“Things I have learnt” (message to caregivers)

Though this information was found on a PSP-focused online support group, I don’t think the content is PSP-specific.  I think all of the caregivers within Brain Support Network will find some value here.

The PSP Association — the UK-based advocacy organization in Europe for PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy) — hosts its online support forum with the website HealthUnlocked (healthunlocked.com).  A couple of days ago, a woman whose husband recently died with PSP, posted about “the things I have learnt.”

With the author’s permission, I’ve copied excerpts from her post below.  She asked that I remove her name and husband’s name from this post.  And she requests that no one contact her.

Her messages are for all caregivers.



Excerpts from post
The Things I Have Learnt
HealthUnlocked’s PSP Community
January 11, 2017

The things I have learnt? I suppose my main message is look after yourself. Those last few days, I did not take part in one bit of [my husband’s] personal care. I spent it, being his wife, loving him, snuggling up beside him in bed, telling him I loved him. It made it very special. In hindsight, that wonderful thing, I should have got others to take more of this responsibility off my shoulders, a long time ago. Spent more time, sitting and talking with him, not rushing around, in a mad whirl, trying to keep everything perfect, getting so, so tired, therefore, cross and being in total state of exhaustion, all the time. We all think, “nobody can look after their loved ones as well as me.” That I have to say, is rubbish!!! 99% of Steve’s carers, loved him and when I let them,(!!!!) could do everything, just as well as me, with the added bonus of a smile of their faces! The uniform of a Carer, takes away the embarrassment, that we all think, our loved ones suffer. This is my only regret, I tried to struggle, far too long, on my own.

The weeks [my husband] had in respite, helped in giving me a break, which meant I was able to carry on, that extra bit longer. Of course I felt guilty at the beginning, but now, oh, it was such a benefit to us both. Still, I am receiving the added bonus’s of it. I am use to being in the house on my own. I can go out with others, for a drink or a meal. I am able to walk into a supermarket and buy food just for me, without crying. I’m sure there will be moments, but not yet.

The hardest part of PSP? NOT now! I think it was more the middle bit, when his bladder stopped working, the constant clearing up of Urine. Falling. The long, slow loss of communication and the realisation, that PSP would win in the end. At the moment, it’s still a huge relief that [my husband] is no longer suffering from this evil disease.

You all know, I shouted, screamed, kicked and hated PSP with a vengeance. [My husband] did get this full frontal. But I won’t let myself feel guilty about this, I was just as much a victim of this illness as [my husband]. My only hope is, he understood.

I do feel very proud of myself, I looked after and cared for [my husband] until the end. Something every single one of you reading, has done, is doing and will do! Never, EVER doubt yourself, yes, you are tired, yes you are exhausted. The feeling of failure, is huge. We all feel that way, because, in the end, PSP does win. Its not because we are useless!

Copyright 2017, HealthUnlocked

Parkinsonism still not covered as part of new federal rule on Camp Lejeune

This post will ONLY be of interest to those who have family members who were Marines stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

I remember reading about the water contamination issue a few years ago on an MSA-related website.  People who had been diagnosed with MSA who were Marines at Camp Lejeune were hoping to receive compensation since those with Parkinson’s had received compensation.

Based on my reading of this week’s federal rule, those with MSA and other forms of parkinsonism (besides Parkinson’s Disease) are still not eligible for disability benefits.  If your reading is different, let me know!

Here’s a New York Times article on the new federal rule:


US Agrees to Pay Billions to Marines Affected by Toxic Water
New York Times
By The Associated Press
Jan. 13, 2017, 3:42 A.M. E.S.T.

And here’s a link to the new federal rule:



8 of the Best Books About Caregiving (caring.com, 2016)

Someone in the local Brain Support Network group sent me this link last week — it’s to the caring.com webpage on “8 of the Best Books About Caregiving of 2016.”  I don’t know if anyone has time to read anymore!  But, in case you do, here’s a link to the webpage:


8 of the Best Books About Caregiving of 2016
By Laura Dixon, Caring.com editor
Last updated: Jan 04, 2017

If you have any recommendations to share, please let me know!


“The Year of Conquering Negative Thinking”

Of course we caregivers tend to worry about all the bad things that “might” happen.  Perhaps those with a neurological diagnosis do this too.

This recent New York Times article offers a challenge to us all:  “Make this the year that you quiet all those negative thoughts swirling around your brain.”

This approach is suggested:

* “The first step to stopping negative thoughts is a surprising one. Don’t try to stop them. … Instead, notice that you are in a negative cycle and own it.”

* “After you’ve accepted a negative thought, force yourself to challenge it. … If you’re having trouble challenging your negative thoughts, try this approach. Imagine that your friend is the one who received the bad news. What advice would you give him or her? Now think of how that advice might apply to you.”

* “Now move from a place of inaction to action to counteract the negative thought. … [It]may be helpful to ask yourself if you are accomplishing anything by dwelling on your negative thoughts.”

* “When your negative thoughts are making you feel agitated and overwhelmed, take a deep breath, and then another.”

* “Finally, if your thoughts are making you feel seriously distressed and interfering with your ability to work and relax, consider seeing a mental health professional.”

Here’s a link to the full article:


Well | Mind
The Year of Conquering Negative Thinking
New York Times
By Lesley Alderman
Jan. 3, 2017

Happy reading,

“Eight Rules To Become A Smarter Patient”

The Wall Street Journal columnist Laura Landro has covered health care and its changes in a column called “The Informed Patient” over the last ten years.  In what is described as her final column, Ms. Landro shares eight rules on how to become a “smarter patient.”

These eight rules include:

* Do your homework
* Question your diagnosis
* Disclose everything
* Get recommended treatments
* No news isn’t always good news
* Don’t be afraid to speak up.  Use your assertive skills.
* Follow your regimen
* Keep your medical records

Here’s a link to the full article:


The Informed Patient: Eight Rules To Become A Smarter Patient
Wall Street Journal
by Laura Landro
13 December 2016

I was able to access the article at no charge by going first to “The Informed Patient” column page.  In general, this article is behind the WSJ paid firewall.
