Considerations in Caregiving (from a local support group member)

Local support group member June is a practicing nurse.  And she’s been a hospice volunteer for many years.  Her father recently passed away; his clinical diagnosis was Lewy body dementia.  His main symptoms were parkinsonism. Her mother was the primary caregiver.  The mother was able to keep the father at home. Daughter June provided care and some oversight.  Her father died in February 2023.  He was on hospice since early January 2023. June recently shared some “considerations in caregiving” which apply to caregivers of those with Parkinson’s and all the atypical parkinsonism disorders.

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CurePSP Wellness Workshop: Holistic Wellness for PSP, CBD and MSA

CurePSP is hosting a two-hour virtual wellness workshop on Wednesday, April 19 starting at 3pm PT. Speakers will focus on self-care for better sleep and wellbeing; seated movement and breathwork; and music therapy. (The presentations will be recorded and posted on the CurePSP YouTube channel.) Following the presentations, participants can join a one-hour interactive discussion group, reflecting on what wellness means to them. Registration is free.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 • 12:00 – 3:00 PM ET

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Study for the Treatment of Disturbed Sleep in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)

If you have progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and are interested in participating in UCSF research about sleep, from your home, please check out this study website. There’s a 10-minute online screening survey you can take to see if you are eligible. (A representative can also fill out the survey for you.)

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