Imaging Tau with PET Scans

Some news was released yesterday about using a PET scan to detect tau in the brain.  Tau is the protein involved in PSP and CBD.  Tau is one of the two proteins involved in Alzheimer’s Disease; the other is amyloid.

If I’m counting correctly, yesterday’s news is a third approach to detecting tau in the brain with a PET.  This third approach was developed largely by Japanese scientists.  The second approach was developed by UC Irvine and uses Siemens technology.  And the first approach was developed by UCLA but that approach seems to have no endorsement outside of UCLA.  (I was told by some local neurologists that the UCLA approach is a “non-starter.”)

The third approach was described in the journal Neuron yesterday.  Here’s a link to the abstract and the figures and tables from the article, but not the article itself:

From the abstract and highlights of the article, we know that the Japanese researchers used this PET imaging approach to illuminate tau tangles in mice with a tauopathy and in living Alzheimer’s patients, comparing them to normal controls.  They also saw tau illuminated in a corticobasal syndrome patient who did not have amyloid plaques, based on a different PET scan.

I believe this new tau ligand (or radioactive substance) is known as PBB.  This is very confusing because the amyloid ligand is known as PIB.

Below I’ve copied links to two very understandable lay articles on this tau imaging study — one from the BBC and one from Forbes magazine.  The angle in both of these articles is Alzheimer’s Disease as that’s where lots of research dollars are going.



Alzheimer’s brain scan detects tau protein
BBC News
By James Gallagher, Health and science reporter
18 September 2013

New Brain Imaging For Alzheimer’s Disease May Pave The Way For Earlier Diagnosis
Alice G. Walton, Contributor
9/19/2013 @ 12:47PM

Neuropsychologist talks about resilience in PD (16 minutes – online audio program)

This post has some tips from a neuropsychologist on developing resilience.  These tips may be of interest to caregivers and those with neurological disorders.

Last year at a July caregivers symposium we helped organize, the keynote speaker focused on resilience.  I think this is a very important topic for us all.  The speaker said that resilience can be learned:  yes, we are born with some basic resilience but we can all learn to expand our resilience.  And the speaker said that social isolation is as deadly to us as smoking is.

Somehow I got put on the email list for Voice Aerobics, which is a Florida-based company that focuses on Parkinson’s Disease (PD).  About a month ago they started using “blog talk radio” as a way to reach a large audience with info about PD and PD organizations.

A recent 30-minute program is on the topic of resilience, with a neuropsychologist, Dr. Jeffrey Wertheimer, speaking.  Though the focus is on Parkinson’s disease (and a survey done with 825 people with PD), I think all of what the neuropsychologist said applies to the four disorders in our support group.  He also believes that we can become more resilience through coping strategies.  One such strategy is not to be isolated.

Here are some highlights of what Dr. Wertheimer said:

  • Resilience is more than a personality trait.  There are tools, strategies, and learned experiences that can help create a sense of resilience.
  • As Parkinson’s progresses, the symptoms may chip away at the feeling of resilience. It’s important that we are aware of this.
  • We need to ask people “did you have your mental health moment today” just as we ask people if they took their medication or did their exercises.
  • Be proactive.  Engage in activities such as exercise.
  • Regard Parkinson’s Disease obstacles as challenges to overcome rather than a hopeless barrier.
  • Learn about illness.
  • Engage in life – hobbies and pleasures.
  • Externalize the distress by sharing it with a psychologist, support group, or friends.

I took a few notes while I was listening, and have copied these below.



Parkinson’s and Resilience: Got it? Get it!
by Voice Aerobics Talking 2 You
30:13 minute program

Robin’s notes from when Jeffrey Wertheimer, PhD, neuropsychologist, is speaking (from about 10:45 to 27:00):

Defines resilience as a dynamic process whereby individuals cope with and adapt or adjust to stress, challenge, medical illness, or any sort of adversity.

The usual focus is on “what’s wrong.”  Those with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and their families focus on debilitating symptoms.  We need to also look at what’s going well.

Asks “how do we get more resilience?”  How we respond to challenges is influenced by personal strengths and resources.  Do we have a positive attitude?

