Human Brain Tissue Is Essential
Brain Tissue Is Essential to Neurological Research

Genetic studies look for associations between DNA and confirmed diagnoses. Other studies look for correlations between clinical records (symptoms before death) and pathological details (confirmed disease).
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Over 50% of Diagnoses by Neurologists Are Wrong
Over 50% of Diagnoses by Neurologists Are Wrong

Only brain autopsies can deliver a certain diagnosis. Because symptoms of many neurological diseases overlap, clinical assessment is often incorrect, even when the diagnosis is delivered by an experienced neurologist.
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Plan Ahead For Brain Donations
Plan Ahead For Brain Donations

Advance planning for brain donation greatly improves the chances of success. Since the tissue must be procured within 24 hours of a loved one's passing, it's best if the arrangements are figured out before grief and stress over take the family.
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Northern California Bay Area Support Group
LBD, PSP/CBD, and MSA Caregiver Support Group

Caregiving, especially for loved ones with neurological disorders, is never easy. If you live in Northern or Central California, join us monthly (in San Mateo or virtually) for our support group meetings.
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Get Educated About LBD/DLB, PSP, MSA, and CBD/CBS
Get Educated About LBD/DLB, PSP, MSA, and CBD/CBS

The Brain Support Network team regularly reviews resources made available by research organizations and disease interest groups. Most of these resources are available on the Web. See our lists of top resources for each disorder.
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Brain Tissue Is Critical for Biomarker Research
Brain Tissue Is Critical for Biomarker Research

Biomarkers may be able to diagnose someone while alive. The only way to validate these biomarkers is through donated brain tissue. Does someone actually have the disorder the biomarker says they have?
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Stay Current with Email Updates
PSP/CBD and MSA Support Group Meetings

If you have a diagnosis of PSP/CBD or MSA and live in Northern or Central California, join us monthly for our support group meetings.
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PSP/CBD and MSA Support Group Meetings
Stay Current with Email Updates

Sign up for tailored emails. Focus on specific neurological disorders or choose among other subjects relevant to caregivers. BSN reviews the medical journals and popular press saving you time. Our web site's blog entries capture historical emails across all categories.
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