid protein, which he dubbed amyloid plaques.

The solution seemed obvious: Get rid of the plaques and tangles. But treatments that clear the brain of these toxic proteins have failed to cure the disease, suggesting that tangles and plaques develop relatively late in the disease process.

The same may be true of other dementias. The toxic proteins they produce probably are not the cause of the problem but the consequence, and an understanding of the cause may be many years away.

In the meantime, is there anything we can do to reduce the risk of dementia?

“Pick your parents well,” says Dr. Galvin, noting that genes seem to predispose some people to dementia. In addition, exercise that promotes cardiovascular health will help deliver a generous supply of blood to the brain, providing neurons with the nutrients they need. Keeping the brain active also helps, according to Dr. Galvin.

“But that’s not absolute,” he adds. “There are astrophysicists who are also vegetarian marathoners who get dementia, and couch potatoes who don’t. But from a population perspective, those behaviors seem to afford some protection.”

Other advice: If someone diagnosed with AD doesn’t appear to have the right symptoms, voice skepticism.

“If you suspect that it’s not AD but one of these other dementias, see a neurologist, preferably a cognitive neurologist well versed in these disorders,” says Dr. Boeve. “A lot of primary care physicians haven’t been as well educated in these less common disorders, so they may not recognize them. I hear this from families all the time: My doctor diagnosed AD, but I read about AD and it doesn’t sound like AD. And they’re usually right.”

That’s why Renata Rafferty spoke to Neurology Now about her husband’s long and arduous illness: to encourage others to be skeptical of a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease when the symptoms don’t seem right, and to educate themselves about other dementias that the doctor may not be considering.

“I have made it my personal mission to talk to people about Lewy body dementia, she says. I have my little elevator speech ready in which I describe symptoms that are not typical of Alzheimer’s, and I don’t hesitate to suggest that people with those symptoms be evaluated for one of the other dementias.”

“The Big Four” dementias – AD, LBD, FTD, and Vascular

There’s a wonderful article in the November/December 2009 issue of Neurology Now magazine.  It features Jerome and Renata Rafferty; Jerome had Lewy Body Dementia and Renata was his caregiver.

The “Other” Dementias (featuring Lewy Body Dementia story)

A companion article is titled “The Big Four.”  It gives short descriptions of four types of dementia – Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body Dementia, Frontotemporal Dementia, and Vascular Dementia.  The article notes that there are over 100 types of dementia.

Below the full text of the article, and a link to it online. You can also download the PDF of the article.

———————————— –> HTML version

The Big Four
Neurology Now
November/December 2009 – Volume 5 – Issue 6 – p 26-27,31-34

More than 100 types of dementia have been found, but four of them account for nearly 98 percent of all cases of dementia in the United States.


DESCRIPTION: People with AD develop memory problems, often followed by confusion, apathy, depression, emotional volatility, and other problems.

CAUSE: People with AD develop two types of dysfunctional protein in the hippocampus, the part of the brain essential for creating new memories. Tau protein accumulates within neurons in that region, while clumps of amyloid protein develop between neurons in that region. Some researchers, however, suspect that the toxic proteins may be the result of the disease rather than the cause.

TYPICAL CASE: The first symptom of AD almost always involves memory problems, such as forgetting familiar names and misplacing items. As the disease progresses people may have trouble finding their way home or keeping up with routine obligations such as doctor appointments, paying bills, and preparing meals. Later stages may affect the frontal lobes, resulting in erratic emotions, loss of normal inhibition, and hallucinations.

TREATMENT: Since AD results in decreased levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter essential for memory and learning, drugs that boost acetylcholine, such as donepezil and memantine, often help, at least for a while. Other treatments are available for specific symptoms such as depression, hallucinations, and movement disorders, but nothing seems to slow development of the disease.

ON THE HORIZON: Several drugs and vaccines designed to inhibit the production of toxic tau and amyloid protein, or remove it once it appears, are in development. However, people who have tried the drug experimentally failed to improve significantly, even though protein levels declined, sometimes dramatically.


DESCRIPTION: Like Alzheimer’s, LBD produces cognitive decline, but with three additional traits. Instead of declining continuously, people with LBD tend to fluctuate in terms of attention, alertness, ability to speak coherently, and other symptoms. They also tend to have visual hallucinations, often benign. Finally, they tend to develop symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, including rigidity, tremor, and slowness of movement.

CAUSE: A type of protein known as alpha-synuclein clumps into Lewy bodies, which appear inside of cells, or neurons. Lewy bodies may result from the inability of the cell to break down and recycle alpha-synuclein efficiently. As the protein accumulates, it sticks together, as though the cell is trying to gather its own debris to keep it out of the way.