How can we be proactive in coping?

He talks about the survey on coping.  Intentionally look for ways to live life fully.  Develop a positive attitude.

Catchy phrase:  where the attention goes, the emotion flows.  The more we focus on adapting, the more resilient we are.

Discusses depression in PD.  There can be a biological element to depression and anxiety.

Resilience is more than a personality trait.  There are tools, strategies, and learned experiences that can help create a sense of resilience.

As PD progresses, the symptoms may chip away at the feeling of resilience. It’s important that we are aware of this.

We need to ask people “did you have your mental health moment today” just as we ask people if they took their medication or did their exercises.

Be proactive.  Engage in activities such as exercise.

Regard PD obstacles as challenges to overcome rather than a hopeless barrier.

Learn about illness.

Engage in life – hobbies and pleasures.

Externalize the distress by sharing it with a psychologist, support group, or friends.

If people have greater levels of support, they have greater levels of perceived resilience.  If someone is isolated, they may be struggling.

Two PSP/CBD clinical trials beginning in 8 months?

Local support group member Sharon Reichardt and I were on a conference call yesterday with Adam Boxer, MD, neurologist at UCSF’s Memory & Aging Center. Dr. Boxer shared the news that two clinical trials with experimental drugs are in the works for PSP and, hopefully, CBD.  He suggested that they may be announced in 6-8 months.  But all is quite tentative so we shouldn’t hold him to it.  These would both be single-site studies.

I asked Dr. Boxer if one of the trials would be for Rember.  He said “no.”  The experimental agents are both new.

The Davunetide trial started out at UCSF’s MAC, and then expanded worldwide. Both the Davunetide and Nypta clinical trials ended in failure last year.  So this is good news that researchers are still actively interested in research with PSP and CBD.

One reason pharmaceutical companies are interested in studying tau-related drugs in PSP (rather than in Alzheimer’s) is because those with the Richardson’s Syndrome type of PSP experience faster declines and more brain atrophy than Alzheimer’s patients in the same timeframe.

Stay tuned….


PSP Association International Medical Workshop- Notes

The PSP Association is based in the UK.  It focuses on PSP and CBD throughout Europea.  They have a blog section on their website.  I occasionally find items there of interest.

In this recent blog post, Tim Rittman, a clinical research fellow in neurology, offered some notes after attending The PSP Association’s International Medical Workshop in July 2013.  You can find a link to the blog post here:

And the full text is copied below.


From Tim Rittman
Posted to the PSP Association’s Blog

On the 25th of July around 40 doctors and scientists from the UK and around the world met at Queen Square in London. I went along with Sian Alexander – Academic neurology trainee, researcher on clever cellular stuff and an accomplished baker of cakes (catch her on twitter @siankalexander). This meeting was a poignant echo of the diseases under discussion, coming 50 years after the first description of ‘Richardson’s syndrome’, or Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) as we know it today. The meeting covered cutting edge research in PSP and its cousin Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD). Below are some thoughts from me and Sian on the day.

At the end of the day I was left encouraged, but with a touch of disappointment. There was a hint of disappointment that two big trials in PSP had failed to show any impact on the disease. However, this is not a field where people shrug their shoulders and sit back. There was a palpable sense of optimism. The two trials had shown that it can be done. Yes, the first bites at the cherry have failed, but doing it all again is not so daunting, partly thanks to a newly formed national network of centres in the UK studying PSP and CBD. The PSP Association should take credit for raising the profile of the disease, not only amongst the general public but also for cajoling, arm twisting and, more importantly, funding researchers to take on the challenge. I overheard an American visitor who was astonished how much money the PSP Association had managed to put together to fund research and care, far outstripping their American counterparts per head of population.

To take a more in-depth view, we’ll break the sessions down and give you a feel for the main headlines from each. The range of talks and work show-cased impressed me. Although a few themes recurred throughout the day, each talk was unique and the cast was stellar in terms of reputation and quality.

