“Doctor is touched by…woman’s devotion” to her husband with locked-in syndrome

Many of us in the PSP and CBD communities feel as though our family members are “locked in.”  This is a sweet article in the LA Times by a physician who was touched by a woman’s devotion in caring for her husband with locked-in syndrome.




In watching a wife tenderly care for her husband, who can blink but can’t move, a doctor is touched by the woman’s devotion.
By Steve Dudley, Special to The Times
December 17, 2007

In a corner of a room he shares with three other residents at the nursing home, a patient with a curious illness stares out the window at an empty bird-feeder.

He holds his arms in a curious, characteristic way — elbows and wrists hyperflexed so that his hands are tucked under his chin, like a child in prayer.

Mr. Fletcher has been bedridden for years. He can’t talk, can only moan. He can’t move other than to blink or shift his gaze. The only sign of responsiveness is that his eyes will sometimes follow stimuli, either of voice or hand movement.

Although he cannot move, his sensations are still intact. This means that Mr. Fletcher can still feel pain like you or I, or have that annoying itch that he cannot scratch. And people like Mr. Fletcher have their reasoning fully intact. They can think, dream, hope and reflect upon their endless prison.

Mr. Fletcher has what is commonly referred to as “locked-in syndrome” — the result, occasionally, of a rare form of stroke, happening viciously and suddenly, often striking down people in the prime of life after head trauma.

In Mr. Fletcher’s case, it happened more slowly. He has supranuclear palsy, a degenerative condition of the central nervous system that usually afflicts the very elderly, although Mr. Fletcher is only in his early 60s. It’s a cousin of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, an insidious condition with symptoms that might start as mild gait abnormalities or difficulty with eye movements and gradually develop over years.

Nobody knows what causes it, and treatments are essentially palliative: You really can’t do a thing for those who suffer from it other than to keep them comfortable.

Mr. Fletcher has been admitted for some rehabilitation as he transitions from the hospital, after a partial bowel obstruction, back to his home. A team of therapists, nurses and aides and, most importantly, his wife, is here to care for him. I suspect that his wife, the one with the least formal training, understands him best.

I’d like to tell you about her.

I am visiting another patient in Mr. Fletcher’s room when Mrs. Fletcher arrives and proceeds to wash him with a moistened towel.

Carefully and tenderly, she alternates between wiping and drying, turning him first one way, then another. Patiently, meticulously and ever so gently, she bathes him.

After she finishes with the bathing, she rubs her husband down with lotion, massaging it into his skin until it is supple. Then the shaving begins. She lathers his face and, with smooth, efficient strokes, manages to remove a three-day growth of stubble. You can see his eyes sparkle as she winds up her ministrations.

I try not to stare. It seems intrusive, to watch them together, intimate, in an interaction almost as private as making love.

She is caring for this man for all she is worth. Being with him, cleaning him, giving of herself to him and receiving at the most a blink or grunt in return.

Now that’s love. That’s commitment. In a time when people get divorced for the most superficial of reasons, it is a tremendous encouragement to see true love in action.

Mr. Fletcher is a handsome black man with beautiful ebony skin. His wife is Vietnamese. I imagine they met during the Vietnam War when he was a dashing GI and she was a scared young woman whose homeland was being split in two.

As I watch her bathe him, I reflect on what their early years together might have been like. Running on the beach, staying out till dawn, picnics, favorite restaurants and lots of dancing — they look like a couple who used to dance a lot.

I read of a young guy over in France, barely in his 40s, who became locked-in after a stroke. He had been a magazine editor. With the patience of Job, he dictated a book by blinking to a scrivener.

He referred to himself as feeling like a captive in a diving bell. One can only imagine the terror and loneliness of being in this state. You’re completely dependent upon others for all your needs, though you cannot voice any of them. Too warm? Too cold? Too bad.

And the people who are there to help often treat you as someone who cannot understand, as if you’re in a coma.

I’ve seen only one other patient who was locked-in, and that was back in medical school. We were on “physical diagnosis” rounds. That’s where a group of sleepy-eyed doctors in training dutifully follow their chief resident all over the hospital looking for interesting cases.