TYPICAL CASE: People with LBD often act out violent dreams that involve being pursued or attacked. They may develop benign hallucinations involving, for example, children or animals running around the house. Attention and concentration may fluctuate, and patients may start to have trouble with visual-spatial abilities-they may misjudge the height of a step or miss a cup when they reach for it. Some people with LBD experience an overwhelming urge to sleep during the day. Their movements also may become rigid and slow, like the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, and they may develop problems with memory, judgment, and mood, like the symptoms of AD.

TREATMENT: No treatment specifically for LBD exists. However, since LBD affects nearly every neurochemical system in the brain, specific aspects of the disease can be treated. Memory problems can be treated with donepezil and other drugs for AD. Movement disorders may respond to L-dopa and other medications for Parkinson’s disease. Modafinil may alleviate daytime sleepiness.

ON THE HORIZON: No drug yet exists that affects the synuclein protein, although some drugs exist for daytime sleepiness, and another, which resembles methylfenidate, is in development.


DESCRIPTION: FTD includes several disorders that cause the frontal lobes behind the forehead, and the temporal lobes at the sides of the brain, to atrophy and shrink. Patients either develop speech difficulties, known as aphasia, or they display inappropriate social behavior. Aphasia may involve halting, effortful speech with the patient struggling to produce the right word. Behavioral changes may involve indifference to the concerns of others. Some patients developing FTD may start shoplifting or become attracted to shiny objects or fire.

CAUSE: In FTD, a protein known as TDP-43 accumulates within cells at the front of the brain. In one form of FTD known as Pick’s disease, tau protein, found in the hippocampus of people with AD, accumulates within cells in the frontal lobes.

TYPICAL CASE: A person developing FTD generally exhibits personality or mood changes. An outgoing person may become withdrawn and depressed, while an introverted person may become loud and outgoing. Socially inappropriate behavior may also become more common. Later, FTD patients may develop speech difficulties as they lose the ability to recall the meaning of words, or they may start to speak with great fluency while making no sense.

TREATMENT: Only symptomatic treatments are available with medications developed for other disorders, such as psychiatric medications for behavioral problems or mood disorders. There are no treatments for language problems.

ON THE HORIZON: Methylene blue, a drug in development for AD, inhibits the aggregation of tau protein, so it may help patients with Pick’s disease. Another tau aggregation inhibitor known as AL-108, or davunetide, is in clinical trials, and may soon become the first tau-active drug available in the U.S. TDP-43, the offending protein in other forms of FTD, was discovered only three years ago, leaving little time for the development of effective treatments.


DESCRIPTION: Since this dementia results from several small strokes, and strokes can affect any part of the brain, the symptoms of vascular can vary widely. However, they usually include declines in problem-solving ability, memory, and socially appropriate behavior.

CAUSE: Vascular dementia is believed to result from damage to brain cells caused by lack of oxygen when the blood supply is cut during a series of mild strokes. However, one study of 1,000 brains from demented patients who had died found only six that had pure vascular dementia, with the slow progression typical of the disorder. The rest also had another form of dementia.

TYPICAL CASE: To be diagnosed with vascular dementia, a patient must show evidence of a stroke in a location that could affect cognition, and cognitive problems must develop within three to six months of the stroke. A patient who meets these criteria may develop memory problems and have trouble speaking coherently or understanding the speech of others. They may also develop motor difficulties that prevent them from dressing themselves.

TREATMENT: The first goal is to reduce stroke risk by improving cardiovascular health. Statins may be prescribed to lower cholesterol, anti-hypertensives to lower blood pressure, and omega-3 pills to improve triglyceride levels. Low-dose aspirin may be prescribed to inhibit the clotting of the blood, and patients may be urged to give up smoking and drinking and reduce stress.

ON THE HORIZON: Damage from strokes cannot be reversed, but the brain can compensate for some deficits. Physical therapy designed to stimulate brain plasticity may provide some help.

Copyright © 2009, AAN Enterprises, Inc.

Correlations between language problems and brain pathology

This is an interesting French study correlating clinical symptoms related to language and speech with the pathology seen in autopsied brain tissue. Eighteen patients were monitored over a 15-year period. Four patients developed right-predominant corticobasal syndrome. One patient was given a clinical diagnosis of PSP.

“Of the 18 cases, 8 had FTLD-TDP, 3 had AD, 2 had PSP, 2 had CBD, 2 had PiD, and 1 had AGD,” upon brain autopsy. Of the two who had confirmed PSP diagnoses, one was diagnosed with the behavioral variant of FTD during life though the diagnosis was later changed to PSP when supranuclear palsy appeared. The other was diagnosed with corticobasal syndrome during life.

