“Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes: Improving Your Ability to Handle Stress”

Here’s another good article from HelpGuide.org, a website focused on emotional and mental health.  Though this article isn’t specific to caregiving stress, the overall discussion of stress certainly applies to the caregiving situation.  Six strategies for managing stress are described:  exercise, social support, engage your senses, relaxation, a healthy diet, and sleep.

Here’s a link to the article:


Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes: Improving Your Ability to Handle Stress
By Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., Melinda Smith, M.A., Robert Segal, M.A., and Lawrence Robinson
Last updated: April 2017


What is a patient advocate and how can an advocate help?

I occasionally read the “Nurse Advocate,” Anne Llewellyn, who has a LinkedIn Pulse site.  In a recent post, she explains what a patient advocate is and how an advocate can help.  The author says: “Everyone needs an advocate when they are thrust into the complex word of health care.”  A physician made the following comment on the blog post:  “The system is difficult to navigate for those with healthcare experience, yet alone the layperson.  Healthcare itself is not a safe place.”

The author says:  “Keep in mind advocates do not provide hands-on care, but rather do research, meet with your health care team to understand the plan of care to ensure it meets your individual needs. Advocates work on your behalf to break down barriers that exist in our complex system and ensure you are safe and have the information and resources to navigate the system and make decisions to address your individual needs. They ensure you have a voice in your care and are at the center of the health care system.”

There are several kinds of advocates – Independent Patient Advocates, Hospital Advocates, Billing Advocates, and Housing Advocates.  Although the author says that there are many ways to find an advocate, the only method suggested in the article is a web search.

Here’s a link to the article:


Everyone needs an advocate when they are thrust into the complex world of health care
Published on May 16, 2017
by Anne Llewellyn, nurse advocate
LinkedIn Pulse

“Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief” (HelpGuide.org)

Here’s another useful article from the HelpGuide.org, a website that focuses on mental, emotional, and social health.  This one is about relaxation techniques for stress relief.  As the article points out:  “There is no single relaxation technique that is best for everyone.”

Techniques addressed include:  deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation, body scan meditation, rhythmic exercise, visualization, yoga, tai chi, and even self-massage.  Many of these techniques are explored in a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) class.  These classes are held at medical centers, health clinics, senior centers, and many other places.  I highly recommend taking a class to find a technique that works for you!

Here’s a link to the article:


Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief: Using the Power of the Relaxation Response to Reduce Stress and Boost Mood
By Lawrence Robinson, Robert Segal, MA, Jeanne Segal, PhD, and Melinda Smith, MA
April 2017

“Family Caregivers in the Workplace” – chapter 9 of “Caregiver Helpbook”

This post may only be of interest to caregivers who are employed outside the home.

A course called “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” was developed by an organization in Portland.  You can read general info about the self-care education program for family caregivers at powerfultoolsforcaregivers.org.

As part of the course, class participants receive a copy of a book titled “The Caregiver Helpbook.”  Brain Support Network volunteer Denise Dagan is reading the book and will be sharing the highlights, chapter by chapter.  If you’d like far more detail that Denise’s summaries allow as well as access to the book’s terrific worksheets, note that the book is available for purchase in both English and Spanish at powerfultoolsforcaregivers.org.

The title of chapter nine is “Family Caregivers in the Workplace.” In this two-page chapter, the impact of family caregivers in the workplace — both on the caregiver/employee and employer — is described.  Denise says:  “If you find yourself to be one of the working caregivers without respite, or employer support, this is where employing the lessons learned and tools shared in all previous chapters comes into play.  Start thinking of yourself as a care manager and bring those resources of family, friends, and professionals together for the benefit of your caree.”

Here’s Denise’s short report on chapter nine.



Notes by Denise

The Caregiver Helpbook
Chapter Nine – Family Caregivers in the Workplace

Many family caregivers work full or part time outside the home, often without support from their employer or co-workers.  As the number of family caregivers has escalated, family caregiving has become recognized as a social issue with significant impact on both employers and employees.

* About 10% of caregivers quit, resulting in costly turnover for employers, and lost income and benefits for employees.

* About 1 in 4 employees cares for an aging parent.

* 20% of caregivers leave their jobs, at least temporarily, to handle caregiving demands.

* 80% of long-distance caregivers are employed full or part-time and need to do many of their long-distance caregiving tasks during the work day.

* Absenteeism among family caregiver employees is less of a problem than “presenteeism” – employees who are on the job but distracted. This costs employers billions each year in lost productivity and safety claims.

* Some employers offer benefits such as flexible work schedules, funeral or bereavement leave, or health fairs that include information on aging services or services for people with chronic illness.
Few offer classes, employee assistance counseling, or written information for caregiving employees.
Fewer still offer referral services for family caregivers about taking care of themselves.

* Employees generally underestimate the amount of time caregiving will take and the impact it will have on their work life.

* Caregiving affects both genders in similar ways.  Male caregivers often do not let co-workers know of their caregiving responsibilities and stress.

* Retirement decisions are sometimes influenced by caregiving responsibilities.  Wives caring for husbands often retire earlier than planned.  Husband caregivers often work longer than planned because of financial concerns.

* Two of the major stressors for employed family caregivers are fear of unemployment and fear of loss of the health insurance benefits offered through the employer.

* Employees frequently use weekends and sick or vacation days to attend to caregiving.  This results in employees suffering from symptoms of exhaustion and burnout, since they have no chance to relax or find respite for themselves.

* Many employers express an interest in learning about caregiving support that could be made available to their employees.