We popped into this guy’s room. I can’t remember his name. For that matter, I don’t know if we were ever told. He was just the interesting case on the eighth floor. As we lined the bed, we were grilled by a supervising resident about the case before us. This drill, known as “pimping,” is endorsed as a useful, hands-on, didactic exercise — and it may serve its purpose, but more commonly it devolves into brash showmanship at best and downright intellectual bullying at worst.

And we were pimped about the poor gentleman who was locked-in. He just lay there, hearing every word we spoke about him.

Not once did anyone address him directly or acknowledge that he was a person of any real worth. He was simply an exercise in learning, a specimen.

As I watch Mrs. Fletcher, I reflect on that experience. I am struck by the contrast between a devoted wife and a group of doctors-in-training making their cursory visit before moving on to the next interesting case.

She is so kind to him, devoted, caring. I suppose that is what the marriage vows mean when they speak of “in sickness and in health.” Here is tangible evidence of someone being faithful to that promise. I’m sure it is way more than she bargained for, but she dispatches her duties willingly, without resentment.

When you’re young, you take your health for granted. Slowly, it is taken away from even the strongest of us. That day, Mrs. Fletcher taught me volumes about the timelessness of love and the gift of health.

Steve Dudley is a family physician in Seattle.



“Caring for the Caregiver,” AARP Magazine, Nov/Dec

The current issue of the AARP Magazine has a good article on “Caring for the Caregiver.” This post contains the main article. See the link below for a resource list, an article with Lonnie Ali’s suggestions, and tips for how people can help caregivers.

http://www.aarpmagazine.org/family/care … giver.html


Caring for the Caregiver

By Sheree Crute
The AARP Magazine
November & December 2007

They’re often the last to ask for help, but the millions of people who manage the care of ailing family members and friends are themselves among the neediest

Four years ago Susan Jordan was dutifully making the three-mile drive from her suburban Nashville home to her elderly mom’s house. It was a daily routine she cherished. “I’d check on her and help with her meals and her medication,” Susan says. The two would chat, share a laugh, make plans.

Then one day, a desperate call: “My mom had lost her car,” Susan, 55, recalls. “She just couldn’t remember where it was; then she got lost trying to go home. A friend found her.” Susan instinctively knew this was “more than just a memory problem,” but before she could even make the doctor rounds, her mother, Virginia Vanleer, then 88, fell and broke her hip.

Fiercely independent and determined to take care of the woman who’d given her the “perfect” childhood, Susan sprang into action. With the blessings of her husband, Ross, she brought her mom to the family house to live. “I was so happy, I cried,” she says. But in short order, reality hit: her mom began wandering, moving furniture—and each time Susan left the house, her mom would let out a disturbing wail. Meantime, Ross, a cancer patient, was dealing with his own recovery from chemotherapy. And Susan herself was juggling a full-time career evaluating child-care agencies.

“The entire family was in shock,” she says. “I felt trapped, depressed. I found myself thinking, ‘What have I done?’ ”

Not one to sit on her hands, Susan set about finding help—all the while trying by herself to manage the bulk of her mother’s care. But things went from bad to worse: Susan severely injured her knee after regularly trying to lift her mom, who had taken another fall. “I was so tired,” she said.

Finally, after nearly a year of searching, Susan discovered a support group organized by the local Alzheimer’s Association, and for the first time, she says, “I knew I wasn’t so alone.”

The leader of the group gave her a book on caregiving “that became my bible,” she says, and members guided her to resources that led to the in-home care her mother needed.

It was, Susan says, the gift that saved her life. Not only did her new friends help stave off depression and a host of stress-related health problems; they showed her how to put some breathing room in her life and live again.

Among the 45 million caregivers of family and friends in this country, most don’t get thrown that kind of life raft—and the toll, experts say, is enormous. A cascade of studies in recent years has shown that caregivers stand at particular risk for a host of mental and physical illnesses, many of which have roots in stress, exhaustion, and self-neglect—symptoms some medical professionals have begun calling caregiver syndrome. Caregivers appear more likely than noncaregivers to get infectious diseases, plus they are slower to heal from wounds, says Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, Ph.D., director of the Division of Health Psychology at Ohio State University in Columbus. Kiecolt-Glaser has conducted several caregiver research studies with her husband, immunologist Ronald Glaser, Ph.D.

