Barbara Karnes shares two tools for working with grief

In a recent blog post, nurse Barbara Karnes recommends two tools for dealing with grief. Read the Barbara Karnes, RN blog post here.

First, writing a letter to the person who died.
Ms. Karnes says:

Putting all the thoughts and words down on paper. … It tends to realign, to make more organized the scattered thoughts we carry. It allows us to see more clearly and then even unconsciously release some of what we have carried for so long.

Second, write a 100-word “tiny story” for The Death Dialogues Project. Ms. Karnes calls this “an amazing exercise in mental health.”

In a recent blog post, Becky from Death Dialogues says the following about this effort:

What I’ve heard repeatedly is that they just want to hear that others have survived similar terrain. Enter: the tiny story. Very fast, moving, poignant reads. No more than 100 words of your true and personal story. A photo to accompany your story. How you’d like your name. You are welcome to be anonymous. Send these to [email protected].

Read The Death Dialogues Project’s blog post about these tiny death stories here.

These tiny death stories appear on Death Dialogues’ Facebook page (interspersed with other posts) here.

Both of these tools are certainly worth exploring!