Caregiver Grief, Loss, and Bereavement

Though this fact sheet is from the Alzheimer’s Society of Great Britain, very little of the article is Alzheimer’s-specific or dementia-specific.  This long fact sheet about the anticipatory grief, ambiguous loss, and bereavement associated with caregiving.  (In the UK, caregivers are called “carers.”)  One type of loss the fact sheet addresses is the loss suffered by placing someone in a care facility.

Here’s one excerpt:

Depending on the carer’s relationship with the person, and their individual circumstances, they may experience the loss of:
• their relationship
• intimacy
• companionship, support and special understanding from the person
• communication between themselves and the person
• shared activities and hobbies
• freedom to work or pursue other activities
• a particular lifestyle
• a planned future
• previous relationship roles.

Here’s a link to the fact sheet:

Grief, Loss and Bereavement
Alzheimer’s Society of Great Britain
July 2014