Caregivers also have greatly elevated blood levels of a chemical that is linked to chronic inflammation. And that puts them at increased risk for heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and other diseases. Notably, says Kiecolt-Glaser, those levels are still high three years after caregiving duties end, especially among caregivers over 65. What’s more, the studies found a greatly increased risk for anxiety and depression.

The implications are far-reaching, given the millions of Americans who report devoting 12 to 40 hours each week or more to the most basic needs of loved ones. “Eighty percent of the long-term care in the country is done by friends and family; we are the care system,” says Suzanne Mintz, president and cofounder of the National Family Caregivers Association.

According to a 2004 national survey by AARP and the The National Alliance for Caregiving, nearly 23 million households are currently home to a caregiver, most often a woman who is taking care of someone 50 or older. Some 43 percent of these caregivers are over 50 themselves—13 percent are over 65—and they spend good chunks of their weeks on a heady range of chores, from medication management and bathing to feeding, clothing, and arranging health care services.

They cross all ethnic, economic, and religious lines, too, with African Americans and Hispanics more likely to report having to struggle to get patient needs met. Medicaid, Medicare, and the majority of private medical-insurance plans offer little or nothing in the way of payments for home-care assistance—the most commonly needed care in later life. So, many caregiver families find themselves reaching into their own pockets, often straining the family coffers and boosting stress levels even more. Many also pass up job transfers and promotions, abandon hobbies, forgo vacations, and—most dangerous of all—give up the very relationships Kiecolt-Glaser says are “perhaps the single most important factor” in keeping health problems at bay. Exhausted, anxious, and pressed for time, caregivers, she says, “tend to lose their networks and separate from their friends.”

For those peering in from the outside, the solution for the caregiver might seem obvious: speak up. Get help. In fact, experts say, that’s often the hardest step to take. “You know what they say: anything that doesn’t kill you will make you stronger,” says Barbara Phenneger, 56, a full-time hospital accounts-payable clerk who for eight years looked after Bill Warren, her 87-year-old neighbor in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Though she never complained, Barbara became so exhausted that she finally sought out a home aide to give her a little relief. “I started imagining Bill; my husband, Bud; and the dog—all looking down on me laid out on the floor and saying, ‘Boy, she really did take good care of us!’ ”

For many caregivers, though, the thought of reaching out for help never occurs.

“I really believed I could do it on my own,” recalls Ann Barry, 70, a Brunswick, Maine, mother who has been a 20-year caregiver to her husband, Bill, 82. As his illnesses—heart disease, hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain), and dementia—advanced and he eventually needed a wheelchair, “I just kept trying to adjust my life,” says Ann, her girlhood southern accent still in evidence. But it didn’t work. “I lost my sense of myself. After a while I had to start taking antidepressants.” Finally, a friend who develops community resources for the elderly recognized her pain. “She said to me, ‘You can’t do this alone,’ and led me to many resources,” says Ann, who joined a church caregiver group and ultimately became a caregiver supporter herself.

Unfortunately for many friends and family members of caregivers, it is difficult to know when to step in—or what to do, Mintz says. Some caregivers actually rebuff offers of help because they see acceptance as a sign of weakness or a “shirking of their duty,” says Barry J. Jacobs, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist in Springfield, Pennsylvania, and author of The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers: Looking After Yourself and Your Family While Helping an Aging Parent (Guilford, 2006).

For others, something even more profound may be at play: an attempt to quash emotions simmering just beneath the surface.

Many caregivers “experience profound sadness and rage,” says Jed Levine, director of programs and services for the New York City chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. While their caregiving may be driven by empathy and love, they’re also dealing with guilt over the anger and frustration they feel. The very touchstones that define their lives—careers, love relationships, friendships, even their dreams—are often being sacrificed. Letting others in, says Levine, invites the risk that those nearly overwhelming emotions will be on display.

“Caregivers of spouses with dementia or Alzheimer’s lose the element of reciprocity that is the basis of a marital relationship,” Beeson says. “When this is gone, the sense of loss is tremendous.”