Of the four patients diagnosed with corticobasal syndrome during life, one had PSP upon brain autopsy, one had CBD, one had Pick’s Disease, and one had FTLD-TDP.

Of the two cases who had confirmed CBD diagnoses, one was diagnosed with FTDbv during life and the other with CBS during life.

The five patients who stopped speaking (“progressive anarthria”) all had tau pathology — either PSP, CBD, or Pick disease. (“[All] progressed to mutism, swallowing difficulties, and orofacial apraxia.”)

Findings of atrophy (on a CT or MRI) and findings of hypometabolism (on a SPECT) in nearly all of the the cases are provided along with info such as disease duration, MMSE score, Frontotemporal Behavior Scale rating, and Dementia Rating Scale score.

Eighteen patients is a very small study. We’ll have to see if the results can be replicated.



Neurology. 2009 Nov 25. [Epub ahead of print]

Prediction of pathology in primary progressive language and speech disorders.

Deramecourt V, Lebert F, Debachy B, Mackowiak-Cordoliani MA, Bombois S, Kerdraon O, Buée L, Maurage CA, Pasquier F.
From the Memory Clinic (V.D., F.L., B.D., M.A.M.-C., S.B., F.P.) and Department of Neuropathology (O.K., C.-A.M.), CHU-Lille, Lille; University Lille Nord de France (V.D., F.L., B.D., M.A.M.-C., S.B., O.K., L.B., C.-A.M., F.P.), Lille; and INSERM (O.K., L.B., C.-A.M.), JP Aubert Research Centre, Lille, France.

OBJECTIVE: Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) encompasses a variety of clinicopathologic entities. The antemortem prediction of the underlying pathologic lesions is reputed to be difficult.

This study sought to characterize correlations between 1) the different clinical variants of primary progressive language and speech disorders and 2) the pathologic diagnosis.

METHODS: The latter was available for 18 patients having been prospectively monitored in the Lille Memory Clinic (France) between 1993 and 2008.

RESULTS: The patients were diagnosed with progressive anarthria (n = 5), agrammatic progressive aphasia (n = 6), logopenic progressive aphasia (n = 1), progressive jargon aphasia (n = 2), typical semantic dementia (n = 2), and atypical semantic dementia (n = 2).

All patients with progressive anarthria had a tau pathology at postmortem evaluation: progressive supranuclear palsy (n = 2), Pick disease (n = 2), and corticobasal degeneration (n = 1).

All patients with agrammatic primary progressive aphasia had TDP-43-positive FTLD (FTLD-TDP).

The patients with logopenic progressive aphasia and progressive jargon aphasia had Alzheimer disease.

Both cases of typical semantic dementia had FTLD-TDP.

The patients with atypical semantic dementia had tau pathologies: argyrophilic grain disease and corticobasal degeneration.

CONCLUSIONS: The different anatomic distribution of the pathologic lesions could explain these results: opercular and subcortical regions in tau pathologies with progressive anarthria, the left frontotemporal cortex in TDP-43-positive frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD-TDP) with agrammatic progressive aphasia, the bilateral lateral and anterior temporal cortex in FTLD-TDP or argyrophilic grain disease with semantic dementia, and the left parietotemporal cortex in Alzheimer disease with logopenic progressive aphasia or jargon aphasia. These correlations have to be confirmed in larger series.

PubMed ID#: 19940270 (see for abstract only)

Robin’s note: I suggest looking up terms in wikipedia.

Study on caregiver burden, AFTD Newsletter Summer ’09

This article will likely be of interest to all caregivers, not just those dealing with dementia.

The Association for Frontotemporal Dementias has an interesting article on the “caregiver burden” in its Summer 2009 newsletter, which I just received in the mail. “Caregiver burden refers to the strain caregiving exerts on the psychological, physical, financial and spiritual well-being of the caregiver.” Some of the researchers’ findings were:

* The caregiver burden was similar if a loved one was living in a nursing home or at home.

* The “caregivers who were inclined to sacrifice themselves in their caregiving role were those who had most psychological problems and least quality of life. We expect that short psycho-educative sessions for the caregiver on selfcare…and paying attention to the barriers a caregiver may experience in accepting support, may improve the balance between caring for the patient and caring for the self.”

* “For psychological and physical well-being it is important to grieve along the way. ”

* Over a two-year period, “caregivers reported an increase in negative, non-supportive social interactions. It would thus seem that….coping strategies may damage potentially supportive relationships.”

