“Brain Donation” – poem by Diane (with PSP)

We recently welcomed Diane Deaver to our local Northern California support group, which has virtual meetings for those with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP).  Her husband Doug has joined our meetings for local PSP caregivers.

Here’s a poem about brain donation that Diane recently shared.  If you’d like Brain Support Network’s assistance in arranging for your brain donation (or a family member’s brain donation), let us know!

Brain Donation

When I don’t need my brain anymore

(Which means that I’ll be dead)

Rather than have it cremated with me,

I’ll donate it to science instead.

If I can help some others

Diagnosed with PSP

to have a better future

that would mean the world to me.

If knowing what was in my brain

would help to find a cure

it would be a mighty contribution

That’s for sure.


©Diane Deaver
PSP Poet
June 2021