Mintz, who has been taking care of a husband with multiple sclerosis since the 1970s, says she knows from experience about that desire to protect pride and emotions. Her “breakthrough moment” didn’t come, she says, until the day her husband, Steven, lost his balance and fell in the family bathroom. “All I could do was drag him, slowly, across the floor to our bedroom. I’m five feet one; he’s five feet eight. It took 45 minutes—it was awful. That’s when I knew it was not a one-person job.” And her husband agreed.

But Mintz is the first to admit it’s not easy getting people to let others into their lives. This is especially true of people in their 70s and 80s, who may be taking care of spouses or other close relatives. “They weren’t raised to talk about their problems,” Mintz says.

Research suggests it’s difficult for African Americans and Hispanics to open up, too, says geriatric psychiatrist Rita Hargrave, M.D., a clinician and researcher at the University of California at Davis. These groups “are less likely to admit being stressed, burdened, or depressed by caring for loved ones, when asked,” she says. “But if you evaluate their physical symptoms of depression and stress, you’ll find high levels of both conditions.”

Mintz says such cultural and age barriers are all worth considering when attempting to give family caregivers a hand. But no matter who’s needing the help, she advises a gentle start. She suggests first encouraging the caregiver to find a “caregiving buddy”—a person who’s facing similar caregiving challenges and could be a trustworthy confidante. Often, she says, the road to asking for broader support is shorter after that initial step.

If the caregiver resists, friends and family members should be patient, Jacobs says, because getting pushy or controlling will just make things worse. Praise the work the caregiver is already doing. If necessary, ask an empathetic health care provider to recommend your help. And, if possible, enlist the person receiving care. “Permission to get help will have more force coming from the patient than anyone else,” says Jacobs.

Once the caregiver begins to share some of the stresses, don’t feel you have to move mountains, but do pitch in. “It almost doesn’t matter what you do for a caregiver, as long as you do something,” Jacobs says. Levine says simple gestures—offering to stay with the patient while the caregiver catches a Saturday matinee or runs errands, taking the caregiver and the patient to lunch, bringing over a casserole—can have a tremendous impact. If you’re great with paperwork, helping out with the piles of insurance forms can be a thoughtful and much appreciated gift.

Denise Gilardone says she can attest to that. Until last June, when George Engdahl, her fiancé of 18 months, died of brain cancer at 58, the 50-year-old marketing manager had been his primary caregiver for a year. “People would say, ‘Let me know if I can do anything,’ and as goodhearted as that gesture was,” she says, “it was not helpful.” Often what she needed was specific offers, particularly offers of time. “It sometimes became stressful in and of itself to make a lot of calls for relief when I needed to go somewhere,” she says. “Then people would feel bad or guilty if they couldn’t come.”

Nudged by a hospice-care worker, Denise, who lives in Hingham, Massachusetts, eventually hired an aide to come two to three hours every Thursday—and that spared her the discomfort of having to explain to others that she wanted to “go to the health club, as opposed to the grocery store, which somehow seemed more acceptable.” George’s “very supportive” son, Eric, started coming Tuesday nights, and good friends came when she called. But it wasn’t until the very end, she says, that it occurred to her to put eager helpers on a schedule.

Careful listening, Levine says, can often tip off family and friends to those kinds of practical needs, or signal when a caregiver may be “truly lost in an emotionally wrenching situation” and should be guided to professional help. Keeping a close watch can also clue friends to health problems caregivers may be developing, or existing problems that are getting worse.

That’s what happened for Susan Jordan, when her daughter, Stacy, began noticing Susan’s energy just wasn’t what it used to be, even after she’d gotten in-home help. Susan concedes that after she injured her knee, “I stopped my daily walking routine for three years.” But it was Stacy, a former high-school athlete, who saw what her mother could not. “She said, ‘Come on, Mom, you can do this! You’re walking and going to the gym with me,’ ” Susan says. “Now, I’m going to the water-aerobics class at the local Y, too! People say I look a lot better—and I feel a lot better.”

Giving attention to health can save a life, experts say, so think broadly—even beyond walks or yoga classes. Take the caregiver in your life along when you have your next cholesterol or blood pressure check. Or help schedule mammogram or colonoscopy tests for the caregiver and then arrange for transportation. This can be of particular help to people in their 70s and 80s, who “are at especially high risk for health problems if they are handling caregiving alone,” says Richard Schulz, Ph.D., director of the University Center for Social and Urban Research at the University of Pittsburgh and lead scientist on the nation’s largest study of Alzheimer’s caregivers, Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH I and II).