FTD is the second most common form of dementia affecting the middle aged. CBD is considered a sub-type of FTD, while PSP is considered a related disorder. Because there are many similarities between CBD, PSP, and FTD, they are often confused for each other. One person in our local group had a clinical diagnosis of PSP and a pathological diagnosis of FTD.

Here’s the article and a link to the newsletter.

Robin … etter1.pdf –> see page 8

Burdening Care: A study on informal caregivers of frontotemporal dementia patients
By Samantha Riedijk, PhD, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
AFTD Newsletter, Summer 2009

In their search for disease causing genes, researchers of the Erasmus MC were struck by the clinical picture of FTD. The
behavior of the patient was most painful to caregivers, especially during the period when the (right) diagnosis was yet to be made. Caregivers and the social environment of the patient had great difficulty understanding the problematic behavior
of the patient. Support programs for dementia caregivers did exist; however, these were focused on older caregivers of
Alzheimer’s Disease patients. Not surprisingly, the FTD caregivers indicated they could not find the support they needed.
We realized this specific group of FTD caregivers needed more attention and initiated this study.

We started our research into the burden of FTD caregivers in order to investigate how these caregivers were keeping up, and to generate recommendations regarding how to best support them. Caregiver burden refers to the strain caregiving
exerts on the psychological, physical, financial and spiritual well-being of the caregiver. A total of 63 FTD patients and
their caregivers participated in our two-year follow-up study.

Support after institutionalization
Of the FTD patients included in our study, 34 were living in a nursing home at the start of our study and 29 were living
and cared for in their home. Strikingly, both groups of caregivers reported similar caregiver burden. A possible explanation
may be that despite the fact that caregivers had fewer tasks; they continued to worry over the patients. In the Netherlands, some nursing homes offer group sessions to caregivers guided by a trained psychologist. Our findings underscore the need of such provisions.

A caregiver may employ a variety of strategies in coping with the caregiving situation. Remarkably, nearly all caregivers
tended to increase their depressive reaction pattern during the two years we followed them. This pattern implies caregivers felt more pessimistic about the future and unable to influence the hopelessness of their situation. Furthermore,
caregivers reported increased emotional expression of negative emotions such as anger and frustration. Simultaneously,
caregivers reported an increase in negative, non-supportive social interactions. It would thus seem that these coping strategies may damage potentially supportive relationships. We suggest professionals assess the coping strategies the caregiver employs and aid the caregiver in coping more adequately if necessary.

Caregiver motivation
In an in-depth interview we asked caregivers what motives they had for providing such intense care. Most caregivers
indicated they provided care because they felt this was their marital duty. The second most stated motivation was the love the caregiver felt for the patient. Some caregivers indicated that it was in their nature to provide care and others revealed that it was only by seeking enough distraction they were able to provide care.

We followed the FTD caregivers and patients during a period of two years, during which most of the FTD patients reached the end-stage of the disease. However, FTD caregivers reported stable levels of psychological, physical well-being and the quality of their relationship, and physical health complaints had even decreased somewhat. We suspect the ‘response
shift’ phenomenon may explain the stable report of well-being and relationship quality. Response shift implies that people adapt to the hardships in life by resetting their internal standards. Instead of valuing a career and health, a caregiver may now experience quality of life from small things such as a beautiful sunset or unexpected phone call from a friend. From these findings we may protract a hopeful message to caregivers at the beginning of their caregiving career, which is that in time they will find ways to experience quality of life and satisfaction from their relationship in spite of FTD.

Finally, we discovered that the FTD caregivers who were inclined to sacrifice themselves in their caregiving role were those who had most psychological problems and least quality of life. We expect that short psycho-educative sessions for
the caregiver on selfcare; what it implies and how to do it, and paying attention to the barriers a caregiver may experience in accepting support, may improve the balance between caring for the patient and caring for the self.

Unprocessed grief
There may be other barriers withholding FTD caregivers from providing good care to themselves. Many caregivers
experience inner conflict when they mourn a loved one who is still alive. For psychological and physical well-being it is
important to grieve along the way. Health care professionals may contribute by providing psycho-education on grieving and actively offering grief counseling.

Conclusions and recommendations
A number of issues warrant special attention in supporting FTD caregivers. First of all, an assessment of the caregiver’s
coping strategies should be made. Second, it should be explored whether the caregiver is maintaining a balance in
caring for the patient and caring for himself. Third, we recommend addressing the processing of grief as an inherent aspect of losing a loved one to dementia.

Dr. Samantha Riedijk is a medical psychologist at the clinical genetics department of the Erasmus Medical Centre. She lives with her husband and two children in a Rotterdam suburb.