PSP/CBS Research Update Webinar with Dr. Adam Boxer – Recording and Slides

Brain Support Network hosted UCSF neurologist Adam Boxer, MD, PhD for a webinar on the latest research into progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal syndrome (CBS). (CBS is also referred to as corticobasal degeneration, CBD.)  Dr. Boxer discussed past clinical trials as well as research on tau biomarkers and tau imaging.  He also gave an overview of research on the horizon for both PSP and CBS, and answered many audience questions during the one-hour event.

Dr. Boxer is a cognitive neurologist with UCSF’s Memory and Aging Center.  He has directed clinical trials and observational studies of PSP, CBS, and other frontotemporal degeneration disorders. We are honored to have him join us for this research update as he is considered one of the world’s experts on PSP, CBS, and other tauopathies.

This webinar was co-hosted by Stanford Movement Disorders Center.

View the recording on the Brain Support Network YouTube channel

Download Dr. Boxer’s slides (PDF)

View BSN’s lists of top resources on PSP and CBD:

Top Resources – PSP

Top Resources – CBD