Because many of these 70-plus caregivers are caring for spouses, though, Schulz advises being especially sensitive to relationship issues. The couple may need counseling for long-simmering marital stresses, or they may be embroiled in battles with adult children, he says. They may also be dealing with a basic, and profoundly sad, inability to communicate the way they once did—what caregiving experts refer to as relational deprivation, explains Rose A. Beeson, D.N.Sc., R.N., a researcher and the director of the Center for Gerontological Health Nursing and Advocacy at the University of Akron in Ohio.

Beeson says she’s found in her research that wife caregivers often are hardest hit by the phenomenon, as they tend to give up social activities or other vital parts of their lives more readily. “Women in this position need to keep going out with friends,” Beeson advises. So encourage that. Take them places—“play cards; go to church.” Men, she says, tend to be relatively less depressed or isolated, in part because “people are much more likely to rush to help.” Also, men tend to be more circumspect and see taking care of their elderly wives “as an opportunity to give back to the woman who reared their children and took care of them and their home,” Beeson says.

Still, because all caregivers struggle in some way, experts say that reaching out to help them ease stress, while finding a bit of spiritual peace, might be one of the most positive moves of all. In the groundbreaking Alzheimer’s-caregivers study, deep breathing and other relaxation methods emerged as among the most effective tools for doing this, and these techniques have been highly encouraged since, says Schulz.

That’s not surprising, notes Herbert Benson, M.D., director emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and author of The Relaxation Response (Harper Paperbacks, 1975, 2000), which introduced millions to the concept of mind-body healing and a simple form of meditation. A friend to a caregiver, Benson says, does not have to be a spiritual master to learn a few techniques and then teach. And the payoff can be big.

“You can give a caregiver the ability to be less frightened and to relieve themselves of stress-related problems, such as headaches, irritability, and illness,” he says. “The key is to open yourself to the caregiver’s belief system and work within that.” The relaxation process itself is easy and can be done anywhere and anytime, says Benson. (See “Getting Help,&rdquo above.) “All that’s required is the choice of a favorite phrase—a prayer or a word will do—and the willingness to clear your mind.”

However you choose to help the caregiver in your life, experts say you should connect in the ways you think will be most meaningful and life-enhancing. And recognize that for all the caregiver’s stress—and the rebuffs of help—that person’s priority is to be of service to loved ones. As Susan Jordan puts it, “I look in the mirror and I can see that I am really tired some days.” But, she adds, “I had a wonderful childhood, thanks to my mom. I’m happy to do this for her. I feel that I’m the one receiving the blessings.”

Sheree Crute is a freelance writer based in New York City.

“Skin so sad” – article about seborrheic dermatitis, etc.

According to this short article in The AARP Magazine, seborrheic dermatitis, a form of eczema, is more common in “patients with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.”

My dad had this on his scalp. We did use Selsun Blue shampoo, prescription Elidel cream (which worked well), and a prescription foam called Luxiq (which, as a foam, was easier to apply to the scalp and eliminated the problem entirely in just a few months and we were able to stop using it).

The online version of this article has a picture of seborrheic dermatitis as well as info (and pictures) on eczema, psoriasis, nail fungus, etc.




Excerpt from article “Skin So Sad”
By Karen Cheney
The AARP Magazine
Sept/Oct ’07

Seborrheic dermatitis

This chronic, inflammatory disorder is actually a form of eczema, but it occurs most typically on the face and scalp and in the ears—and causes a red rash with yellowish and somewhat greasy scales. The disorder is more common in older people and in patients with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, says Arthur Balin, M.D., Ph.D., a dermatologist in Media, Pennsylvania.

Fight back: For outbreaks on the scalp, dermatologists recommend using over-the-counter dandruff shampoos that contain salicylic acid, pyrithione zinc, or selenium sulfide. Brand names include Scalpicin, Head & Shoulders, Selsun, and Exsel. “I tell people to start with a nontar dandruff shampoo, because tar—a common ingredient in dandruff shampoos—can turn white hair yellow,” says Reed. She likes Nizoral, which contains the antifungal ingredient ketoconazole.

