In Memory of Steven Russell

It is with profound sadness that we at Brain Support Network (BSN) announce the passing of our dear friend, Steven Russell, on Sunday, August 25, 2024.  Steven was a pivotal figure in the creation of BSN, serving as a founding Board member and finance director.  His unwavering belief in BSN’s mission was reflected in his final act of generosity—donating his brain for research. (Brains from neurologically-normal donors are needed.)

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“The Heartbreak and Hazards of Alzheimer’s Caregiving”

“Scientific American” published an article about Alzheimer’s caregiving. Despite the title, I think the article applies to caregiving of anyone with a neurological disorder and perhaps all caregiving! Here are some excerpts.


The vast majority of caregivers know full well that their spouses or parents are ill, yet they still behave in ways they know are counterproductive: arguing, blaming, insisting on reality, and taking symptoms personally. Yes, Cathy understood that she was dealing with a disease, with someone suffering from delusions and hallucinations, but when Frank [with Alzheimer’s], panicked by imaginary thieves, refused to crack open a window, Cathy [his wife] fumed with resentment, and that feeling gradually overcame her desire to be understanding and reasonable. … [Frank] lost his ability to see his wife as a complete person.

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“Tips to Manage Carers Stress” by PSP Association (UK)

While this post and infographic are from the PSP Association (, the tips about managing caregiver stress apply to all caregivers. As the PSP Association (PSPA) is based in the UK, some of the terminology used is unique to the UK! (Example – in the US, we use the term “caregivers,” while “carers” is used in the UK.)

From the PSP Association:

Caring for someone can be rewarding as well as tiring, putting a lot of demand on your physical and emotional energy.

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“Love, Dignity and Parkinson’s: From Care Partner to Caregiver” (book review)

Our friend Denise Dagan shared her book review of “Love, Dignity & Parkinson’s: from Care Partner to Caregiver,” by Terri Pease, PhD. Though “Parkinson’s” is in the title, this book will be of interest to spouse caregivers coping with Lewy body dementia and the other atypical parkinsonism disorders. It is directed at spouse caregivers. Denise highly recommends the book. Her brief summary is below.

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