The first session covered ‘basic science’, although as my brother continually reminds me there is nothing basic about it. The day kicked off with two household names from the world of dementia research. Michel Goedert takes an interest in how proteins build up in the brain, and particularly the tau protein that causes problems in PSP and CBD. He is firmly of the opinion that tau is responsible for the disease rather than being a by-stander, showing compelling evidence that tau protein travels from cell to cell through the brain causing mischief. John Hardy followed with an update on the genetics of the tau protein. He also talked about Genome Wide Association studies in PSP, trawling genetic information from people with the disease to look for clues that might push someone a few percent towards or away from getting the disease. The results so far point to 3 processes where damage occurs: integrity of nerve connections (synapses), the electrical insulation of nerves (myelin sheath)  and brain cells’ response to damage (the so-called ‘stress’ response). An intriguing talk from Steve Gentleman discussed dementia pugilistica, something that hit the news in the past week in rugby players. Although the link between head injury and PSP/CBD is far from certain and dementia pugilistica is quite different from either disease, there are similarities in how the brain appears under the microscope. This line of research promises to throw up some intriguing clues in the future.

Human disease biology came before lunch covering lumbar puncture, new brain imaging techniques and brain pathology. At the moment these tests remain very much in the research arena and for the moment do not add much to the diagnosis, but are starting to show promise in tracking the changes of disease over time. A promising new tool on the near horizon is a dye injected in the blood stream that clings to tau protein in the brain making it visible with a PET brain scanner. The usefulness of this sort of scan will need to be tested, but it sounds like we are getting close to something usable.

The most eagerly anticipated session came just after lunch, discussing therapeutics. I’ve previously written about Davunetide, and unfortunately both Tideglusib and Sodium Valproate disappointed in their results. Although, as one Alzheimer’s researcher pointed out, at least they didn’t make people worse as many of the recently tried drugs have for that disease. David Burn took us through a post-mortem of these trials. Reassuringly, the researchers involved in these studies were keen to share their data with him and are due to publish their results soon. This will help greatly in working out what went wrong and planning future studies. Hugh Nutall from the drug company Eli Lily had the trickiest talk of the day, trying to predict where PSP/CBD therapies will be in 5 years’ time. He talked about a number of promising compounds in development, many attacking the tau protein but in a different manner to previous efforts. It remains to be seen which will make it through to full blown clinical trials.

A particular step forward in clinical trials design has been the PSP rating scale, developed by the legendary Larry Golbe who was at the meeting. It is being widely used, enabling better assessments of how individuals with PSP respond to trial medicines.

The final session started with talks covering some good old-fashioned clinical questions of diagnosis and syndromes. The Queen Square Neurology department have been at the fore-front of sub-classifying PSP, CBD and similar diseases. It was a particular pleasure to have John Rohrer talk,  a neurologist and researcher in frontotemporal dementia – another disease where the tau protein builds up in brain cells. Even though us doctors might make a diagnosis of one or the other disease in the comfort of our clinic rooms, real life teaches us that under the bonnet there may be something very different going on. This is a challenge that will become increasingly important to solve if the treatments we develop only address a single disease process. In addition, picking up the earliest signs of PSP or CBD is extremely difficult, and other than spreading information about these diseases among GPs and neurologists, perhaps that is one challenge that no one came up with a good answer for.

To conclude the day, Larry Golbe led a discussion about funding priorities in PSP, who funds what research, and whether the research priorities are the right ones. The mission statement of the PSPA “Working for a World Free of PSP” was undisputed, but there was lots of ground for discussion about the best way to go about doing this. It was a thought-provoking way to end an enjoyable and educational day.

UK CBDer blogs about his journey

Dave Howarth describes himself as follows:

I’m just your average 56 year old guy who was expecting to work until I could afford not to, enjoy my life and time with family and friends and then CBD came a knocking and things changed somewhat.

In a couple of recent posts to The PSP Association website, he has written about his CBD journey.  (The PSP Association is a UK-based organization focused on PSP and CBD education, support, and research.)

In a two-part post, he describes his CBD symptoms. It seems his first symptoms were left hand numbness and alien limb syndrome in 2007 and 2009.

Here are links to the two blog posts:

The Journey So Far
Dave Howarth
Posted to The PSP Association blog

Part 1:

Part 2:

Happy reading,