Joseph Fowler, M.D., a clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Louisville, recommends loosening dry scales by applying nonprescription P&S Liquid, which contains salicylic acid, to the scalp and wearing a shower cap overnight, then using a dandruff shampoo in the morning. Another new product that reduces inflammation and itching is Olux, which is a prescription corticosteroid delivered in a foam form. “This foam rubs in and evaporates in three or four minutes, so it doesn’t get your hair greasy and messy,” says Fowler. For the face and chest, dermatologists recommend hydrocortisone, Elidel, and Protopic. Fowler’s patients also like the nongreasy Xolegel, a nonsteroid, antifungal gel approved by the FDA last year.

“Taking Care of Your Parents — and Yourself”

This post may be of interest to adult children caregivers.

An article titled “Taking Care of Your Parents — and Yourself” was recently published in MORE magazine. It addresses “how to play family caregiver to an aging parent without sacrificing your own wellbeing.” Support group member Linda mentioned this article to me.

The “sanity-saving measures” suggested include:

* Find a Sympathetic Ear
* Acknowledge the Past
* Assemble a Team
* Make Your Limits Clear
* Be Fair About Work, Money, and Power
* Consult an Elder Lawyer

I think this article would be a good basis for a family discussion (with all siblings there) about caring for a parent with a neurodegenerative disorder.



Editor’s Note: Article is no longer available


Taking Care of Your Parents — and Yourself
By Katy Butler
MORE magazine
May 2007

How to play family caregiver to an aging parent without sacrificing your own well-being.

With “medical miracles” extending life spans, people over 85 are America’s fastest-growing age group. Half of them have Alzheimer’s disease or some other type of brain impairment, a quarter are in nursing homes, and many others need help with such practical activities as bill-paying, yardwork, driving, laundry, cooking, dressing, and showering.

While men pitch in more than they used to, 60 percent of America’s 50 million unpaid family caregivers are women. Typical, according to a recent survey conducted by the American Association of Retired Persons and the National Family Caregivers Association, is a married, employed, 46-year-old woman looking after a widowed mother who doesn’t live in the same house.

Sound familiar? Think this might be you someday? Here are some sanity-saving measures.

Find a Sympathetic Ear
Don’t kid yourself. Honored as you may be to help, this work takes its toll. Long-term caregivers struggle with anger and guilt, and are unusually vulnerable to insomnia, depression, anxiety, neck and back pain, and even illness and premature death. Vent to a friend, partner, therapist, or online. bulletin board or support group, such as those run by local Alzheimer’s associations (800-272-3900 or alz.org) or the Family Caregiver Alliance (caregiver.org).

“Ambivalence is natural,” says psychologist Barry J. Jacobs, a medical family therapist and author of The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers. “I’m sure there are people out there who are happily selfless, but more commonly, people adopt that stance because they think they’re supposed to. They wind up burning out.”

Acknowledge the Past
Were you the family’s black sheep? Its quiet martyr? Did you feel slighted in favor of a sibling? “Caregiving gives you the opportunity to repeat the same patterns and feel just as angry and disappointed as ever, or to do things differently and finally resolve issues that have gone unresolved,” says psychotherapist Roberta Satow, who interviewed 50 midlife adults for Doing the Right Thing: Taking Care of Your Elderly Parents Even If They Didn’t Take Care of You. “Unless you deal with your old feelings, you can’t cope with the demands being put on you now.”

Assemble a Team
If you have siblings, Jacobs and Satow recommend convening meetings, either face-to-face or via e-mail or conference call. Make a list of tasks, and find out what each person is willing to do. Those living far away may give money or handle paperwork or medical advocacy, while those close by offer hands-on care. Don’t let brothers off the hook.

Make Your Limits Clear
“Taking care of an elderly parent is an important priority, but it’s not the only one,” Satow says. Balance commitments. Don’t sacrifice your relationships or your kids’ welfare. Do what you can when you can, and say no when you must. It’s better to do a little consistently than to exhaust yourself and withdraw altogether. If you can’t afford to hire help, check out local agencies on aging, which often offer respite services for lower-income families.

