“Tips to Manage Carers Stress” by PSP Association (UK)

While this post and infographic are from the PSP Association (pspassociation.org.uk), the tips about managing caregiver stress apply to all caregivers. As the PSP Association (PSPA) is based in the UK, some of the terminology used is unique to the UK! (Example – in the US, we use the term “caregivers,” while “carers” is used in the UK.)

From the PSP Association:

Caring for someone can be rewarding as well as tiring, putting a lot of demand on your physical and emotional energy.

When you are simply coping day to day and responding to the needs of others, it’s easy to forget your own health needs and find the energy to look after yourself.

To help with this PSPA has created this handy infographic for carers so you can quickly remind yourself of simple ways you can look after yourself.

The suggestions are relatively quick, free or inexpensive tasks but they are prompts that encourage you to spend snippets of time caring for yourself too.