2019 Brain Support Network Local Caregiver-only Support Group Meeting Dates

Since 2004 (15 years!), we have convened nine support group meetings each year for caregivers of those with Lewy body dementia (LBD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), multiple system atrophy (MSA), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), and atypical parkinsonism. We meet by disorder though the PSP and CBD groups are usually together. Contact us if you’d like to be added to the meeting reminder email list.

The discussion is led by caregivers who have lost their family members to these disorders. In most cases, the family member donated his/her brain and the diagnosis has been confirmed. (Brain Support Network can assist your family in making brain donation arrangements.) Discussion leaders include:

  • LBD: Dianne, Sharon, Alexa, Anne, and Lynn
  • PSP: Cristina and Robin
  • MSA: Candy, Barbara, Karen, Jan, and Doug
  • CBD: Dick, Mindy, and Mark

These caregiver-only support group meetings are held on Sundays from 5pm to 7pm. The dates for our 2019 meetings are:

  1. January 27
  2. March 3
  3. April 7
  4. June 9
  5. July 14
  6. August 18
  7. September 22
  8. October 27
  9. December 8

In selecting these dates, we have avoided as many cultural events, sporting events, and holidays as possible.

Please put these caregiver-only support group meeting dates on your 2019 calendars now.  An email requesting RSVPs will be sent out a week or so before each meeting. RSVPs are always due by noon on the Saturday (one day) before each meeting.

All caregivers are invited:  primary, secondary, those giving hands-on care, those managing care, and those giving emotional and informational support.  Newcomers, casual visitors, and longtime attendees are all welcome! Former caregivers–those whose loved ones have already passed away–regularly attend.  Former caregivers have been through it all and are invaluable resources to those learning to cope.

If you are an active caregiver with a loved one at home, consider asking for a “respite care grant” from your county’s agency on aging or from your local caregiver resource center (see caregiver.org/californias-caregiver-resource-centers).  Such grants pay for a caregiver to be in your home while you attend support group meetings.  The Alzheimer’s Association (alz.org/norcal) also offers respite grants for those dealing with dementia.

We occasionally have guests.  Guests have included a family consultant from Family Caregiver Alliance, a board member of the Lewy Body Dementia Association, and a board member of CurePSP.

We have over 450 members now, with attendance of 20-30 at caregiver support group meetings.  Roughly speaking, of the 450 members, 50% have an LBD connection, 30% have a PSP connection, 18% have an MSA connection, and 2% have a CBS/CBD connection or Atypical Parkinsonism connection.  (I believe we have the largest PSP, LBD, and MSA local support groups in the US.) If you have suggestions on how we can get the word out about our group, let me know!

We look forward to seeing you at some meetings in 2019!

Support Brain Research With Your Donated Stock

Donating long-term appreciated securities to BSN benefits families affected by neurological disorders and potentially you as well! Gifts of long-term appreciated securities may have tax advantages that could maximize your gift and reduce your taxes.

Potential benefits of donating stock may include:

  • Reducing federal and state tax on the capital gain;
  • Receiving an income tax deduction (federal and most states) for the full-market value of the gift if you itemize deductions on your tax return and have held the assets one year or longer;
  • Making a larger gift at a lower original cost to you.

Please contact BSN at +1 650-814-0848 with any questions about donating stock. Please send email to [email protected].

Prefer to make a traditional contribution via credit card? Click here to donate.

Cancelled – “What If It’s NOT Parkinson’s?” Webinar on Tuesday, June 12th

Update on 6/11/18:  Unfortunately this webinar is now cancelled.

Brain Support Network group member Steven Russell shared with me today info on an upcoming webinar, which will give an overview of all four of the atypical parkinsonism disorders — MSA, LBD, PSP, and CBD.  Details are:

What If It’s NOT Parkinson’s?

In this webinar, Dr. Mihaela Alexander, Colorado Neurodiagnostics, will discuss atypical parkinsonisms such as multiple system atrophy and Lewy body dementia, among others (PSP, CBD). Dr. Alexander will cover what we know about these conditions and what treatments are available for each condition.

Tuesday, June 12
10-11am CA time

Parkinson Association of the Rockies, Denver, parkinsonrockies.org


General Information:  (same as what is above)


SHARE program available to some caregivers in the Bay Area

This blog post will be of interest to those living in the San Francisco Bay Area, who are caring for those age 60 or older without dementia.

Northern California-based Family Caregiver Alliance (caregiver.org) is
organizing a free educational program called SHARE.

Within Brain Support Network, three types of caregivers are eligible —
* PSP caregivers not dealing with dementia
* CBD caregivers not dealing with dementia
* all MSA caregivers

The care receiver (person with a neurological diagnosis) must:
–  Be over age 60
–  Be living at home in the San Francisco Bay Area
–  Have intact cognitive abilities – NO dementia
–  Not be in the terminal stage of their disease

The caregiver will receive:
–  6 in-person home visits
–  Learn effective communication skills
–  Learn to reduce stress
–  Learn to promote health
–  Learn about long-term care management (make the most out of today
while planning for tomorrow)

If this is of interest, contact Michelle Venegas (415-434-3388, x323,

[email protected]) at Family Caregiver Alliance.