Song “Speak to Me” + Story Behind It

An online friend, Mike Guerrieri, works for the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. Speech therapists (speech language pathologists) are ASHA members, along with some other disciplines. Members of our local support group see speech therapists as the disorders in our group include speech and swallowing symptoms.

Mike’s mother Kathe died almost a year ago. She had autopsy-confirmed MSA (multiple system atrophy).

Mike was inspired to write a song, “Speak to Me,” because of his mother’s struggles with communication. Kathe’s voice and swallow were weakened by MSA. As a result, Mike was made “more aware of how critical human communication is.” The song celebrates speech-language pathologists and audiologists.

The beautiful song can be listened to here: … hive/song/

Mike plays guitar in the recording.

You can see photos of Mike and Kathe here along with more of the story behind the song: … ong-story/
