“Caring for baby boomer parents while raising small children”

Nice article about caregiving in the sandwich generation.  See:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/how-to-cope-with-caring-for-baby-boomer-parents-while-raising-small-children/2016/02/16/5912f07a-ca9a-11e5-a7b2-5a2f824b02c9_story.html

Here are two excerpts:

* The term “sandwich generation” was coined in the 1980s to describe people who are squeezed between taking care of their children and their parents. Now, as members of the baby boom generation are entering their 70s, that sandwich is poised to become a footlong.

* “Caregivers are notorious for not doing self-care. They feel guilty for not being there,” said Anjana Chacko, a social worker who runs a pre-hospice program… “Having breaks and getting out and doing something fun for themselves is not frivolous. It’s self-care. It’s vital.”  Chacko said one client of hers was recently stressed out from the intensity of caring for a loved one.  “She says to me, ‘I do get a break — I go to the dry cleaner and the grocery.’ . . . I said, ‘Okay, we need to have a talk about what we consider a break.’ ”