Be Fair About Work, Money, and Power
Family therapist Terry Hargrave has seen daughters sacrifice a decade or more to caring for a parent and then receive the same inheritance as siblings who did nothing but micromanage from afar. In other cases, daughters provided daily hands-on care while a sibling who provided no other help controlled — and sometimes withdrew from — the parent’s bank account.

Hargrave, author of Loving Your Parents When They Can No Longer Love You, suggests radical ground rules. First, give the money and power to whoever is doing the active caretaking. Second, if funds are available, pay the primary caretaker for time and lost wages, either via a regular paycheck or a bigger share of the inheritance. The payments, Hargrave says, should be at below-market rates for the work provided, and all family members should know about them up front.

“Taking on the caregiving burden alone is unfair, and compensation helps with that sense of injustice,” he says. Although caregivers often strongly resist being paid, “It’s about fairness,” he says. “People can be dishonest about this all they want to, but when they have some extra money to go out to dinner, they feel better.”

Consult an Elder Lawyer
If you plan ahead, inheritances can sometimes be structured to reduce the bite from the I.R.S. A power-of-attorney-in-fact document (revocable by your parents as long as they’re competent) gives you the right to handle their finances without formal conservatorship. A durable power-of-attorney for healthcare is crucial when it’s time to shift from high-tech, life-extending medicine to palliative care.

Originally published in MORE magazine, May 2007.

Palliative Care and PD (presentation by Susan Heath, RN)

These are the notes I took from Susan Heath’s presentation and Q&A session at the June 29, 2007 Caregivers Appreciation Luncheon that five members from our Atypical Parkinsonism support group attended.

Susan Heath is an RN with the SF VA and works with their Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center.  She is the co-organizer of the PD support group meeting held at the SF VA.

Her presentation was on the topic of Palliative Care and PD, but I found it much wider than that in terms of scope.  The short Q&A had nothing to do with palliative care.

You can find a copy of her presentation materials at:


Here are my notes on her presentation on palliative care and Parkinson’s Disease (PD).  (I’m not going to repeat the info that is on the slides.)



Robin’s Notes from

Palliative Care and PD
by Susan Heath, RN, SF VA
June 29, 2007

“Palliative care” is about the relief of suffering.  It includes “hospice” but it also includes “modern medicine.”  It is not synonymous with “hospice.”

“A good death is an accomplishment.”

“People don’t die ‘of’ PD, they die ‘with’ PD.”

There is ONE paper by a German pathologist named Braak who suggests that PD is infectious.  (She emphasized the word “one.”)  Braak believes that PD gets into the gut and works its way up to the brain.  Polio is like this.

There are subtypes of PD.  Two examples are the akinetic-rigid type and the tremor dominant type.

People with PD have a sensory integration problem.  One example of this is that those with PD are not aware they are speaking softly (hypophonia).  A second example is that those with PD don’t know how to pack a car well any more to take a trip.

“Young onset PD has a genetic component.”

A study was done by the Univ of IA on driving.  It was determined that 70% of those with an H&Y score between 2.5 and 3.0 are bad drivers.

After an H&Y score of 3.0, it is safer for PD patients NOT to walk.

“PD patients can’t multi-task, especially in advanced stages.”

“How do you know if your loved one has swallowing problems?  If they are choking or aspirating with meals.”  (Robin’s note:  I don’t like this answer because, with silent aspiration, there is no sound!  If you hear no sound but you suspect there might be aspiration, the only way to know is to have a modified barium swallow study done.)

The time to discuss advanced care planning is when you don’t need it, not when you need it.

A permanent NG tube is uncomfortable.

Based on her years of experience as an ICU RN, she says that the “guilty, non-involved family member” wants the most aggressive treatment.  Involved family members don’t want to prolong a loved one’s life.

Here are my notes on the Q&A session:

Mirapex is conducting a study called “Dominion,” which is looking into what relationship there is between compulsive behaviors and dopamine agonists, such as Mirapex and Requip.

In Europe (France?), there’s an injectable form of levodopa (Sinemet) available.

The SF VA will be getting a sleep center soon.

She mentioned a caregiver stress survey.