Symptoms and biomarkers predicting mortality in parkinsonism

Since parkinsonism disorders can be confused for each other — Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body dementia, progressive supranuclear palsy, multiple system atrophy, corticobasal degeneration, and vascular parkinsonism — especially early on in the disease process, perhaps more important than the clinical diagnosis is the prognosis.

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Checklist for When Your Loved One Dies

In May 2022, Lisa Stambaugh, daughter of a local support group member with Parkinson’s Disease, created a website,

In 2015, when Lisa’s father Ira died, Lisa searched online for a list of all the tasks that needed doing when someone dies. She did not find a comprehensive list. So, at that time, she created a to-do list in Google Docs to share with her sister and keep them both organized. Lisa converted the Google Docs list to a PDF, and has been sharing it with interested parties that way.

Now, she has created a website, where both the Google Docs and PDF are posted. See:

The Checklist
May 2022
Lisa Stambaugh (

Like all good lists in this category, it has sections based on timeframe — things to do immediately, things to do soon, things to do later.

For those in the SF Bay Area, the advantage of this checklist is that it includes some helpful Bay Area-specific info, such as phone numbers for PG&E, etc.

The Brain Support Network blog has a few other checklists to consider:

Three good lists from 2010 and 2012 (especially a list of 100 things)

Help for Seniors list from 2020 that is specific to spouses and includes a list of needed documents and information

AARP list from 2020


Anticipatory and Ambiguous Grief” (in caregiving) – Webinar Notes

Brain Support Network volunteer Denise Dagan attended a talk in mid-April 2022 that she describes as “the best talk I have heard on anticipatory and ambiguous grief.”  The guest speaker was dementia care specialist and certified grief counseling specialist Hollie Glover. The webinar was hosted by WellMed Caregiver Teleconnection (  The talk, focused on caregivers, is not specific to any neurological disorder.

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